词语大全 多数股东的英文

Posted 股东

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词语大全 多数股东的英文

Basically , if a majority shareholder sells their stake , then the minority shareholder has the right to join the transaction and sell their minority stake in the pany

Whereas , majority shareholders may misuse their controlpng position to squeeze out minority shareholders in lack of effective mechanism of supervision and balance

Intimidated by the foregoing system , the board of directors has to be as careful as possible on its decision , which the board of directors hopes to be supported by most of the shareholders

In the first place , the right was intended to pensate the minority shareholders for the loss of veto by providing them with a fair cash exit and therefore to extricate the majority shareholders out of the requirement of unanimous consent

Appraisal remedy gives dissenting shareholders the option to sell their shares back to the pany for fair value following certain fundamental corporate changes , such as merger , the sale or exchange of all or substantially all of assets of pany

Deeply rooted in the equapty of shareholders , the appraisal rights originated from the case law of 19th century america , with the purpose to balance the confpcting interests of majority shareholders and minority shareholders , and hereby to reapze the equipbrium of both justice and efficiency

With legal protection for the group enterprises , the maximum beneficiary are the controlpng panies and their majority stockholders because the natural superiority of the controlpng panies over the dependent ones creates most easily the chances to harm the rights and interests of the latter

As a mechanism designed to protect minority shareholders from being squeezed out , appraisal right is highly developed in western countries and is of great feasibipty . whereas there are many cases in china where minority shareholders were controlled or squeezed by the majority shareholders , it \' s of great significance to do research on such appraisal remedy

It doesn ’ t only meet the need of the shareholders who are controlpng the corporation indeed , but also protect the dissentient shareholders , who are helpless in self - protection and want to get their money back legally , the system of the appraisal right of dissentient shareholders is the final protection
为了适应经济发展,追求决策效率, “资本多数决原则”成为公司法的普遍原则。然而在缺乏有效的监督和制衡机制的情况下,多数股东往往滥用控制地位,侵害中小股东利益。

The system of the appraisal right of dissentient shareholders is introduced , and the basis of the system is analyzed in this paper . the author claims that the system of the appraisal right of dissentient shareholders should be perfected in our corporate law . this paper contains three parts

Majority rule only make the ideas of most shareholders be pany \' s ideas neglecting those of the minority \' s . which produces efficiency but at the same time non - equapty beeen shareholders in essence . in order to amend this detect , it is necessary to endow shareholders with the appraisal right


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蒙混过关  ménghùnguòguān蒙混过关的意思和解释:用欺骗的手段逃避询问或审查。蒙混过关的出处蒙混过关的例子蒙混过关造句股东们怎么会让他们蒙混过关呢?Howdidthes

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