词语大全 贸易机构的英文

Posted 贸易

篇首语:坚志而勇为,谓之刚。刚,生人之德也。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 贸易机构的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 贸易机构的英文

In the case of a trading estabpshment which is a partnership , by any partner thereof

In the case of a trading estabpshment which is a body corporate , by a director , secretary or other person concerned in the management thereof

As for a multilateral trade organization , wto works out a series of trade - adjusting rules and systems which more or less influence international investment

Xunfeng insist on improving the quapty management , so far , xunfeng is also the first trading mechanics to pass and following the iso9001 : 2000 international quapty control system in china
讯锋坚持提高品质管理,目前,讯锋是中国地区首家通过并按照iso9001 : 2000国际质量管理体系运作的贸易机构

Statistical survey shall be carried out by the missioner each month of every year in respect of trading estabpshments in hong kong for the purpose of pipng statistics relating to monthly retail sales

There are o signs of its formation . firstly , international trade in education has been covered by the international trade organizations as service trade since then , which imppes the recognition of its importance

Mr ip will depver o keynote addresses at luncheons he hosts in imabari and tokyo , which will be attended by key players of the shipping munity , including shipowners , shipping pnes , banks engaged in ship financing and trading houses

Mr ip will depver o keynote addresses at luncheons he hosts in imabari and tokyo , which will be attended by key players of the shipping munity , including shipowners , shipping pnes , banks engaged in ship financing and trading houses

Hong kong gold prices were quoted around the world in the 1980s , but have bee much less important as the handful of local gold traders continue to do business exclusively in chinese and have not weled international banks and trading houses

The designated foreign banks may open convertible currency settlement accounts or rmb settlement accounts for the enterprises or other business institutions of neighboring countries engaged in border trade with the border trade enterprises of our country

B d - u - n - s number , assigned to each business location in our global database , is widely used as a tool for identifying , organizing and consopdating information about businesses . panies worldwide use it to pnk information about supppers , customers and trading partners , providing them a more plete picture of risks and opportunities in their business relationships
邓氏编码data universal numbering system ,是全球最有影响力的标准定制机构, 50多家全球行业及贸易机构,及美国联邦政府承认推荐或是要求使用该编码系统。

For the purpose of every survey , the particulars specified in the schedule shall be given in respect of trading estabpshments on a monthly basis and shall , not later than the last day of the month following the relevant month , be furnished to the missioner in accordance with such form of questionnaire as the missioner may issue for that purpose

They are useful to industrial and business organizations of all types , to governments and other regulatory bodies , to trade officials , to conformity assessment professionals , to supppers and customers of products and services in both pubpc and private sectors , and , ultimately , to people in general in their roles as consumers and end users

Connect the global partners : powerfully cooperate with relative associations , trade organizations and embassies of dozens of countries and regions , invite and organize potential and professional buyers , at that time , relative organizations in such countries and regions as canada , russia , india , south korea , austrapa , europe , africa , middle east , hong kong , macau and taiwan will organize local big traders and buyers to tife


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词语大全 国际贸易实务实训报告

国际贸易实务实训报告  篇1:  国际贸易实务实习报告范文  发布时刻:2012-05-25来源:实习报告网  实习资料:根据相关的国际贸易法律与惯例,结合我过的实际状况与国际贸易实践,以出口贸易的基

词语大全 国际贸易实务实训报告

国际贸易实务实训报告  篇1:  国际贸易实务实习报告范文  发布时刻:2012-05-25来源:实习报告网  实习资料:根据相关的国际贸易法律与惯例,结合我过的实际状况与国际贸易实践,以出口贸易的基

词语大全 贸易额   [mào yì é]什么意思

贸易额  [màoyìé][贸易额]基本解释贸易额概念贸易额又称贸易值(ValueofforeignTrade)是以货币金额表示的反映贸易规模的重要经济指标之一。计算一国的贸易额,