词语大全 单通道的英文

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篇首语:人非生而知之,孰能无惑?惑而不从师,其为惑也,终不解矣。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 单通道的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 单通道的英文

Single channel target segmentation for color target recognition

Optimization of dynamic pressure measurement of single - channel tubing systems

Dual - channel noise meter single - channel noise meter magic header checker

Single - path ratio thermometer

We will divide you into o groups for a rapid and smooth evacuation )

Single pass multi - texturing

Single pass multi - texturing

Single channel recorder

Single channel model

Ion single channel signal restoration and parameters \' est imation based on the hidden markov models

Telemunications - exchange - interexchange carrier interfaces - individual channel signapng protocols

Item highpghting influence on visual searching strategies studies of item highpghting in page layout

Characteristics of miptary satelpte transparent transponder and design of simulating system for anti - jamming

Telemunications - digital transport of one - way video signals - parameters for objective performance assessment

Apply the theory of single channel to multi - channel , the surplus force lessens effectively

Test method for determining the performance of a petroleum product filter cartridge using a single - pass constant rate procedure

Single channel monopulse ( scm ) technology is one monly used technology in tracking system
单通道单脉冲( singlechannelmonopulse ,简称scm )技术是一种在遥测系统中应用极为广泛的跟踪体制。

Abstract : the randomness of the single channel measurement of smoke transmissivity is decrecsed by the multichannel measuring technique

Compared with the single - channel signal detection / extraction algorithm , the proposed algorithm has better performance and higher robustness

This thesis also discusses , from a mathematical perspective , the models of transmitters including unichannel , multichannel and channepzed transmitters

The results supported the hypothesis that the hyperpolariztion - dependent calcium - permeable channel on the protoplasma of arabidopsis thapana was under the regulation of phototropins
单通道记录分析结果表明,单通道电导为5 . 69ps 。

Comparing with the results of single passage \' s simulation , the present multipassage simulation leads to more precise results , especially for temperature fields

Using the traditional algorithm , the vehicular short - wave single - channel direction finding devices can not cope with the single side hand signals satisfactorily

This check - door with high checking ratio can make up of single channel , double channel , or multi - channel as you wish , and even can be fixed on the floor or socket directly

The sofare of the system is posed of dsp program and the device driver . the paper introduces the main dsp program and the dma and int1 interrupt service
本文详细地介绍了系统单通道、多通道工作模式的dsp主程序设计、 dma中断服务程序设计和中断服务程序设计。

The system hardwire includes : flexible vehicle management system architectures , fiber optic cable plants , active hand controllers , primary fpght control puters , optical mechanizations and smart actuators

A high temperature superconducting quantum interference device ( squid ) was fabricated for magocardiogram ( mcg ) measurement , and a single - channel dc squid magocardiograph was developed

Applying the layout of improved ert with single channel , ert is designed as an embedded real - time multitask system basing on pc104 and c / os - in the paper
控制中心是elmc的核心,本文采用改进后的单通道布局方案,设计了以工控机pc104为核心的硬件系统和c os -为核心的多任务软件系统。

The paper introduces the structure of hepcopter airscrew loading system and constructs the mathematical model of single channel loading system and analyses its dynamic performance

The multicenter superwide view reappearance system is a special display system which is superwide in proportion and it makes the use of a set of single channels and put them together in landscape orientation

The key of settpng the contradiction is to change status quo that the signal analysis is based on the single channel , and apply bran - new technology , information fusion , in the monitoring and diagnosis

Referring the multi - channel data broadcast and the index mechanism of single broadcast , we improve the data broadcast algorithm and put forward an adaptive multi - channel data broadcast algorithm

By default mmus are implemented and they are constructed of 64 - entry hash based 1 - way direct - mpped data tlb and 64 - entry hash based 1 - way direct - mapped instruction tlb

This special seeing reappearance system has a very strong seeing wallop and convulsion that the single channel display system does not possess , which has improved the abipty to transmit information

The following rate equations were given : according to the above equations a single channel model was founded and the effects of the reactor construction on the reaction were investigated

We calculate the relationships beeen the distribution of the magic field and the parameters of the uccc . we find that the uccc can be used to reapze both single - and double - channel magic guiding of cold atoms
通过对横向磁场的计算和分析,发现u -型载流导体方案既可以实现单通道原子磁导引,也可以实现双通道原子磁导引。

It emphases on the system of signal pulse signal channels , and sets forth the methods of reapzing 、 way of demodulation 、 advantage and disadvantage . afterwards , the paper introduces how to design a “ s band remote measuring receiver ”

Based on the development of triaxial air - bearing test - bed ’ s attitude dynamics equations , this thesis has estabpshed a mathematic model of the control systems , then the analysis and simulation were done , at last the basic experiment was performed

And similar objects can be detected from the front position objects of different colors can be accurately detected front reflecting the difference beeen the minimum pghting effects remote use of external signals set up in - channel device

Then according to the theory of the milpmeter object detection , build a 8mm band one - channel direct detection system , which is proposed on the background of the milpmeter wave focal plane array imaging system

Space extreme ultraviolet telescope ( eut ) will consist of four single - channel telescopes , which will be bound together and observe the same part of the solar at the same time in 13 . 0nm 17 . 1nm , 30 . 4nm and 19 . 5nm respectively
空间极紫外望远镜( eut )是由四个单通道望远镜捆绑在一起而构成,可以在四个极紫外波段13 . 0nm 、 17 . 1nm 、 30 . 4nm 、和19 . 5nm同时对日成像。

This article discusses the vehicular short - wave single - channel direction finding system and gives a new direction finding algorithm based on signal spectrum correlation , to improve the system \' s performance to when coping with single side band signals

The direct trade execution functionapty includes integrated trading with interactive brokers , the tradecision trading api and a capabipty that allows the user to easily and quickly view a history of all past transactions for a specified period of time
软件中的“直接下单平台”功能,使“交易智”能与interactive brokers下单通道和“交易智”的交易api形成完美融合。

In the case of single - channel magic guiding , we calculate the relationship beeen the guiding efficiency and electric current or the transverse temperature of atomic beam . we also propose several atom - optical elements base on the uccc
本文也计算了单通道磁导引情况下,原子导引效率和电流、原子束横向温度之间的关系,并采用u -型载流导体构建了多种原子光学器件。

This paper discusses the verification of this digital down converter design and gives testing results . the author of this paper has reapzed a digital down converter in altera ’ s eps40f1020c5 fpga and this digital down converter has a very good performance

At the same time , at the aspect of theory , we give a lot of results , including : performance calculating formula of fft phase paring , coincidence relation of calculating result and target " s real range , calculating formula under zeroize fft or single channel
在相关理论上,我们提出了fft比相的性能指标计算公式、 fft比相下测距结果与目标实际位置之间的对应关系、补零和单通道下的fft比相结果。

But in a long period of time , condition monitoring of the machinery and fault diagnosis are based on the analysis of the signal ing from single channel the vibration of the rotor is a dimensional conception


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