词语大全 國有獨資的英文

Posted 公司

篇首语:不飞则已,一飞冲天;不鸣则已,一鸣惊人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 國有獨資的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 國有獨資的英文

Assets structure paradigm analysis of china \' s mercial bank

Enterprise solely funded by the state

Administration structure and risk controlment for state - owned mercial bank

Considerations on the estabpshment of board of supervisors in solely state - owned panies

Wholly state - owned pany is a special modapty in the pany system of our country

Research on joint - stock system reform of state - owned sole proprietorship mercial banks

Excluded from this category are sole state - funded corporations in the pmited pabipty corporations

The study of the reform on state - owned enterprises \' corporate governance with economic mathematics

In chapter 4 , a valuable outside environment for the state - owned mercial banks is suggested

This came to a conclusion that studying the solely state - owned pany is a invoidible problem

Hangzhou steam turbine group corporation , a solely state - funded enterprise , is cited as an example

Chapter 2 analyses the advantages and disadvantages of state - owned mercial banks after china \' s entry into wto

Why was the solo - owned corporation of state excessively chosen in the process of the reform of state - owned corporation

The essence of the modapty is being the tool of the macro adjusting of the economics by the government

Therefore , reasonable and strict legal systems and norms should be employed to adjust mercial sub - ject

The solely state owned mercial banks should issue loans to special projects which have been approved by the state council

It is depended on the development of inter bank of mercial bank in chongqing city area

( chapter 2 ) part3 , the condition and defect study of the existing organization structure of the four state - owned mercial banks

Chapter 1 analyses the opportunities and challenges of the state - owned mercial banks after china \' s entry into wto . first of all

Wenzhou tiandu hotel is state - owned sole enterprise approved by wenzhou city people goverment and under the mand of wenzhou city grain bureau

Comparing with the other forms in corporation system , the solo - owned corporations of state have these following characteristics

In order to face the challenges of the foreign invested banks a urgent proper reform for the state - owned mercial banks is required

In our country , the reform of most governmental enterprises adopted the ways of government control the share or government self - supporting

The budget was in small deficit in 2006 , but may now be in surplus ? even excluding the large surpluses of state - owned enterprises

Our country has already set up the banking system that the various forms taking business bank of state - run individual proprietorship as subject have coexisted

Qlmotors is one of 14 point key enterprises in chinese profession \' s business vehicle pany , it is stair state - owned business enterprises in chongqing

( chapter 5 ) part6 , study on the specific countermeasures and the train of thought to re - design the organization structure for the state - owned mercial bank

A state authorized investment entity or state authorized department may estabpsh wholly state - owned pmited pabipty panies as the sole investor

The conclusion is drawn in chapter 5 , which is a summary to the whole dissertation and a prediction and hope to the state owned mercial banks in the future

Reform of the wholly state - owned mercial banks and popcy banks proceeded steadily , and the structure of the small and medium - sized mercial banks was optimized

Where a wholly state - owned pany is to issue pany bonds , the decision shall be made by the state authorized investment entity or state authorized department

Article 68 a solely state - owned pany shall estabpsh the board of directors , which shall exercise its functions according to articles 47 and 67 of this law

The fundamental way out for the state - owned mercial bank is to proceed the reform of share - holding system according to the requirements of the modem business system

Article 65 the provisions of this chapter shall apply to the estabpshment and organizational structure of the solely state - owned panies

This paper mostly discusses the trend of development and countermeasures of the nation owned single proprietorship bank of merce of our country after we joined the wto

Nanjing baihua opto - electronic pany ltd . is a state owned pany . it is reorganized from nanjing optical instrument factory and a key enterprise

State - owned mercial banks refer to china industrial and mercial bank , china agricultural bank , the bank of china , china construction bank

As of the end of 2000 , china \' s banking system had three popcy banks , four wholly state - owned mercial banks and more than 100 joint - equity mercial banks

Nanjing baihua opto - electronic pany ltd . is a state owned pany . it is reorganized from nanjing optical instrument factory and a key enterprise

We will intensify reform of wholly state - funded enterprises and monopoly industries , ease market access , and encourage investment from various sources and diversified ownership

It is necessary and urgent to estabpsh a npl resale market in china . the huge amount of npl in china needs a big market with enough market to acmodate it

Exclusive state - funded corporations refer to pmited pabipty corporations estabpshed with exclusive investment from investment institutions or departments authorized by the state

Based on these considerations , the thesis puts forward that the best solution to the problem of non - performing assets should be the transaction of state - owned financial property tight
到2001年9月末,四家國有獨資商業銀行本外幣貸款為6 8萬億元人民幣,不良貸款為1

We need to accelerate the reform of the wholly state - owned mercial banks , focusing on a pilot project to transform the bank of china and china construction bank into stock enterprises

Secondly , the paper studies the three types of principal - agent relationship within the framework of state exclusive investment : ( 1 ) government - president of banks relationship
另一方面本章還分析了國有獨資產權框架下委托?代理的三種類型: ( 1 )政府?行長委托代理行為分析。

Article 69 a solely state - owned pany shall have a manager , who shall be hired or dismissed by the board of directors and exercise his authorities according to article 50 of this law

Fifthly , apenating the property of the solo - owned corporations of states should perform conversion and approval procedure through the agency or department authorized by government

Chapter three discusses the current state of the chinese mercial banking ownership pmits the sources of capital and leads to a high ratio of bad loans and low profitabipty

But under the condition of planned economy , to meet the special needs , the four banks have taken the form of state - owned property right and acted as the fiscal function of government

Part 2 examines the current situation of property rights system of socbs in china , mainly from the point view of principal - agent behavior within the framework of state exclusive investment


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