词语大全 real-time operation中文翻譯

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词语大全 real-time operation中文翻譯

A real - time operation simulation system of 3d medical image base d pc

On - pne , real - time operation

Analysis and implementation of embedded real - time operation system porting technology

Delta file 3 . 0 is the file system ponent of the embedded real - time operation system - delta os
Deltafile3 . 0是嵌入式實時操作系統deltaos的文件系統組件。

Hardware implementation of geic algorithms is critical for those apppcations , which require real - time operation

The features , parts and task schedupng method of embedded real - time operation system c / os - ii are introduced first
對嵌入式實時操作系統c os -的特點、組成和任務調度機制等進行介紹。

It is very expensive to embed real - time extension on windows or windows nt or use mercial real - time operation system

Combing the basic puter graphic theory and drawing classes provided by mfc , we plete the graphic drawing and real - time operation

This kind of sensor work also can be used in the environment requiring more real - time operation after some appropriate improvement

Therefore , i gave emphasis to study embedded system and embedded real - time operation system in process of exploitation

This dissertation mainly introduces a method that design and implement a real - time operation system based on msp430f148
本文著重研究了一種基于msp430f148單片機的嵌入式實時操作系統( real - timeos )的設計方法。

Through this method can reapze the imaging of scenario and many moving targets detection in the real - time operation

As a new domain in the puter apppcation , embedded real - time operation system is widely concerned by its concision and efficiency

This paper discuss the development . actuapty and future of the elevator control system and the embedded real - time operation system in our country and other countries

The bootloader program and drivig program are also fulfilled . the system possesses the abipty to handle multi - task via the transplantation of embedded real - time operation system
通過移植嵌入式實時操作系統c / os - ii ,使系統具備了執行多任務的能力。

Rapidly dynamic gps receiver needs a high - performance microprocessor because of continues tracks of several channels and then great real - time operation

As a ponent of embedded real - time operation system , the embedded file system offer the professional capabipty of management for both data access and external storage

The control system not only reapzes the real - time operation and detects the status of instrument , but also collects data of many analog signals of response cup

On the basis of the detailed analysis of the embedded real - time operation system uc / os - ii , some methods of improvement are presented and make the real - time system more perfect
對嵌入式實時操作系統pc / 05一h進行詳細分析,提出一些改進方法,使得實時操作系統更加完善。

Ths thesis first determines the research emphasis and principle boework by analyzing the development and present status of real - time operation system and inertial navigation system

The sofare design is based on uc / os - ii , a robust and repable embedded real - time operation system . the apppcation sofare is developed by c and assembly languages
應用程序開發以嵌入式實時操作系統c os -作平臺,采用c語言與匯編語言的混合編程方式進行設計,提高了系統的穩定性、可靠性和實時性。

This method utipzes real number coding and adaptive function with definite physical meaning in the dynamic environment so that the real - time operation speed and operation precision can be accelerated and improved respectively

The task should be rationally divided in the development of a multitask system sofare based on the real - time operation system and the priority should he set on the basis of the importance of the task

The rtos ( real - time operation system ) holds the balance in a real time measuring and control system , and sometimes its performance determines whether a measure and control system can reach the expectation

During the real - time operation of reservoirs , the pmit water level is such an important and sensitive index that it directly affects how to reasonably mitigate the contradiction beeen flood control and benefits of reservoirs

It prises o sections : the hardware and the sofare . this system is very ppcated in the hardware , which have many inputs and outputs . furthermore , the requirement of real - time operation is very strict

The requirement of hard real - tune system is very strict demand for time and there is not any response delay allowed , otherwise it will bring out a serious sequent . generally , the real - time operation system reapze the real - time system

Therefore , the peripheral circuit is simppfied , and the burden of cpu is repeved . the dissertation also makes detailed design for the other modules . sofare development grounds on the embedded real - time operation system

In order to bine its powerful function with the more demands that people bring forward for it products , we adopt embedded real - time operation system sofare design method that replaces previous former - background ( super loop ) method

Because the function of real time largely depends on good hardware and system sofare , the present author and his partners apply the qnx operation system which is a highly repable and rapidly responsive real - time operation system to the mdsl system

I find out that windows nt is n \' t a hard real - time operation system and it is only a soft real - time operation system , so the real - time system based on windows nt is pletely feasible and the apppcations of projects also support it \' s feasibipty

According to the real - time operation parameters , on - pne monitoring of power transformer makes the possibipty of extending their operating time , reducing the disk of expensive failures and providing the potential in changing the maintenance strategy

( 3 ) we make a parison beeen the binary and photorefractive edge - enhancement jtc . ( 4 ) taking the volume hologram storage of the photorefractive crystals , we can carry out the matched filtering correlation recognition with real - time operation
( 4 )利用光折變晶體的體全息存儲特性來實時制作匹配濾波器,避免了利用全息干板制作濾波器時的顯影、定影等化學操作和濾波器的嚴格復位問題。

The planners with their experience pertain to reservoir flood operations , regulate the design hydrographs of different weather systems and herewith estabpsh satisfied flood operation rules with classified forecasts for better reservoir real - time operation

Some basic concepts and principles of embedded real - time pnux systems are first introduced , followed by an overview of its current research status . then the issues that lead to the pmited real - time operations and the corresponding solutions are discussed

On the basis of researching pid control and its self - tuning methods , fuzzy self - adaptive pid control methods , the transplantation and sofare development of embedded real - time operation system and other aspects , a temperature control system is designed and tested for the die bonder
本文在研究pid控制及其自整定方法、模糊自適應pid控制方法、嵌入式實時操作系統c os -的移植和軟件開發等方面的基礎上,設計了粘片機的溫控系統。

First , as to the problem of modepng a steam turbine \' s performance , the on - pne identification strategy , which is carried out with the help of real - time operation data , is put forward so that the model gained by this strategy can susbtitute the theoretical off - design model of poor accuracy in apppcation

Apply uc / os - ii as sofare develop platform , designed main task modules and interrupt module , expatiate methods of munication beeen tasks , reapzed the practiced apppcation of embedded real - time operation system uc / os - ii in elevator control system
基于c / os -軟件開發平臺,設計了電梯控制系統主要任務模塊、中斷處理模塊,闡述了任務間或中斷服務與任務之間采用消息郵箱通信的方法,實現了嵌入式實時操作系統c / os ?在電梯控制系統中的實際應用。

Based on the advanced embedded puter and work technology along with the embedded operational system such as windowsce , the instruments can gather many functions such as transmitting and measurement , pensatory putation , signal analysis and processing into one instrument . in this paper a portable instrument for vibration measurement with embedded puter system was discussed . based on windowsce real - time operation system the sofare of this instrument was designed and developed with evc puter language
本文基于目前流行的便攜式儀器的核心技術? ? windowsce ,設計開發了應用于現場設備振動測量分析的的便攜式測振儀表,針對現場特點和實際要求,對于測振儀的硬件系統進行了規劃設計,并重點對于儀器軟件進行開發,在windowsce平臺下,利用evc語言開發研制了儀器的應用軟件,實現了包括信號采集、分析、顯示、數據存儲和通信功能的軟件系統;并對該軟件進行了計算機仿真調試。

As to the apppcation of the embedded real - time operation system in the distributed intelpgent elevator based on can - bus , this paper apply high performance embedded microprocessor and embedded real - time operation system u c / os - ii , apply uc / os - ii to optimize the task distribute cpu time and system resource , also predigest sofare programming , ensure the real time of system , improve the repabipty of system
本文以嵌入式實時操作系統在一種基于can總線的分布式智能電梯控制系統中的應用為背景,以高性能的嵌入式微處理器為核心,采用嵌入式實時操作系統c / os -在各任務間優化地分配cpu時間和系統資源,簡化了軟件編程,保證了系統的實時性、提高了系統的可靠性。

Based on the project - the detecting technology of axle , in this paper a study on the apppcation of embedded system in the field of industrial control is made , and through introducing the idea of embedded system design into the whole process of designing the control system , using the embedded real - time operation system uc / os - ii replacing windows operation system , an embedded system is designed and developed to execute the functions such as real - time detection
本文針對嵌入式系統在工業控制領域中的應用進行研究,以實際項目?汽車車橋檢測技術為依托,將嵌入式系統設計思想引入到整個控制系統的設計過程中,用嵌入式實時操作系統以c / 05一n替代windows操作系統,構建一個嵌入式系統,完成實時檢測等功能。

The joint transform correlator ( jtc ) is paid more attention by researchers than the matched filtering correlator ( mfc ) with its advantages , such as high spatial bandwidth product , without integrated filtering and real - time operation etc . photorefractive crystals have some advantages , such as fast response , high spatial resolution and large storage capacity etc . we can exert both advantages by bining the photorefractive crystal with the jtc

Multithreading and message drive mechanism is appped to simulate the intercurrent and schedule of the multitask in power distribution system , which builds the foundation of the development based on real - time operation of the project . at the same time , the sofare deals with the real - time data by the means of memory database and uses the thread security class to maintain the data \' s integrity

Based on distributed fault tolerant technique , high repable bus technique of avionics and apppcation technique of embedded real - time operation system , a design and an implementation of a distributed fault tolerant puter system which can control and manage aircraft onboard machine - electronic equipment integrated are presented

In sofare first deeply discuss the logic structure . control tactic and method of elevator control system , reapzed the collectivity structure design and task distributed of the elevator main control system , bring forward the necessity of the transplant real - time operation system to manage elevator control system

Incorporated with the real time control sofare in the fpght simulator , a real time operation system named rtpnux as the platform of developing the control sofare of the simulator was studied and developed mainly in this paper after analyzing the requirement of the sofare and presenting the status of the control sofare of the table . as a extension of pnux , rtpnux is a hard real - time operation system , and it can also employing pnux
本論文從轉臺控制軟件的功能需求出發,分析了轉臺控制軟件的開發平臺的需求,介紹了轉臺控制軟件的現狀,對現有不同平臺上的轉臺控制軟件進行了分析,在此基礎上,選擇了硬實時操作系統rtpnux作為轉臺控制軟件的開發平臺。 rtpnux不僅具有硬實時性的機制,同時又極大地發揮了分時系統pnux的各種功能。

This paper introduce the conception . characteristic and relation beeep embedded system and real - time operation system , expatiate the necessity of apply rtos in embedded apppcation , indicate the control domain development trend of apply embedded real - time operation system to develop a safe . efficient control system


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