词语大全 cluster plot中文翻譯

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词语大全 cluster plot中文翻譯

Previous researchers have always determined the sp atial distribution patterns ( sdp ) of castanopsis kawakamii with a sample - dis tance method . however , the distribution patterns may be affected by the quadrat si ze and , in the course of analysis , the density differences among the cluster plots are not considered ; therefore , differences of cluster plot size and the dispersi on degree among individuals of cluster plots can not be known . authers of this pa per have determined the spatial distribution patterns of castanopsis kawakamii population in different habitats by means of non - quadrat distance method and a nalysed the pattern intensity and grain of the sdp . the pattern intensity is defi ned with the relative density differences and the pattern grain can embody the d ispersion degree of the individuals in the plots , and the dispersion degree among the plots . the determined results are as follows . the intensities of the species range in order from strong to week : ptsea molpfopa p . kawakamii i . purpure a r . cochinchinensis c . kawakamii c . carlessii d . oldphamii s . superba . the gra ins of the species queue in order from coarse to close : s . superba = ptsea molpf opa r . cohinchinensis c . kawakamii = i . purpurea c . carlessii p . racemosam d . oldp hamii . these determined results tally basiclly with the results authers of this paper have got in determining the same plots by means of aggregate index access ing method . in view of this , it is held that the sdp of c . kawakamii is closely related to the habitats and biological features


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