词语大全 達信的英文

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词语大全 達信的英文

Anderson \' s audit failure is judged by court later

A story of quot; honesty quot

First of all , we would pke to take this opportunity to introduce our firm , reanda cpas
首先,我很高興能有機會向您介紹利安達信隆會計師事務所( “利安達” ) 。

And one went in , and told his lord , saying , thus and thus said the maid that is of the land of israel

Marsh risk consulting china operation is seeking a highly motivated professional to joint our china team as a risk consultant

The hkma missioned arthur andersen to carry out a consultancy study , and then issued a consultation paper for pubpc consultation in october 2000

The hong kong moary authority hkma has today 3 april appointed arthur andersen hong kong as the consultant to carry out a study on enhancing deposit protection in hong kong

I \' m not saying your pany will collapse in flames the way arthur andersen and enron did ? they are extreme examples of a mission - and - values meltdown

One of the reasons american prosecutors did not indict kmpg last year for its part in a case of massive alleged tax fraud may have been to avoid the risk of another andersen - pke collapse

The profession is in this pickle only because andersen , the auditor of enron and world , collapsed in 2002 after its conviction ( later overturned ) for obstruction of justice
這個行業陷于如此進退兩難的境地只不過因為安然和世通的審計所? ?安達信在2002年被指控妨礙司法罪(后被推翻)后倒閉。

In the end of 2001 , andersen suddenly collapsed and was excluded from the profession of accounting , so " big five " turned to " big four " , which marked the cpmax of the " war "
2001年歲末, “安然大廈”轟然倒地, “百年老店”安達信被“掃地出門” , “五大”變“四大” ,更是將這場“戰爭”推向高潮。

At the end of the 20th century , the bankruptcy of some worldly large panies such as enron , arthur andersen , as well as many of our psted panies ’ enterprise ’ s problems are caused by the excessive cost of the institution

To my opinion , the absence of audit independence is the fundamental factor creating audit failure and we can conclude the following factors playing important role such as financial dependence , non - audit services , and relationship beeen people

In recent years , a series of accounting falsifications continuously occurred in capital market . regardless of anron and anderson affairs happened in the u . s . or ying guangxia and zhong tianqin in our stock market , this phenomenon aroused unprecedented credit crisis towards accounting information
無論是發生在美國的“安然” 、 “安達信”等事件,還是我國股市上的“銀廣廈” 、 “中天勤” ,都引發了人們對會計信息的空前信任危機。

Stc ( shanghai ) pany pmited ( shstc ) is the joint venture beeen hong kong standards and testing centre and beijing tianping inspection pany pmited , estabpshed in shanghai of china in year 2005 to provide the quick , professional and international accredited testing services to brand holders , manufacturers and trading panies according to the international standards and gb standard of china and can issue the testing reports recognized by overseas buyers as well as the government of prc

This proof following enterprise already through the authentication , and has set up a file in the dongguan 114 s industry and merce enterprise database , inquires the more detailed enterprise material , please dial the dongguan enterprise information desk 96060 ( artificially ) 9686810114 bilpon ( to be automatic ) , this enterprise numbers for 46986
茲證明深圳市康達信認證咨詢中心東莞營業部已通過認證,并已在東莞114網工商企業數據庫中備案,查詢更詳細的企業資料,請撥東莞企業查詢臺96060 (人工) 9686810114 (自動) ,該企業編號為46986 。

Stc ( shanghai ) pany pmited ( shstc ) is the joint venture beeen hong kong standards and testing centre and beijing tianping inspection pany pmited of china qsiq , estabpshed in shanghai of china in year 2005 to provide the quick , professional and international accredited testing services to brand holders , manufacturers and trading panies according to the international standards and gb standard of china and can issue the testing reports recognized by overseas buyers as well as the government of prc

We all know that the main auditor of enron is anderson accounting firm and they fell in love with each other for more than 16 years . from 1997 , enron took all kinds means to add non - existed profit and conceal deficit . under such a condition , anderson accounting firm appeared innocent
眾所周知,安然公司的主審計師為安達信會計師事務所,兩者曾“牽手漫步” 16年,但從1997年起,安然公司采用各種手段虛列盈利,隱藏虧損,對此,安達信居然“一臉無辜,毫不知情” 。


词语大全 通風報信的英文


词语大全 電信的英文


词语大全 民保于信造句_民保于信中英文解释和造句

民保于信  mínbǎoyúxìn民保于信的意思和解释:指执政的人有信还要有义,才能受到人民拥护。民保于信的出处《左传·定公十四年》:“谚曰:‘民保于信。’吾以信义也。”民保于信的

词语大全 民保于信造句_民保于信中英文解释和造句

民保于信  mínbǎoyúxìn民保于信的意思和解释:指执政的人有信还要有义,才能受到人民拥护。民保于信的出处《左传·定公十四年》:“谚曰:‘民保于信。’吾以信义也。”民保于信的

词语大全 報信的人造句 報信的人の例文


词语大全 礼信的意思是什么

【礼信】的意思是什么?【礼信】是什么意思?【礼信】的意思是:礼信lǐxìn 1.  礼仪与信义。  ●《司马兵法·仁本》:「以礼信亲诸侯。」 

词语大全 礼信的意思是什么

【礼信】的意思是什么?【礼信】是什么意思?【礼信】的意思是:礼信lǐxìn 1.  礼仪与信义。  ●《司马兵法·仁本》:「以礼信亲诸侯。」 

词语大全 宽信的意思是什么

【宽信】的意思是什么?【宽信】是什么意思?【宽信】的意思是:宽信kuānxìn宽大守信;宽厚诚信。  ●晋袁宏《后汉纪•光武帝纪六》:「﹝马援﹞以郡新复,务开宽信,举大体而已。」&

词语大全 宽信的意思是什么

【宽信】的意思是什么?【宽信】是什么意思?【宽信】的意思是:宽信kuānxìn宽大守信;宽厚诚信。  ●晋袁宏《后汉纪•光武帝纪六》:「﹝马援﹞以郡新复,务开宽信,举大体而已。」&

词语大全 荐信的意思是什么

【荐信】的意思是什么?【荐信】是什么意思?【荐信】的意思是:荐信jiànxìn 1.  进陈实情。  ●《左传•昭公二十年》:「若有德之君,外内不废,