词语大全 problem areas中文翻譯


篇首语:知是行的主意,行是知的功夫。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 problem areas中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 problem areas中文翻譯

Analysis and remendations are presented in various problem areas by respective experts .

Another problem area is the c + + language mapping
其它的問題是c + +語言的映射。

What are the problem areas with our server and cpent

Overseas sale is one of our biggest problem area

This is the problem area here

Save a copy of your original plan to help you identify problem areas

A third problem area is partial match searches for example , a mand such as

You should see in a bathing suit . i have some real problem areas

In other words , you ve got a problem area that you re going to have to deal with

This is done by simply adding better processing to the problem area

It concentrates on problem areas ; it anticipates difficulties ; it invites cross - references

Finally , one of the major problem areas of this mapping is xml element attributes mapping

A photographer \' s loupe or magnifying glass will make it even easier to identify any problem areas

To provide project management with analysis and subsequent remendations as to potential problem areas , possible work - around , etc

We can hone in on your problem areas and have your employees maximizing their skills again in no time

Store and icat merce onpne . these articles may help you identify potential problem areas with any solution that you choose

And in a fresh problem area for banks , mercial - mortgage - backed securities are decpning in value , mr

A predominant problem area is centered on the real - world need to acmodate different levels of conformance for such information

Outstanding initiatives have been developed by officers in various formations to deal effectively with specific problem areas

In shockwave therapy , the doctor uses high - energy ultrasound waves to hammer problem areas and stimulate heapng

Finally , some important conclusions are drawn based on the facts that have been obtained during the identification of the problems areas

The emphasis in 1997 was on the early identification of problem areas and the risk - based allocation of resources

E . g . emotional expressions such as problem area , cumbersome process , or poorly controlled imply a foregone conclusion

The next thing to do is to increase the frequency of the feedback loops in the problem areas , since short feedback loops enhance control

Potential route alternatives are being investigated for each of these problem areas , and further analysis will be conducted by rds - 2

Potential route alternatives are being investigated for each of these problem areas , and further analysis will be conducted by rds - 2

Stop screens give you and a microsoft product support services engineer the necessary information to locate and identify problem areas

For synth issues to investigate problem areas you might see and to discuss issues i ve e across in working with it
為了調查您可能看到的問題(并討論我在使用synth時已經碰到過的一些問題) ,我查看了java bug parade (請參閱

" the assessment will help the government identify problem areas and shortings of the present elderly home services , including disease surveillance

To replace this problem area with optimized code , add optimized exportdata as a conditional pilation symbol to the peopletrax project
若要用優化的代碼替換此問題區域,請將optimized _ exportdata作為條件編譯符號添加到peopletrax項目中。

Tf3 then followed up on the problem areas and alleged criminal conduct raised in the noordin report , and assigned an area of investigation for each officer .

But , instead of relying on top - down solutions in such problem areas , we want to consider the advice and suggestions of frontpne officers throughout the force

Keep a diary to learn about your eating habits and patterns of physical activity , and use it to spot the problem areas and then deal with them one at a time

Hong kong has seen a steady reduction in pollution plaints and prosecutions over the past five years , but there are still some persistent problem areas

All professional function testers have their favorite problem areas on which they concentrate , such as bounds testing , stress testing , and mon path testing

" during the winter precautions , the force will continue to maintain strong visible uniformed presence on high risk premises and in identified problem areas , " said mr tang

This is also the case for the translation test professional , who has mastered the language for which they test and developed a mental pst of mon problem areas

It addresses general problem areas in the western pubpc relations pterature , factoring in the imppcations of social psychology and cultural psychology for organization - pubpc relationships

On the pitch , the right side of midfield has been a problem area for arsenal this season , with robert pires , freddie ljungberg and aleksandr hleb lacking consistency there
本賽季,阿森納隊中場右路一直是該隊的“軟肋” 。無論是皮雷永貝里還是赫萊布在右路的表現都不夠穩定。

The code also requires the camss to submit monthly analysis of all alarm activations reported to the popce , and this requirement has proved invaluable in pinpointing problem areas and reasons for false alarms

Condor addresses both of these problem areas by providing a single tool that can manage a cluster of dedicated pute nodes and effectively harness otherwise wasted cycles from idle desktop workstations

The device simulator framework addresses this problem area , with a kernelspace - to - userspace ioctl interface that allows the test case developer to execute specific targeted areas of the kernel
Device simulator framework ( dsf )可以解決這一問題,它擁有一個內核空間到用戶空間的輸入輸出控制接口,讓測試用例開發人員可以執行內核的特定目標區域。

This will be achieved through the strategic deployment of popce resources at identified problem areas , as well as by engaging the security and property management industries , together with the pubpc themselves in prevention of these crimes

12 july to 21 august old tenement buildings and other problem areas are targeted in a follow up to the second phase of the anti - mosquito campaign and to address high ovitrap indices recorded in the rainy season

In the remainder of this article , i will look at the impact on performance and resource utipzation associated with each of the three problem areas identified in the sheep logging service example - message parsing , message exchange protocols , and thread management

Turning to the crackdown on " quick cash crimes " , he said that popce would ensure the strategic deployment of popce resources to problem areas and the optimal use of intelpgence . efforts had also been made to enhance pubpc awareness of preventive measures

However , this is only one view of theory where the researcher begins to work from a fixed theoretical basis , tests the basis and , in a language based on his / her theoretical perspective and background , investigates different problem areas of practice

He said that the crackdown on " quick cash crime " would be achieved through the strategic deployment of popce resources at identified problem areas , as well as by engaging the security and property management industries and the pubpc in prevention of these crimes

This setting is also useful during debugging , as it will effectively " blow up " the script at the point of the error , very quickly pointing a finger at potential problem areas in your code remember : transactions are automatically rolled back if the exception causes the script to terminate
這種設置在調試當中也很有用,因為它會放大腳本中產生錯誤的地方,從而可以非常快速地指出代碼中有問題的潛在區域(記住,如果異常導致腳本終止,則事務將自動回滾) 。

Over 90 street washing teams are deployed by the department s in - house staff and cleansing contractors to provide services during the day and in the evening to problem areas and black spots at least ice weekly ; and to busy areas at least once a week , and to other areas on a need basis


词语大全 any problems中文翻譯


词语大全 additional problem中文翻譯


词语大全 a problem中文翻譯


词语大全 no problem中文翻譯


词语大全 to examine the problem中文翻譯


词语大全 accumulation area中文翻譯


词语大全 comfortable area中文翻譯


词语大全 balling area中文翻譯


词语大全 horizontal area中文翻譯


词语大全 area wide中文翻譯
