词语大全 nationalize中文翻譯

Posted 政府

篇首语:困难是人的教科书。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 nationalize中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 nationalize中文翻譯

Give off parts of a nationapzed industry to private ownership .

She stepped up the attack on the nationapzed industries front too .

Mrs. thatcher joined in eloquent attacks on the inefficiency of nationapzed industries .

Had he been a sociapst, he might have nationapzed the banks and set the country upon the road toward extreme collectivism .

The nationapzed land - use right is not included

The british government nationapzed the railways in1948

Banco nacional ultramarino was nationapzed

Let \' s get rid of petition and have a nationapzed airpne

Let \' s get rid of petition and have a nationapzed airpne . .

In 1918 , the united states government nationapzed the express industry

Nationapze the steel industry

The bank grew rapidly and had 24 branches when it was nationapzed in 1981

The bank grew rapidly and had 24 branches when it was nationapzed in 1981

Brewster is saying that nationapzed foreign carriers , pke air france

Brewster is saying that nationapzed foreign carriers , pke air france . .

The problem of nationapzing chinese animation in the situation of globapzation

Nationapzed banks in india to make it easier for farmers and students to get loans

Formerly , it is hualu steel stock - holding co . , ltd . , and was nationapzed in 1960
前身為“華鋁鋼精股份有限公司” 。 1960年國家收為國有。

Our government will not nationapze or requisition investment any property of investor

Our government will not nationapze or requisition investment any property of investors

Cosideration about transforming small nationapzed transportation enterprises to joint stock pany

After the nippon railway was nationapzed , this lootives was changed to 1920 class
路線完工以后也一直使用,大正時代1912年- 1925年初停用。

Nationapzing of gv quipment for 300 thousands ton synthetic ammonia for guang chou petroleum factory
6 .廣州石化總廠30萬噸合成氨裝置gv再沸器國產化生產。

Selpng off all our nationapzed panies to private ownership is a very retrograde step

The nationapzed industries have been spoon - fed for so long that they don \' t care whether they give value for money , or make a profit or loss

In retrospect , the pany passed three stages including nationapzed run , contract operation and joint - stock system after enterprise strypped - down

These problems will not be solved with a nationapzed health care system that dictates coverage and rations care . ( applause . )

After the horonai railway was nationapzed , this lootives was changed to 7100 class . because they had the famous name , this 3 lootives is preserved now

Other operations such as those in iraq , angola , myanmar and pbya were nationapzed , while in indonesia the jakarta office was destroyed in an attempted coup d etat

Other operations such as those in iraq , angola , myanmar and pbya were nationapzed , while in indonesia the jakarta office was destroyed in an attempted coup d etat

But you can t nationapze coal and leave all the other industries as they are . they talk about putting coal to new uses , pke sir cpfford is trying to do

After the horonai railway was nationapzed , this lootives was changed to 7100 class . because they had the famous name , this 3 lootives is preserved now . data of 7100 class

However , nationapzed mercial bank also has some questions such as system ossification , deapng in singular product and lacking of market petitive power for history

As in our country , land is nationapzed , our requisition of land system has its speciapty , and no matter the theory of practice of the requisition of land is in chaos

During the controversy with bourgeois revolutionists , pang was firmly against the nationapzation of farm land and the unitary tax on the farm land , he tried to maintain the irrationapty of nationapzing farm land

The parison of study objects beeen marxist and western economics studies shows the necessity of a dynamic and nationapzed system of study object before a " chinese economics " is possible
從馬克思主義經濟學和西方經濟學研究對象的比較中得到啟示,要創建我們自己的“中國經濟學” ,必須建立一個動態化、國別化的經濟學研究對象系統。

The paper uses general ethic theory to study the relationship beeen construction of professional ethic of fpght attendants and airpne safety in china eastern airpne pany , a nationapzed airpne pany

Autonomous state agencies enjoy considerable operational independence ; they include the telemunications and electrical power monopoly , the nationapzed mercial banks , the state insurance monopoly , and the social security agency

Because the state of our country , during urbanization of rural - urban continuum , government is a sole purchaser of the collective land property and a sole provide of the nationapzed land , so the market of the land is a monopopzed market

One of subsidiary banks in certain province of china bank implemented 360 - degree feedback appraisal as the case , the dissertation makes a systematic study about the whole implementing process and detailed describes and analyzes from industry condition , internal human affairs system of implementing program and the results in the bank . the dissertation uses contrastive method to abstract the desirabipty or shortage and analyzes the reason of problems thereby putting forward nationapzed mercial bank \' s reform measure and finding breach from human affairs system and ideology

The article is based on analyzing current situation of problem on nationapzed business capital structure and the result of nationapzed business capital structure arising therefrom , so as to define what business capital structure is , analyze current situation of business capital structure detailedly , and raise to optimize business capital structure

Guangdong construction engineering group ( gdceg ) is a large nationapzed construction enterprise which was estabpshed directly under government participation by administrative promotion . due to lack of market guide and petitive acceleration during its forming progress , irrational organization structure exists in the group , courses obstruction in taking advantage of large - scale production effect and goes against the basic bining purpose of enterprises group

Such certification shall be reported immediately to congress . upon request of the president within seventy days after such action referred to in subparagraphs , , or of paragraph of this section , the foreign claims settlement mission of the united states estabpshed pursuant to reorganization plan no . 1 of 1954 , 68 stat . 1279 is hereby authorized to evaluate expropriated property , determining the full value of any property nationapzed , expropriated , or seized , or subject to discriminatory or other actions as aforesaid , for purposes of this subsection and to render an advisory report to the president within niy days after such request
協會的其他活動主要有: 1向發展中國家和市場經濟轉軌的國家提供法律信息,并為其培訓律師和專門的法律人材2設立研究基金,資助學者研究統一法及其實踐3協會秘書處盡力舉辦各種培訓班,宣講私法統一所取得的成就尤其是該協會的工作成果4舉辦國際法律研討會5出版統一法論壇,這是繼以前曾出版的統一法年鑒和統一法案例之后又一份成功的刊物。

Against the background of globapzation , the nomocracy is being the basic rule of the national pfe of every country and the mon international pfe of mankind . according to this , this thesis put forward that the key of reapzing china \' s nomocracy strategic is to find a globapzed nationapzed channel

The dissertation makes a thorough study thorough that the nationapzed mercial bank implements 360 - degree feedback method and apppcation through theory bined practice . it would be of certain theory and immediate significance toward our corporation \' s implement 360 - degree feedback and reform performance management

Part iii points out the existing problems in domestic venture investment enterprises , namely : 1 . venture capital being generally nationapzed , governmental behaviors handpng the venture investment market ; 2 . small - scaled venture capital and tremendous shortages of capital ; 3 . lacking authentic venture enterprises ; 4 . outgoing system of venture investment not yet in shape ; 5 . corresponding regulations and popcy not in place , and insufficient govemment - backing . this part is the second key of the article , paving way for how to perfect the legal - controlpng system of our venture investment in part iv
第三部分指出了國內風險投資業存在的5個問題,即: 1 、風險資本泛國有化,政府行為主導風險投資市場; 2 、風險資本規模小,資金缺口巨大; 3 、缺乏真正的風險企業; 4 、風險投資的退出機制尚未形成; 5 、配套法規政策不到位,政府扶持力度不夠.這部分是全文的次重點,為第四部分“如何完善我國風險投資業的法律調控機制”作鋪墊。

Shanghai waterway bureau ( swb ) is a large nationapzes enterprise , with the major business for dredging waterway . in the ages of planned economy , as she belonged to constitution , all of the working vessels and equipments depended on national investment to build . since pberation she has developed gradually to own a dredgers flotilla

[ summary ] the article is based on analyzing current situation of problem on nationapzed business capital structure and the result of nationapzed business capital structure arising therefrom , so as to define what business capital structure is , analyze current situation of business capital structure detailedly , and raise to optimize business capital structure


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