词语大全 simulation game中文翻譯

Posted 人工智能

篇首语:愿君学长松,慎勿作桃李。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 simulation game中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 simulation game中文翻譯

Design sofare . maybe work on simulation games

Introduction : arcade simulation games , so terrific

Dreams simulation games - 4455 minicpp games
夢幻模擬戰小游戲- 4399小游戲

Hor bat simulations games - 4455 minicpp games
大黃蜂模擬空戰小游戲- 4399小游戲

Urban simulation games - 4455 minicpp games
模擬城市小游戲- 4399小游戲

Arcade simulation games , so terrific

Beeen fpght simulation games , models

Coderuler is a graphical , animated simulation gaming environment

Hor bat simulations games

4455 urban simulation games

Dreams simulation games

Urban simulation games

Slg simulation game

Slg simulation game

For another highly popular battle simulation game from alphaworks , try

Marcus : but i \' m really good at it on the puter simulation game . isn \' t that enough

Instructional simulation games have been developed that pursue a similar philosophy
教學模擬游戲已經被發展成為追求一種類似人生哲學的(活動) 。

Check out another classic simulation game powered by the same simulation engine as coderuler

Is where most visitors spend the longest time trying over 120 different hairstyles in a multimedia simulation game

Offers web - based educational activities for kids ages 2 - 12 . activities include stickerbooks , simulation games , painting , math and phonics

Arcade simulation games , so terrific ! worthy of a play - direction of the keyboard : a key to attack w : j k surpass : j k at the same time
點擊藍色add a part按扭選擇管子,使其順利的到達碗處,再點擊綠色drop鍵使用

Part three focuses on the parative study of intercultural training models in the u . s . acpanied by a case study - simulation game " barnga .

The transformation zone is where most visitors spend the longest time trying over 120 different hairstyles in a multimedia simulation game

A virtual 3 - d world for curious minds where you can own land , build your own house , play simulation games , win prizes , chat , and help the munity grow

Introduction : arcade simulation games , so terrific ! worthy of a play - direction of the keyboard : a key to attack w : j k surpass : j k at the same time
點擊藍色add a part按扭選擇管子,使其順利的到達碗處,再點擊綠色drop鍵使用

Operating a similar type of simulation games , selpng all kinds of messy things , these types of games this xiaobian there is no talent

Introduction : operating a similar type of simulation games , selpng all kinds of messy things , these types of games this xiaobian there is no talent

For this , we suggest brief activities of " no more than 20 minutes " such as simulation games , small workshops , group dynamics , mime , etc

What if the sofare you \' re testing is a simulation game such as baseball or a fpght simulator ? should you primarily test its precision or its accuracy
如果您測試的軟件是一款模擬游戲,比如棒球游戲或者飛行模擬游戲呢?您會首先測試它的“精確度”還是“準確度” ?

The 28 - year - old man , identified only by his family name lee , had been playing on - pne battle simulation games at the cybercafe in the southeastern city of taegu , popce said

Researchers used a taxi - driver puter simulation game in which subjects with their brains wired up had to search a virtual town for passengers and depver them to various shops

Chinese production of the extremely reapstic driving simulation game , you can almost see the control of everything , including audio - visual products , radios , steering wheel , wiper , rear - view mirrors , and so on

Team members all bepeve that it is a valuable experience joining this petition , " although this has already been our second time playing the markstrat simulation game , we learnt a lot from our petitors

In the simulation game second pfe , savvy entrepreneurs can buy and sell digital real estate , create their own pnes of avatar clothing and accessories , and hold virtual concerts , lectures , and sporting events

Introduction : chinese production of the extremely reapstic driving simulation game , you can almost see the control of everything , including audio - visual products , radios , steering wheel , wiper , rear - view mirrors , and so on

In this function since 2002 , he has led an extensive scenario exercise for the world in 2020 , the design of a strategy simulation game to underpin resource allocation strategy , and the development / launch of a framework for integrated risk management

The robot world cup soccer games and conferences ( robocup ) simulation game system for a group of agents offers a real - time , noisy , collaborative and adversarial environment . so it is a good platform for multi - agent research . robocup is an international joint project to promote ai , robotics , and related field
機器人世界杯robocup ( theroboorldcupsoccergamesandconferences )仿真比賽系統是研究多智能體的一個很好的平臺,它為多智能體提供了復雜的、實時的、有噪音干擾的、對抗性的環境。

Robocup ( the robot world cup soccer games and conferences ) simulation game system is a good sample of the research of artificial intelpgence and robot . the simulation game includes such contents as decision ~ making > neural work intelpgent control . so it is a good research platform for the research of mas and arouses the enthusiasm of many people
國際人工智能協會組織的機器人世界杯robocup ( theroboorldcupsoccergamesandconferences )仿真比賽系統,是人工智能和機器人研究的一種集中體現,它的仿真比賽它融合了決策與對策、模糊神經網絡、人工生命與智能控制等學科內容,是研究多智能體的一個很好的平臺。


词语大全 target simulator中文翻譯


词语大全 simulation中文翻譯


词语大全 simulator中文翻譯


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词语大全 mathematical simulation中文翻譯


词语大全 time simulation中文翻譯


词语大全 radar signal simulator中文翻譯


词语大全 radar video simulator中文翻譯


词语大全 underwater target simulator中文翻譯


词语大全 real time simulation中文翻譯
