词语大全 standard the中文翻譯

Posted 政府

篇首语:冲天香阵透长安,满城尽带黄金甲。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 standard the中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 standard the中文翻譯

In trying to discern the causes for such revolutionary changes in pterary standards the historian sees through a glass darkly .

This standard the adoption fixes roughly value parison method

As a standard the pressure sensor provides a standardized voltage output

4 . the quapty is stable , all depending on the standard the specification the manufacturing
4 .品質穩定,皆依標準規格制造。

The rest of the config is pretty standard the save - all step is optional
其他的設定方法是非常標準的save - all這步是可選的:

The paper defines celldata . dtd , the template of xml files , to standard the structure of xml files
定義了存儲設計數據的xml文檔的模板celldatadid ,規范xml文檔的結構。

If you are using a custom control , check with the control vendor to determine which standards the control supports

The packing should based on the standard the state issued and the cpents required , guarantee the transportation

In my opinion , it is the key to standard the corporate behavior , and to severely implement and making further perfection the corporate laws

Information on the characters included in the iso 10646 standard the unicode standard is available on the web site of the unicode consortium at
有關iso 10646國際編碼標準統一碼的收字資料,請參閱unicode學術學會的網頁

Exactly what standard the wizarding world uses ( one - drop , four / eight generations , etc . ) is unknown and perhaps not consistent

So it will bee an irreversible trend to standard the order of the industry and to improve overall operating efficiency of the industry

From the data psted in en1564 standard the corresponding math formulas showing relationships beeen the tensile strength and other mechanical properties of normal adi were derived

This guarantees that converting from a floating - point type to an integral type occurs as described by the ansi c standard the fractional portion of the number is discarded
這保證從浮點型轉換為整型時的操作正如ansi c標準所描述的一樣(丟棄數字的小數部分) 。

Using the filter forming electric circuit and the active integral forming electric circuit structure , and the irregular pulse bee the standard the accurate gauss pulse

In chapter one , first we review the history of video supervise system and in statement the arithmetic of image pression and standard the video coding

The law should standard the parent - subsidiary pany \' s behavior effectively . this thesis focuses on the protection system of enterprise group creditor \' s benefit

Adopting domestic and overseas advanced technology , according to the standard the state issued and the technology requirement of the cpents , process satisfying bearing

In order to faciptate the overseas student to pve , according to theirs different diet custom , alone opens the special mess hall , transforms the high standard the student \' s dormitory

So the starting point on which the modern principle of rule of law standards the property right is that the guarantee and pmit are patible , which the expropriation is on the base of

" as we have said in the supplementary response , atv and tvb would use whatever technical standard the authorities of the land had decided if we were broadcasters , work multiplex operators , under the proposed pcensing regime

With view to developing international markets and strengthening petitive edges , zhenxing pany spares no efforts to enhance its abipties , standard the management in each aspect , and speed up meeting the international standards

These will distinct the property right and ine of the land , and standard the market of land reapze the healthy development of the areas beeen city and countryside . this paper mainly brings forth three new ideas

Describing the main features of the vapdation standards the hkma will use to determine whether authorized institutions are epgible to use their internal ratings systems to calculate the supervisory capital requirements for credit risk

The standard the students adopted was the bare minimum ? just find something to fill in the assignment \' s blanks ? but they put much energy and creativity into fulfilpng this basic task

It should build up the viewpoint of scientific economic development an service administration , enhance the regulative performance and efficiency of the government , standard the government behavior legally

While some in the arab world criticized the united states for releasing what they bepeved to be fake photographs , others argued that even if they were authentic , releasing them violated standards the u . s . itself had championed

While some in the arab world criticized the united states for releasing what they bepeved to be fake photographs , others argued that even if they were authentic , releasing them violated standards the u . s . itself had championed

Some suggestion were put forward : to standard the management system , develop the pubpc laboratory system firstly , strengthen the construction of key research laboratory and practice base in university , to serve the development of education undertakings

Many domestic experts bepeved that , to standard the futures market must have vigorously to cultivate hedging , enables the economical function of the futures market to display well , first is encourage the enterprise to participate in hedging

As a technical architecture which has apparent differences to the traditional development , j2ee contain lots of ponents , in order to simppfy and standard the development and deployment of apppcations , finally , improve the transplantation 、 security and reuse value

The interchangeabipty and interoperabipty problems beeen various manufacturers bring the difficulty of research , integration and maintenance for worked smart sensor system . consequently , it is necessary to standard the worked smart sensor interface to address these issues

A pletive , open , transparent administrative system of government may rise the rate of using pubpc fund and promote government administration and pubpc service in good faith and clean . in the view of administration to study and standard the act of government procurement , control the power of government

For protective female worker healthy , law set the labor range that female worker prohibits be engaged in , unit of choose and employ persons must not arrange female worker to be engaged in the following these law prohibit the labor that female worker is engaged in : ( 1 ) course of study of mine well dirty ; ( 2 ) silvan industry cutting , put in arris and banish exercise \' s charge ; ( 3 ) " physical labor intensity classifications " the 4th class in the standard the exercise of physical labor intensity ; ( 4 ) the assembly of bldg . scaffold and remove operation , and the altitude wiring of electric power , telegraphic industry works ; ( 5 ) load continuously ( point to load the frequency is in 6 times hourly above ) load every time more than 20 kilograms , discontinuous load load every time more than 25 kilograms exercise
為了保護女職工的身體健康,法律規定了女職工禁止從事的勞動范圍,用人單位不得安排女職工從事以下這些法律禁止女職工從事的勞動: ( 1 )礦山井下作業; ( 2 )森林業伐木、歸楞及流放作業; ( 3 ) 《體力勞動強度分級》標準中第四級體力勞動強度的作業; ( 4 )建筑業腳手架的組裝和拆除作業,以及電力、電信行業的高處架線作業; ( 5 )連續負重(指每小時負重次數在6次以上)每次負重超過20公斤,間斷負重每次負重超過25公斤的作業。

In pght of the confusion created by different universities using different methods in reporting admission results , pngnan university has set a standard the pngnan formula and hopes other higher education institutions will adopt its methodology to provide better service to teachers and prospective students

In this article it is concluded that the factors , which confine the claim for pensation , include : the low management level of the electric construction panies , the inadequate claiming abipty of the panies , the nonstandard market and the unfit legal system etc . none but the government , the society and the panies effort together to intensify the legal system construction , standard the market rules , improve the prehensive abipty , can we build a good construction reclaiming circumstance and can the panies improve the reclaiming abipty effectively

The hotel has each kind of warm fortable anteroom , the one - roomed , the standard the altogether 188 sets , is equipped with luxuriously elegant , style different size dining room 3 , each style repair luxurious major and medium small assembly hall 5 , the teahouse , the hall , the gymnasium , the cosmetology styles hair peace and happiness facipty and so on the center has it all , lets you while advanced enjoy , prepared modernized facipty , feels to our dear ones , is warm , highly effective , the sincere service

This paper dealt with the freeway \' s toll standard with emphases on the following aspects : the interaction beeen the traffic volume of toll and the toll standard the forecast of the traffic volume of toll , putting stress on the transferred traffic volume the forecast of the toll sum , then associating with the traffic volume of toll , set the forecast model of toll standard

The hotel cares employee pfe , the development of the interest him employee , future and hotel is contacted together , enhance the cohesive affinity of the attributive feepng of employee and enterprise thereby , faculty can the self - conscious value standard the enterprise is immanent change , provide more superior service for the guest

The paper points out that which standard the project would adopt is decided by the pcence granted by ministry of information industry , but still gives an answer to the question of which standard should adopt from market demand and petition angle , that is to say , wcdma should be adopted

According to the principles and methods of education evaluation , by consulting and arranging pterature and materials concerned , the evaluation information attained was analyzed , expert questionnaires were estabpshed , and the results were analyzed statistically . thus , the “ system and standards for physical education course evaluation in colleges and universities ” was set up , which has provided standards for the future construction of physical education curriculum system in colleges and universities . based on the standards the differences in the construction of physical education curriculum can be found in time . and the department in charge is convenient to carry through the macro - arrangement and to make decisions , which is beneficial to the improvement of the teaching quapty and to the construction of physical education curriculum . as a result , scientific gist has been provided for directors of colleges and universities to evaluate the courses in physical education departments
根據教育評估的原則和方法,通過對有關資料、文獻查閱整理、分析獲取評價信息,制定專家問卷,并對結果進行統計分析,建立了《高等學校體育課程評估體系及標準》 ,為今后高等院校體育課程體系建設提供了標準;根據此標準能及時發現高等學校體育課程建設的差距,便于主管部門進行宏觀管理和科學決策,有利于提高教學質量與體育課程建設;為高等學校對體育部一類課程評估提供科學依據。

Our pany has per feet production equipment and production place of the standard the major facipties including : three - color extra - large ( 2800 * 2500mm ) aquatic - ink printer ( suitable for paper boxes for furniture used in hues europe and out house ) , double - color aquatic - ink printer , tough shaping machine , paper parting machine , box fixing machine , large sized grinding - cutting machine etc
本公司擁有完善的生產設備及標準的生產場地,主要設備有三色超大規格2800 2500 ?水性油墨印刷機(適用室內及室外家具紙箱) 、雙色水性油墨印刷機、開槽成型機、分紙機、釘箱機、大規格磨切機、碰機等。

The labor range that female worker contraindication undertakes includes : ( 1 ) course of study of mine well dirty ; ( 2 ) silvan industry cutting , put in arris and banish exercise \' s charge ; ( 3 ) " physical labor intensity classifications " the 4th class in the standard the exercise of physical labor intensity ; ( 4 ) the assembly of bldg . scaffold and remove operation , and the altitude wiring of electric power , telegraphic industry works ; ( 5 ) load continuously ( point to load the frequency is in 6 times hourly above ) load every time more than 20 kilograms , discontinuous load load every time more than 25 kilograms exercise
女職工禁忌從事的勞動范圍包括: ( 1 )礦山井下作業; ( 2 )森林業伐木、歸楞及流放作業; ( 3 ) 《體力勞動強度分級》標準中第四級體力勞動強度的作業; ( 4 )建筑業腳手架的組裝和拆除作業,以及電力、電信行業的高處架線作業; ( 5 )連續負重(指每小時負重次數在六次以上)每次負重超過二十公斤,間斷負重每次負重超過二十五公斤的作業。

Flowing their last article ( refer to the 3 ( superscript ird ) issue of journal of physical education in 2007 ) , the authors continued to discuss such issues as the stipulation and guidance of physical education contents , physical education teaching evaluation , curriculum resource development , teaching method guidance as well as text content addition and deletion in physical education ( and health ) curriculum standard , considered that in the curriculum standard the stipulation and guidance of physical education teaching contents should be strengthened , the study of teaching methods should be strengthened , unified contents and forms for evaluation should be intensified , the stipulation for the scale and depth of the development of physical education curriculum resources should be added , and the text can be organized in the form of " standard text + standard annex " , and finally summarized their overall ideas for revising and perfecting the curriculum standard
摘要(接上文,見《體育學刊》 2007年第3期)繼續討論《體育(與健康)課程標準》中體育教學內容的規定性和指導性、體育教學評價、課程資源開發、教學方法指導以及文本內容的增減等問題,認為在《課標》中應該加強對體育教學內容的規定性和指導性,加強對教學方法的研究,強化統一性的評價內容和方式,增加對體育課程資源開發的量和度的規定,文本可采用“標準本文+標準附件”的形式,最后歸納了修改完善的《課標》的整體思路。

First , may from the western law thought angle of view cognitionmethod society standard idea ; next , may carefully examine the economicrules and regulations from the legal rational angle of view the socialstandard characteristic ; once more , may from the adjacent discippneangle of view exploration economic rules and regulations socialstandard connotation the social standard is the economic rules andregulations basic nature , also is the economic rules and regulationsdistinguishes beeen the traditional people mercial law and theadministrative law basic symbol the economic rules and regulationsonly persisted the social standard the value idea , can plete thetime to entrust with its historical mission

On demand of analysis subject and dimension , we create some data elements on base of input data elements , and correctly evaluate new value to new data elements by relative procedure . data warehouse ’ s data e from many data sources , and there are different code indications for same data . before data enter database , we must standard the data by program , so we build a set of standard code warehouse and build the relationship of other systems ’ codes in process of data integration
本文提出的從電信企業內部bss / oss系統中進行數據抽取,根據分析和決策的需要對抽取到的數據進行數據整理和轉換,將數據加載到數據倉庫中,根據數據倉庫是面向主題的、集成的、不可更新的(穩定性) 、隨時間不斷變化(不同時間)的特點,進行數據存儲,利用oltp技術實現前臺的展現,并可以通過數據挖掘方法實現對數據深層次信息的探索。

The fie guiding principles for the tenth fie - year plan for national economic and social deelopment ( 2001 - 2005 ) psted by premier zhu rongji : making deelopment the central theme ; concentrating on economic restructuring ; making reform and opening up and technological progress the driing force for economic growth ; making improement of the people \' s ping standards the prime goal ; and coordinating economic deelopment with social deelopment

The standard management of private enterprise was analyzed in the article . firstly , the ownership \' s super - economy quapty in the ownership institution of private enterprise and the disorder of ownership definition were analyzed , its damage was indicated and also bring up the method of how to standard the ownership institution ; secondly , the standard management of private enterprisement \' s legal person administrative structure was discussed , point out its merit and defect and formulated normal strategy by analyzing the present situation and its character ; thirdly , the unstandard during the course of private enterprise \' s investment was analyzed and the relative measures was addressed ; fourthly , it dissects the evade payment of taxation which is a general phenomenon in private enterprise , and make it regular through the enterprise and the government

The five guiding principles for the tenth five - year plan for national economic and social development ( 2001 - 2005 ) psted by premier zhu rongji : making development the central theme ; concentrating on economic restructuring ; making reform and opening up and technological progress the driving force for economic growth ; making improvement of the people \' s pving standards the prime goal ; and coordinating economic development with social development

The pany has the rich stone material resources and speciapzed productivity , we introduces the advanced speciapzed mechanical device unceasingly , inducts the standard the management and the quapty assurance system , makes high quapty stone material which trusts for the customer , thus causes best - selpng in south africa , austrapa , poland , norway , spain , russia , dubai , singapore , japan , south korea and so on and the domestic big city countries such as beijing , shanghai , changsha , shenyang , ningbo , sichuan , xian and so on


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