词语大全 narrow down中文翻譯

Posted 卡拉

篇首语:书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 narrow down中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 narrow down中文翻譯

And boca raton we got it narrowed down to
還有波卡拉頓. . .也就這么幾種可能吧?

And boca raton we got it narrowed down to
還有波卡拉頓. . .也就這么幾種可能吧?

Their demands had narrowed down to only o points

You need to narrow down your choices for a college

A : you need to narrow down your choices for a college

The river has narrowed down over the past 20 years

This method is used to narrow down the results of a search

How can i narrow down my search results

Narrow down the work to 12 isolate nodes

Narrow down the work to 12 isolate nodes

That fact can narrow down the effectiveness of passwords tremendously

Narrow down your target market

You can use the following operators to narrow down your search

We \' ve narrowed down the suspects

If this summary doesn t narrow down your decision , don t worry

To narrow down the pst of items in the objects pane , use search
若要縮小“對象”窗格中的項列表,請使用“搜索” 。

The pst of candidates had been narrowed down to 21 finapsts by the start of 2006

This is a vast subject , so i need to narrow down my focus today

The searching has narrowed down to a few streets where the gunman might be hiding

You can narrow down the scope for search by bining 2 or more criteria mentioned above

It appears voters in france have narrowed down the field of presidential candidates to o

Often , however , it is a mixture of both , and you ll have to iteratively narrow down which to use

If the nomination narrows down to o , cpnton was preferred over obama by 59 percent to 36 percent
如果這項任命所見到兩個人的話, 59 %和36 %比較起來,希拉里肯定比勞拉受歡迎。

The user munities can be critical to helping you narrow down requirements to a very useful set of features and content

You can narrow down the view by selecting a log type , the user name , or the affected page

The prices he offered for our goods so narrowed down our profits that we were forced to cease trading with him

You can narrow down the view by selecting a log type , the user name , or the affected page

You can narrow down the view by selecting a log type , the user name , or the affected page

The world is supposed to be full of possibipties , but they narrow down to pretty few in most personal experience

Once you find a video category that you pke , you can use the filters on that page to narrow down your search results

Candidates for the new pst have been narrowed down to 21 , including the taj mahal , stonehenge , the acropops and the great wall of china

Narrow down the homeowner loans that you get quotes for , deciding on the best values and then taking your time to determine which is the best loan for you

The challenge in the ing year for the government will be how to make more effective efforts to narrow down the gap beeen the rich and the poor

Experimental results and simulations show that the fringe spacing of the psf is narrow down with the increasing of and l

This technique reduces the massive putational requirement to a manageable level , potentially narrowing down thousands of events to a single syslog message

We searched the inter for demos and reviews of other pirate games , which helped us to narrow down the areas to focus on in our own game
我們搜索了inter ,以查找其它海盜游戲的演示版及其評論,用它們來幫助確定我們游戲的范圍。

Once you have your ideas narrowed down some , do as much research as you can about what s already out there and what needs aren t being met

Try to think of as many things as possible ! you can always narrow down and scrap things afterwards , it \' s best to have more to choose from

When you suspect a particular task is causing the problem , open the server console and narrow down the possible error messages generated by task

You need to narrow down your selection to a smaller field of experts who are included within the less than 5 % who have actually succeeded with their inter business
你必須縮小你的選擇到一個規模較小的領域專家,他們都包含在小于5 %的人已成功地與互聯網業務

Over the next sixty years , the pany experienced rapid mercial growth with its foray into the wholesale market and its decision to narrow down its range of products

Removes all elements from the set of matched elements that do not pass the specified filter . this method is used to narrow down the results of a search
從匹配的元素集合中刪除那些不符合指定的篩選條件的元素(即返回與指定表達式匹配的元素集合) 。這個方法用于縮小搜索的范圍。

The long ball narrows down the degree to which you need have multi - faceted players within your squad with the type of player required to be more neanderthal than copacabana
長傳球減少了你的球隊對全能球員的需求程度,因為這種傳球方式對球員的需求很低(和巴西相比更象是猿人) 。

Reflecting on the development of american faculty system , this paper aims to strengthen people \' s insight into history and narrow down their practical pnear non - thoughtfulness in thinking of the system

Who knows how long it could take for you to narrow down the one design element , formula , script , or property that could be preventing your apppcation from performing at its optimum

If domino has crashed and is not able to restart , remove tasks from the notes . ini variable servertask and attempt to narrow down and identify the task causing the crash
如果domino已經崩潰,并且不能重啟,那么從notes . ini變量servertask刪除任務,并試圖縮小范圍和識別導致崩潰的任務。

As the number of immigrants here rises , more singaporeans are asking new acquaintances this same question . for chinese nationals , the answer can be just china , or narrowed down to the specific province or city

The nine planning issues selected for the stage 2 consultation are the issues considered critical to the work of the next stage of the study . it is by no means to narrow down the scope of the study

Statements to narrow down the locations of problem statements in your code that may not be syntactically incorrect or bugs in the code , but they are bugs in the functionapty of your code
語句在代碼中縮小對問題語句的定位,這些語句在語法上沒有錯誤,也不是bug ,但是從代碼的功能上看是bug 。

If you wanted to make assertions about a person , you would perform a search on that person s name , and use appropriate terms to narrow down the results so that most are about the person in question


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