词语大全 bab agnaou造句 bab agnaouの例文


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词语大全 bab agnaou造句 bab agnaouの例文

Bab Agnaou was renovated and its opening reduced in size, during sultan Mohammed ben Abdallah, sometime in the mid to late 18th Century.

While Bab er Robb was the official entrance to the city, Bab Agnaou gives entrance to the royal kasbah in the southern part of the medina of Marrakech.

Bab Ksiba and Bab Agnaou gives entrance to the royal kasbah in the southern part of the medina of Marrakech a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a favorite location for Tourist Acmodation within the Medina.

He also built the fortified citadel, the Kasbah ( " qasba " ), just south of the city ( " medina " ) of Marrakesh, with the Bab Agnaou gate connecting them.

This makes obvious sense when one considers " the big gate to the Kasbah " found at the Kasbah districts northern end is Bab Agnaou, a highly decorated gate, the corner-pieces decorated with floral decorations extending around a shell.

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