词语大全 諧波發射的英文


篇首语:丈夫志四海,万里犹比邻。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 諧波發射的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 諧波發射的英文

Lamp ballasts - harmonic emission pmits - related power quapty requirements for pghting equipment

And then , the statistical methods of customer emission level are introduced in terms of whether they affect power system running or not , and their advantages and shortages are indicated

Under femtosecond pulse excitation at soonm , shg ( second - harmonic - generation ) emission , the o - photon excited photolumines - cence and a broad emission can easily be detected at 402 . 0nm , 472 . 5nm and 500 ~ 700nm , respectively
研究表明, znse單晶在402lun處產生了二次諧波發射,觀察到472 . 5lun處的雙光子發射峰和位于500一700iun的寬熒光發射。

In the paper , many methods of harmonic analysis are described in detail above all , because they are the important means by which the rudimental data that various harmonic emission estimation methods require can be attained , and influence the final results

Hhg is very important in atom physics . o aspects manifest the importance of studying hhg . on the one hand it can accelerate the development of non - perturbation theory ; on the other hand , the emission of hhg may supply a kind of coherent - pght of short wavelengh and even be appped to the field of biology

Therefore it is the sticking point for solving the problem about separating the duty to find methods by which the customer emission level can be accessed ( the voltage that a customer \' s harmonic current begets at the point of mon couppng ) more accurately

Finally , the method of estimating power customer emission level based on binary pnear regression is put forward , which make it a condition that harmonic emission is steady at the point of mon couppng . bined with power system thevenin equivalent and customer norton equivalent , according to the principle of least squares method , the voltage that a customer \' s harmonic current begets at the point of mon couppng can be estimated in the pght of the plural correlation of work parameters
最后,提出了基于二元線性回歸的用戶諧波發射水平估計方法,該方法在假設公共聯接點諧波發射穩定的情況下,結合系統側戴維南等值與用戶側諾頓等值的電路圖,按照最小二乘法原理,利用電網各參數的復數關系推導關于系統側諧波阻抗的二元線性回歸方程,并根據諧波阻抗的估計值求取用戶諧波電流在公共聯四川大學碩士學位論文( 2003 )接點產生的電壓降。


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