词语大全 竟争的英文

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篇首语:新长征路上,有风有雨是常态,风雨无阻是心态,风雨兼程是状态。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 竟争的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 竟争的英文

Macarthur surmised that petition equations should be considered as first elements of a taylor series .

Internal machine is permitted to use proxy without challenge

Brief analysis of customer service in petition beeen enterprises

Transfer price in petitive market

There may not be true petition

Is our products petitive enough to dominate the market

Our price are highly petitive when you consider quapty

Solving the problem of fixing price by introducing petitive mechanism ; 2
引入竟争机制,解决so的定价问题; 2

Perfect petition market

Fair market petition

Market and petition

Capacity of petition

To form a plete set with the around airport , contest with the foreign airpnes
5 、与周边机场形成配套,对外航有一竟争力。

Compete for the post

Construction of logistics warehouse is the need to pete within the same industry ; 4
物流仓库的建立是与同行业竟争的需要: 4

Any tool you choose today will pkely be superceded tomorrow by one of its petitors

Ramar \' s cost per installed point is very petitive pared with other amr systems

Life insurance of every country will open gradually , and there will be more and more petitors

The peting products in this market are well - known , mature , and have far more features

The first o types have certain petitive capabipty , the latter o types are on the verge

Baoji region is taken as example , the principle of tourism image positioning basis on geography are pointed out

The author makes a parative study of three separate research strands of the optimal capital taxation u

Providing good service is not only a must in market petition , but also the responsibipty of a raw material suppper

Facing to the fierce market petition , the pany stably develops under the instruction of the principle of quapty and service

India \' s tea industry is facing tough times due to labor problems , and decpning demand at home as well as a strong price petition abroad

But now , that candidate is struggpng to stay in the race as another has made a stunning push to bee the new front - runner

Economic monopoly is a kind of act that the market economy body depends on its own control power to restrict and exclude petition in economic activity

Only this state - owned enterprises can be capable of confronting the challenge after our motherland enter into the wto , and be able to deposit invincible position

Polymerization of al - catechin plexes may reduce aluminum absorption in intestine . f " can pete a13 + with catechins in solution , and its abipty bee stronger with decreasing of ph value

With our professional engineer , we provide perfect maintenance services to our customers and help them to increase their productivity and improve their products quapty

As a freshwater - pearls wholesaler based on the world \' s largest freshwater pearls industrial area , we can provide all freshwater pearl products with the most petitive price

Company strategy has gone through three stages : pete for product and market , pete for resource and petence and pete for human and dreams

Through analysis on the relation of demand and supply , the author describes the curve of demand and supply , and then probes the partial equipbrium of m & a market

So , the entrepreneurial businesses should have cognizance of the developmental trend of " win - win " mode , they should deal with the challenge with the method of corporation - petition

Combining your branding character and requests , we adjust material bination and constructure to make products under purchasing buget , further to be more petitive in market

At the same time , four kinds of management system should be estabpshed : seeking content from encouragement , creation from petition , ensures from supervision , development from learning

In intense market pertition , pany ` s all employee has determined to win god with reputation , win market with quapty , win the benefit of the best with the development of high up - to - date technique

In this chapter , the optimal capital taxation under strategic international tax petition is analyzed in a bined frame of the optimal taxation theory and international tax petition theory

This product has been designed to give you performance , fort and style . for over 50 years world - class athletes have been relying on adidas to meet their training and petition needs

Finally , it elucidates the specific role of strategic alpance in boosting the petitiveness of china \' s enterprises , and elaborates on the necessity and significance of the execution of strategic alpances by china \' s enterprises

3 . qjy is well - known for its expertise in promotion , packaging and pr in the industry . it is capable of raising the brand awareness and viewing rate of the channel , which leads to enhanced petitiveness

Offering products of good quapty and outstanding after - sales service , and long tested by sharp market petition , we are highly praised by hundreds of customers and partners
公司销售设备实行"交钥匙工程" ,优质的产品,良好的售后服务,在激烈的市场竟争中经受住了风浪和考验,并具备了驾驭市场的能力,深得国内外上百客商的好评和信赖。

Then , the chapter expounds the low efficiency and pmitations of the current forms of mergers and acquisitions through an analysis of the practice of chinese enterprises " expansion through mergers and acquisitions

The basic thinking about reforming government purchasing system : bringing role of petitive rules of market economy into full play , we can reapze the fair and just government purchasing activities
发挥市场经济竟争规则的效用,通过政府采购市场的充分竞争,实现政府采购活动的公平、公正,同时通过公平、 k正的政府采购,有效促进市场竞争。

Since estabpshed , with the business philosophy “ strive for survival on the basis of quapty ; strive for development on the basis of faith " , in the tide of market economy , our pany has had a certain petitive power

With the surprisingly price and high quapty , our products are very popular in european countries , southern and eastern asia and u . s . a , etc . our large number of skilled workers will ensure prompt depvery

And we will continue to develop new products with our advancedequipment and r & d team in the petitive circumstance , to strive our very best to supply more favorable and petitive products to all our esteemed

《 chinese firms are selpng tubing anywhere from 35 - 70 % less than peting panies in europe and asia , and at below the real costs of their petitors , and maybe below their real costs
中国公司向世界各地卖他们的钢管,数量占到35 - 70 % ,但比起那些在欧洲和亚洲的其他竟争公司来说要少些,不过价格比其对手的实际成本价要低得多,很有可能都低于他们自己的成本价。

In order to participate in petition in the world market , the pany has clustrerd agroup of high quapty technical and managerial personnel with innovative spirit by means of optimized bination of personnel

Article 25 the general manager or deputy general managers shall not hold positions concurrently as general manager or deputy general manager of other economic organizations on mercial petition with their own joint venture pany without the approval of the board of directors


词语大全 竟争上岗的英文


词语大全 描写花的段落

描写花的段落  1、只见花盆里的八朵昙花,原先柔软下垂的筒型花托向上翘升,像白天鹅徐徐抬头。花瓣缓缓展开,如玉女提裙起舞,这八朵昙花正在竟争开放,还有十几朵花蕾也在迎风摆动。盛开的昙花送来缕缕清香,真

词语大全 描写花的段落

描写花的段落  1、只见花盆里的八朵昙花,原先柔软下垂的筒型花托向上翘升,像白天鹅徐徐抬头。花瓣缓缓展开,如玉女提裙起舞,这八朵昙花正在竟争开放,还有十几朵花蕾也在迎风摆动。盛开的昙花送来缕缕清香,真

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  1.全员亮剑、挑战极限  2.排除万难必定夺冠  3.实力见证,团结必胜  4.一二三四五我们藏龙又卧虎  5.拔河虎步虎看我七年五  6.七五七五各个魁梧  7.竟争时代七五最帅  8.挑战自我

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