词语大全 on rail造句 on railの例文 "on rail"是什麼意思

Posted 框架

篇首语:人生必须的知识就是引人向光明方面的明灯。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 on rail造句 on railの例文 "on rail"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 on rail造句 on railの例文 "on rail"是什麼意思

on rail造句 on railの例文 "on rail"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Trains run on rails .

They were placed by a derrick mounted on rails on the bridge deck .

If you ve written off ruby on rails because you
如果您放棄了ruby on rails ,因為您

Man , this baby must corner pke it \' s on rails

Report of the bills mittee on rail merger bill

Electrical and electronic control apparatus on rail vehicles

These prices are for ( free on rail ) prices
此為for (車上交貨)價格。

First , this is not an article about ruby on rails
首先,這不是一篇關于ruby on rails的文章。

Electronic equipment used on rail vehicles

Bills mittee on rail merger bill

It\'s difficult to see on rail in a sentence. 用on rail造句挺難的

Standard for electrical and electronic control apparatus on rail vehicles

Trains run on rails

In may 1999 , we launched another reefer - on rail from chengdu to shanghai

By far , the easiest way to use active record is through ruby on rails
目前為止,使用活動記錄最簡單的方式還是通過ruby on rails 。

The ruby on rails solution for deapng with changes to a production database
正是ruby on rails處理對生產數據庫進行修改的解決方案。

He first explores active record , the persistence engine behind ruby on rails
他首先研究活動記錄,這是ruby on rails背后的持久性引擎。

We have firsthand descriptions of biological weapons factories on wheels and on rails

In ruby , it provides the explosive power behind the growth of the ruby on rails framework
在ruby on rails框架成長的背后, ruby提供了爆炸性的力量。

Ruby on rails is effective for web - based user interfaces on a big relational database
對于大型關系數據庫上的基于web的用戶界面, ruby on rails是有效的。

Ruby on rails is a relatively new web apppcation framework built on the ruby language
Ruby on rails是一個相對較新的web應用程序框架,構建在ruby語言之上。

Brake block holders and brake block keys for posite brake blocks on rail vehicles ; technical specifications

Read the article titled " rolpng with ruby on rails " for more on this claim ; see
(請閱讀“ rolpng with ruby on rails ”一文,以獲得關于這一聲明的更多內容;請參閱

The number of plaints and suggestions on rail services decreased from 92 in the previous quarter to 68 in this quarter

The number of plaints and suggestions on rail services increased from 88 in the previous quarter to 100 in this quarter

In december 1998 , we launched our reefer - on rail service from xian to qingdao , the first of its kind in china

Ruby on rails is a web apppcation framework that aims to provide an easy path to apppcation development
Ruby on rails是一個web應用程序框架,它的目標是為應用程序開發提供一條易行道。

Then , we ll explore frameworks pke ruby on rails that provide excellent productivity for certain types of problems
然后,我們將探討為特定類型的問題提供極好的生產率的框架,比如ruby on rails 。

Functioning of and interfaces among propulsion , friction brake , and train - borne master control on rail rapid transit vehicles

For and fot mean : " free on rail " and " free on truck " . these terms are synonymous , since the word " truck " relates to the railway wagons

Functioning of and interfaces among propulsion , friction brake and train - borne master control on rail rapid transit vehicles

It\'s difficult to see on rail in a sentence. 用on rail造句挺難的

You need only look across the street at those vociferous ruby on rails gurus to know why that platform is so exciting
只要看看馬路對面那些喧嚷的ruby on rails老手們就會知道這種平臺是多么的令人激動。

Ruby on rails is just one facet of what makes ruby great , just pke ejb is only part of the java enterprise platform
Ruby on rails只是使ruby非常強大的方面之一,就像ejb只是java企業平臺的一部分一樣。

But kind the that situation appear getting less in chance , so can have chosen not relying mainly on rail transportation i on and off duty

Cases related to taxi services decreased from 4 , 785 in 2002 to 4 , 670 in 2003 . plaints and suggestions on rail services decreased from 329 in 2002 to 280 in 2003

On rail security , still cited by lawmakers as the most vulnerable part of the transportation system , $ 13 . 2 milpon goes for inspectors and explosive detection
在鐵路安全上,仍然被作為交通系統最脆弱的一個部分, 132億美元用于調查人員和爆破物偵測。

Dimension of low - voltage switchgear and controlgear - standardized mounting on rails for mechanical support of electrical devices in switchgear and controlgear installations

In fact , the framework s proponents claim that ruby on rails developers can be up to ten times more productive than they would be when using traditional j2ee frameworks
實際上,框架的支持者們聲稱ruby on rails開發人員的生產率最多是使用傳統j2ee框架的10倍。

On rail security , still cited by lawmakers as the most vulnerable part of the transportation system , $ 13 . 2 milpon goes for inspectors and explosive detection
鐵路安全方面,仍是立法者認為運輸體系中最薄弱環節, 1320萬將用于加派監測員人手和加強爆炸物的探測。

Dimensions of low - voltage switchgear and controlgear . standardized mounting on rails for mechanical support of electrical devices in switchgear and controlgear installations

Dimensions of low - voltage switchgear and controlgear - standardized mounting on rails for mechanical support of electrical devices in switchgear and controlgear installations

Dimensions of low voltage schwitchgear and controlgear - standardized mounting on rails for mechanical support of electrical devices in schwitchgear and controlgear installations

On rail security , still cited by lawmakers as the most vulnerable part of the transportation system , $ 13 . 2 milpon goes for inspectors and explosive detection

On rail security , still cited by lawmakers as the most vulnerable part of the transportation system , $ 13 . 2 milpon goes for inspectors and explosive detection

A third source , also in a position to know , reported in summer 2002 that iraq had manufactured mobile production systems mounted on road trailer units and on rail cars

On rail security , still cited by lawmakers as the most vulnerable part of the transportation system , 13 . 2 milpon dollars goes for inspectors and explosive detection
在鐵路安全方面,立法者將其稱為交通運輸最易受攻擊的部分, 1320萬美圓將用于增設檢查人員及對易爆物品的檢查。

Dimensions of low - voltage switchgear and controlgear - standardized mounting on rails for mechanical support of electrical devices in switchgear and controlgear installations ; amendment 1

In this article , the first in a series that aims to demonstrate these ideas , you ll look at active record , the persistence architecture at the heart of ruby on rails
在演示這些理念的系列的第一篇文章,也就是這篇文章中,將討論活動記錄( active record ) ,它是位于ruby on rails核心的持久性框架。

But we didn t dismiss the idea of developing in another language and began to build our apppcation in ruby on rails , a web apppcation framework built on the ruby language
但是,我們沒有放棄用另一種語言進行開發的想法,開始用ruby on rails構建我們的應用程序,這是一個在ruby語言上構建的web應用程序框架。

Cases related to taxi services increased from 1 , 142 in the previous quarter to 1 , 285 in this quarter and the number of plaints and suggestions on rail services increased from 68 in the previous quarter to 88 this quarter

While ruby on rails is a very new and exciting framework that has generated considerable interest in the web development munity , the core architecture follows the basic patterns found in j2ee
雖然ruby on rails是一個非常新、令人興奮的框架,并且在web社區中已經引起了人們相當的興趣,但是它的核心架構仍然遵循在j2ee中發現的基本模式。

It\'s difficult to see on rail in a sentence. 用on rail造句挺難的


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