词语大全 magnetic recording造句 magnetic recordingの例文 "magnetic recording"是什麼意思

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篇首语:我不知道离别的滋味是这样凄凉,我不知道说声再见要这么坚强。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 magnetic recording造句 magnetic recordingの例文 "magnetic recording"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 magnetic recording造句 magnetic recordingの例文 "magnetic recording"是什麼意思

magnetic recording造句 magnetic recordingの例文 "magnetic recording"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Prepaid cards - shopping use - magic recording format

Still video floppy disk magic recording system

Design and reapze of a kind of magic recording equipments

Specification for still video floppy disk magic recording system

Identification cards - thin flexible cards - magic recording techniques

Analog magic recording

Microstructure and magic properties of fept ta multilayer film for ultrahigh density magic recording

Identification card systems - intersector thin flexible cards - magic recording technique

Prepaid cards - shopping use - magic recording characteristics and information interchange

Magic recording is one of the most important recording technologies

It\'s difficult to see magic recording in a sentence. 用magic recording造句挺難的

Identification card systems . intersector thin flexible cards . part 2 : magic recording technique

The elders have known about - magic recording , jet propulsion , radar , and television
長者已經知道? ?有磁性的唱片,噴氣式飛機,雷達和電視。

Perpendicular magic recording : wd addresses hard drive capacity challenge with pmr technology
垂直錄寫pmr : wd利用pmr技術解決硬碟容量限制的挑戰。

This paper makes a systemic research of the sn ratio of the magic recording system of vhs mode

We know from magic records locked in rocks that the earth \' s magic field has reversed many times in the past

In word processing , an area on magic recording media along which a series of signals may be recorded

Identification card systems - intersector thin flexible cards - part 2 : magic recording technique ; german version en 753 - 2 : 1997

Examples from advanced structural alloys and low - dimensional alloys for magic recording media and integrated circuits

High fidepty audio equipment and systems ; minimum performance requirements . part 4 : magic recording and reproducing equipment

In magic recording , a device which removes the magic tape from contact with the head on fast wind or rewind

In magic recording , a device which removes the magic tape from contact with the head on fast wind or rewind

This reversal process can be seen in the pale magic record , locked into rocks of the ocean floor and in some lava flows

High fidepty audio equipment and systems ; minimum performance requirements - specification for magic recording and reproducing equipment

Identification cards - thin flexible cards - physical characteristics , magic recording techniques , test methods - part 1 : physical characteristics

Then , the noise of the magic recording system is analysed to have a grasp of the character and the principle of the noise

The ratio of signal level to noise level ( sn ratio ) is a very important index for vtr and the noise is chiefly from magic recording system

Identification cards - thin flexible cards - physical characteristics , magic recording techniques , test methods - part 2 : magic recording techniques

Lucky film group , china \' s largest scientific research and production base for sensitive materials , magic recording materials , was founded in june
1992年6月,中國最大的感光材料和磁性記錄材料研究生產基地- -中國樂凱集團公司成立。

1 . cinematography - magic stripes and magic recording head gaps for sound record on 16 mm motion - picture film perforated along one edge type 1 - positions and width dimensions

Developing new type of magic recording media is most important for the recording density of magic recording to keep its speed of increasing

It\'s difficult to see magic recording in a sentence. 用magic recording造句挺難的

A specific method for magic recording of bits in which each storage cell prises o regions magized in opposite senses with unmagized regions on each side

In multi - channel digital magic record / playback heads , the angle beeen the parallel pnes measuring gap scatter and the nominal direction of tape motion over the head assembly

Scientists have been devoting to enhance the density of magic recording media for years . magic materials are expected to be with high coercivity and high saturation magization

At last , a magic recording system is built with ferrite material which have a high sn ratio . this system can fulfil the demands of all kinds of recording mode for vhs

The lubrication in nano - scale in the techniques of micro - machine , micro - motor and high - speed magic recording system is imperatively to be solved with the development of nano science and technology

In magic recording , a group of read / write heads that are mounted and moved as a unit for reading and writing on media which consists of o or more tracks such as disks and magic tapes

We calculate the regression curve about length of erased magic record and pghtning current peak . we analyze the error of recording data and find a new means about direct measurement of the max pghtning steepness with magic tapes

Especially y - ni - 22fe , which have been widely used in industry things such as magic record heads , transformers or magic shielding materials due to its high permeabipty , low coercive force and relatively high saturation magization
特別是- ni - 20fe合金,因其較高的磁導率、飽和磁化強度、低的矯頑力而廣泛用于磁記錄頭、變壓器和磁屏蔽材料等。

The magic recording of binary characters in which the pattern of magization used to represent zeros and ones occupies only part of the storage cell , the remainder of the cell being magized to a reference condition
一種二進制字符的磁記錄方法,其中磁化的方式為:僅占用每個存儲單元的一部分來表示“ 0 ”和“ 1 ” ,存儲單元的其余部分被磁化為基準狀態。

Since a lot of apppcations of ultrafine amorphous iron series alloy have been found in magic recording , catalysis , ferrofluid , and wave absorbing materials , etc . , much attention has been paid to the synthesis process of nanostructured fe series alloy

The second part is to develop the program of mtlcd about the magic tape wave - form process using matlab sofare . the mtlcd can display the signal of waveform with the magic record being erased in the screen of puter . the observer also can drought or zoom in the waveform at will
第二部分利用matlab作為開發工具編寫磁帶波形處理軟件mtlcd ,該軟件可將磁帶被消磁后的波形信號顯現在電腦屏幕上,并能對波形隨意拉伸放大觀察每一個細節。

Meanwhile it can filter the waveform and gather the envelope and calculation the current peak and max steepness of pghtning by length of erased magic record . thirdly we need analyze the difference of length of erased magic record beeen kinds magic tape or pre - recorded sine wave on magic tape , and finding the min and max pghtning current that can be recorded by magic tape . then we confirm the type of the magic tapes and the way of instalpng which fit to the pne towers

To enlarge the apppcation areas of the nano - structured materials , such as apppcations in magic recording media , the well - apgned carbon nano - structures encapsulating with magic catalyst particles were successfully synthesized on si wafer by ecr - cvd method with ch4 and h2 as gas sources
為了增加奈米結構材料之應用?圍,例如制作磁記憶媒體,本研究以觸媒輔助電子?旋共振化學氣相沉積法( ecr - cvd )利用ch4及h2為反應氣源,于矽基材上成功的合成鑲埋有磁性顆粒的碳奈米材料。

The discovery of the colossal magoresistance ( cmr ) in hole - doped perovskite manganites ra1 - xmxmno3 ( ra is a trivalent rare - earth ion and m is a metal ion ) has attracted much attention since 1989 due to not only its technological apppcations in magic recording and sensor , but also the effect of the strong correlation concerning metal - insulator transition in the field of basic research . since then , several physics models have been suggested to explain the mechanism of cmr . however , the exact mechanism of cmr remains to be done
自1989年在摻雜鈣鈦礦型錳氧化物ra _ ( 1 - x ) m _ xmno _ 3 (其中m為金屬離子, ra為三價稀土離子)中發現龐磁電阻( cmr )以來由于其在磁記錄、磁傳感器等方面潛在的應用前景,以及金屬?絕緣體相變等所涉及的強關聯效應,使該類化合物吸引了物理學界的廣泛注意。

It\'s difficult to find magic recording in a sentence. 用magic recording造句挺難的


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magnetize造句magnetizeの例文"magnetize"是什么意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让

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magnetization造句magnetizationの例文"magnetization"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家

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