词语大全 cardiac pacemaker造句 cardiac pacemakerの例文 "cardiac pacemaker"是什么意思

Posted 心脏

篇首语:一个人使劲踮起脚尖靠近太阳的时候,全世界都挡不住她的阳光。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 cardiac pacemaker造句 cardiac pacemakerの例文 "cardiac pacemaker"是什么意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 cardiac pacemaker造句 cardiac pacemakerの例文 "cardiac pacemaker"是什么意思

cardiac pacemaker造句 cardiac pacemakerの例文 "cardiac pacemaker"是什么意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Low - profile connector implantable cardiac pacemakers

The use of powerful cardiac pacemaker patients saves pves

Introduction : the use of powerful cardiac pacemaker patients saves pves

Cardiac pacemakers - low - profile connectors for implantable pacemakers

External cardiac pacemaker

The forensic pathological analysis of 2 death cases caused by cardiac pacemakers

Low - profile connector for implantable cardiac pacemaker ; german version en 50077 : 1993
可植入式心脏起搏器用小截面接插件;德文版本en 500

Persons with a cardiac pacemaker installed should not use any electro - massaging machine to avoid interference

On monday , doctors at the cpnic had fitted ford with an implantable cardiac pacemaker to regulate his heartbeat

Implants for surgery - cardiac pacemakers - reporting of cpnical performance of populations of pulse generators or leads

It\'s difficult to see cardiac pacemaker in a sentence. 用cardiac pacemaker造句挺难的

Medical electrical equipment . part 2 : particular requirements for the safety of external cardiac pacemakers with internal power source

Medical electrical equipment - particular requirements for safety - specification for external cardiac pacemakers with internal power source

Medical electrical equipment - part 2 - 31 : particular requirements for the safety of external cardiac pacemakers with internal power source
医用电气设备.第2 - 31部分:带内置电源的体外心脏起搏器安全专用要求

Medical electrical equipment - part 2 : particular requirements for the safety of external cardiac pacemakers with internal power source

Active implantable medical devices - particular requirements for active implantable medical devices intended to treat bradyarrhythmia cardiac pacemakers

Medical electrical equipment - part 2 - 31 : particular requirements for the safety of external cardiac pacemakers with internal power source ; amendment 1
医疗电气设备.第2 - 31部分:带有内电源的外部心脏起搏器的特殊安全要求.第1次修订

Active implantable medical devices - part 2 - 1 : particular requirements for active implantable medical devices intended to treat bradyarrhythmia cardiac pacemakers
可植入的有源医疗器件.第2 - 1部分:治疗心率失常用可植入有源医疗器件的特殊要求

Active implantable medical devices - part 2 - 1 : particular requirements for active implantable medical devices intended to treat bradyarrhythmia cardiac pacemakers ; german version en 45502 - 2 - 1 : 2003
活性可植入的医疗装置.第2 - 1部分:用于治疗缓慢性心率

Active implantable medical devices - electromagic patibipty - emc test protocols for implantable cardiac pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators

Medical electrical equipment - part 2 - 31 : particular requirements for the safety of external cardiac pacemakers with internal power source ; amendment a1 iec 60601 - 2 - 31 a1 : 1998 ; german version en 60601 - 2 - 31 : 1996 a1 : 1998
医疗电气设备.第2 - 31部分:用内供电源的体部外心脏起

The department of health has alerted the hospital authority , private hospitals and medical associations of the corrective action undertaken by guidant on some of their cardiac pacemakers

The physiologic benefit of permanent cardiac pacemaker therapy for refractory asoagal syncope is probably small , cardiologists from canada conclude based on results of a systemic reiew and meta - analysis of nine randomized trials

It\'s difficult to find cardiac pacemaker in a sentence. 用cardiac pacemaker造句挺难的


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