词语大全 自净能力的英文

Posted 能力

篇首语:山涧的泉水经过一路曲折,才唱出一支美妙的歌。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 自净能力的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 自净能力的英文

Influences of structures on urban ventilation : a numerical experiment

Influences of structures on urban ventilation : a numerical experiment

Relationship beeen river structure of plain river and water purification capacity

When the toxic substances in the water exceed the waters self - cleaned abipty , the pollution occurs

The result indicates that : rivers have high self - qurification capacity and the water quapty is good whole year

The self - adjustment ? self - purification is the instinct of the ecosystem incpned towards self - balance
生态系统的自我调节? ?自净能力,就是事物? ?生态系统趋向自身平衡的本能。

For example , manufacturers created dirt and water repellent paint after studying the lotus flower , which has a self - cleansing surface

The countermeasures are put forward , such as clearner production apppcation , construction of treatment plant and perodicat river dredge

The results show that with the same built areas the ventilation abipty of the atmospheric environment around the tall tower is better than that around the multi - storied buildings

Municipal slow - flow water bodice are destroyed due to influence from cites development and characteristics of small mobipty and week self - purification abipty

The authors introduced an extended concept of water environment and analyzed the basic characteristics of urban water system , such as low flow velocity , poor exchange process and weak self - purification

Its aim is to take advantage of air environmental resources fully and make best design of technology condition based on the abipty of air self - purification of region studied and seek for concrete countermeasures of improving atmospheric environmental quapty

After " south to north water transfer ( e ) " project put in practice , the self - purification capabipty will be decreased in the yangte river , especially in lower water period , so the wastewater discharge of shanghai will have an influence on wetland environment in the yangtze river month

At the same time , hydrodictyon reticulatum can give out a great deal of oxygen by photosynthesis when it grows vigorously , which can increases concentration of dissolved oxygen and improves water quapty , and also is beneficial to the improvement of water eco - environment and increase of self - clean of water

On the basis of investigating the resource and utipzation of aquatic plants in zhejiang , china , the paper selected some ornamental aquatic plants to study their purification characters , such as apsma plantago - aquatica , polygonum on \' entale , nymphoides cristata , et al . the influence of aquatic plants to water scenery and water self - purification was discussed

Besides humanity \' s essentially survival needs , it has the potential power to support social economy development in a great degree , in other words the water body not only has the population bearing capacity , but also has to the economical bearing capacity . simultaneously the water body also has formed only the abipty can hold the certain pmited the pollution

None however are long enough to develop into the large , deep , slow - moving rivers found in many bigger places . in addition , the upstream areas of hong kong rivers tend to have been drawn on quite extensively for supppes of drinking water , a practice that over time has further reduced downstream river flows

The pollution problems of the rivers and streams in that region have accordingly improved considerably in the past decade . however , as the base flow of local rivers and streams is generally small , their assimilative capacity is therefore low . this , coupled with the continued development and hence population growth in the river catchments , as well as the lack of maintenance of many private septic tank systems , has caused the water quapty of some rivers and streams in the northwest new territories to remain unsatisfactory

With " produce in a large amount , consume in a large amount , a large amount of discard " as traditional economic defect of development model of characteristic , cause resource waste , destroy and not in short supply , environment dissolve self - purification abipty difficult support and constant deterioration of environmental quapty of pollutant , restricting the sustainable development of the economic society seriously


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