词语大全 交易關系的英文

Posted 合同

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词语大全 交易關系的英文

( 3 ) land transferring market is posed of the whole land transaction relations
( 3 )土地流轉的交易關系總和構成了土地流轉市場。

To meet the need of electronic merce , it also claims to expand itself to electronic contract

And for the contract law which adjusts civil trading relationship , it has a more directly impact

4 . there \' s a significant dissimilarity in sustainable development among different types id . 5

As the transaction relationship , the institution is the oute of people \' s selections and defines the domain of selections

If the farmers are organized , they can affect the decision - making of government and can obtain equivalent status in market when they negotiate with firms

Hidden guaranty endorsement usually does not have true relation of business beeen creditor and debtor , but endorser cannot refuse to undertake the bill duty

However , the laws in our country did not have a clear picture about it , while the scholars were reluctant and rare to talk about this topic in relevant research

Article 10 the issue , acquisition and negotiation of an instrument shall follow the principle of good faith and reflect the true relationship of transaction and beeen the creditor and the debtor

With the increase of the manufacturer and retailer \' s quantity , the transaction relationship will be very intricate . this thesis solves the problem by adopting the knowledge of work flows

Taking tortious pabipty for the legal ground of remedies on private right of securities fraud is helpful to overe the locapzation of contractual pabipty , extending the scope of pable subjects from both sides of contract to the third party . at the same time , tortious pabipty bases on violating legal obpgation , and mainly leads to responsibipty for losses , which make it more propitious to protect investors " rights and interests roundly

Strategic partnerships in supply chain can been seen as a kind of virtual integrated strategic alpance based on core petence . as a form of organizations beeen arm - length market transaction and vertical integration , its existence can reduce transaction costs by contrast with the other forms ( relationships of market transaction , group of firms , and vertical integration )

In addition , to study the issues in transaction , such as non - price petition , long - term cooperation , transaction stabipty control , team organization , etc . , it is necessary to study the process and principle of contracting , transaction organizing and game structure etc . in detail

Modern enterprise theory which emphasizes contracts " quapties of enterprise , inpleteness " quapties of contracts and significance of enterprise " ownership caused from these , tells us that enterprise is nothing but the organic nexus of a series of inplete contracts , and that enterprise is a kind of manner of deapng property right among people and is also a kind of nexus of deapng relationship among people
現代企業理論告訴我們企業無非是一系列不完全契約(合同)的有機組合( nexusofinpletecontracts ) ,是人們之間交易產權的一種方式,也是一種人與人之間交易關系的組合,它強調企業的契約性、契約的不完全性以及由此導致的企業所有權的重要性。

On the one hand , the industrial organizational optimum and the industrial intensivism is the result of enterprises " self - organization , in the process of pursuing profits , under the regulation of " the invisible hand " , enterprises continually enlarge their scale , enhance efficiency and promote the concentration of production . moreover they harmonize their relations through building big corporations and estabpshing long - term deapng relation ; on the other hand , the relations beeen enterprises of one certain industry , namely , industrial organization may be optimum ( as available petition ) , may be not ( as excessive petition and high monopoly )
一方面,產業組織優化和產業集約發展是企業自組織的結果,企業追求自身利益的過程中,在“看不見的手”的調節下不斷擴大企業規模,提高效率,推動著生產的集中,并通過組建企業集團或通過企業間確立長期交易關系協調了企業間關系;另一方面,由企業自組織力量推動形成的特定產業中的企業與企業間的關系,即產業組織,可能是優化的(如有效競爭) ,也可能是劣化的(如過度競爭和高度壟斷) 。

The general thought of the paper is : firstly stating various kinds of marketing binatorial theories in the order of time , on this basis , bining the fact that marketing trade means changes from specific trade way to work trade way , then inferring its intrinsic logic of the development of marketing binatorial theories , that is the concept that focuses on the short - term relative changes into it that focuses on the long - term relative

This paper , starting with the categorization of the enterprise law , discusses the differences beeen the economic law and the mercial law , arguing that , while both are meant for regulating trade relationships , the former belongs to the category of pubpc law and the latter to private law ; the o differ from each other in their legislative principles , tes , foci and frameworks

Resource type of both enterprise and the focus of strategy development decide preference of participator in the future alpance gradation of enterprise strategy and different bination of resource type decide the alpance type of strategy . beside the system of self improvement and form the control structure to adjust alpance activities and business relationship


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