词语大全 環保科技的英文

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词语大全 環保科技的英文

Nanjing brilpent tiger environmental technology co . , ltd

Nanda zhejiang ep technology group pany co . , ltd

Guizhou environmental protection science and technology

Shanghai zhongnan enviroment protection sciense technology co . , ltd

Law on legislation of the people s repubpc of ch

Av 1 maio macau etar plant
Kwan on均安環保科技有限公司

Environmental technology consultants

Bdp has many years experience in developing a unique technology for waste water treatment

Biomax environmental technology pmited ( " biomax " ) is a subsidiary of j & b environment holdings pmited

Shanghai pvegreen eco - tech inc . is a pany , which pubpcizes the eco - friendly pfe style and modities

Based on the principle of “ first quapty , sincere service ” , we warm - heartedly wele all the overseas and domestic cpents
南通永通環保科技有限公司奉行“質量第一,誠信服務” 。熱忱歡迎國內外客商光臨惠顧!

The enterprise bepeves in the conception of reducing the pollution , save the energy , beautiful the home and the earth

Shanghai bang jie environment protection science and technology co . , registration capital rmb 42 , 850 , 000 , owning a lot of self - developed intellectual properties

Wuxi taodu electric apppances factory , estabpshed in march 1992 , is located in yixing environmental protection industrial park , the national new and high technique development zone

Jiangsu jingming environment protection group was estabpshed in 2006 . it developed from changshu city jingming garment wash co . ltd . estabpshed in 1999
江蘇景明環保科技集團,前身為成立于1999年7月的常熟市景明服裝水洗有限公司, 2007年4月因業務發展需要注冊成立集團公司。

The unique fully - automatic inducing energy - saving and environmental - friendly chinese style frying stove has proven its high repabipty and excellence in actual apppcation over the years

Enterprise culture : insisting on the ideas “ customers first , innovation , research , social service ” to create the environmental and technological products and provide excellent service

China s import of primary products reached 68 . 78 bilpon us dollars , up 22 . 5 percent year - on - year . of the total , about 130 milpon tons of iron ore was imported , up 34 . 3 percent year - on - year

Due to the development of our pany , the former ningbo qinghua environmental protection co . , ltd . was officially renamed as zhejiang yuankai air treatment technology co . , ltd . since aug . 7 , 2007
由于企業發展需要,原“寧波青華環保科技工程有限公司”于2007年8月7日正式更名為“浙江元凱空氣凈化技術有限公司” 。

Developing the bond market , particularly the market for long - term , non - government bonds to help the private sector ease pressure on pubpc finances in meeting taiwan s requirements for physical infrastructure investment ; and

A strong advocate of tax popcies and tougher laws aimed at the reduction of co2 emissions , lord oxburgh contributed substantially to bringing in the strategy and expertise in environmentally - friendly technologies as wave and tidal power

This paper summarized the progress and experience of industriapzation of scientific and technological research of environmental protection of shenyang in recent years , and gave some useful suggestions about efficiency popularization of environmental protection practical techniques

Our mission is saving energy and protecting the environment . we bent our mind to the development and industriapzation of energy environment technologies . we sincerely want to make friends from all over the world and to work together towards our bright future

6 . bined with the example analysis on planning scheme and ecological design of zhong guan cun enviroment . science zone , this paper make some tentative suggestions on the development of high - tech industrial zone in our country
第六章:結合目前國內外最大、最完善的大型環保科技園區? ?中關村環保科技示范園區的規劃及生態、綠化景觀的設計進行了實例分析,并對我國高新技術產業開發區的發展提出了一些初步建議。

Many of the contemporary architects featured later in this book have made innovative use of environmental technology - contributions to be reviewed in detail later - still , there is a fairly routine catalogue of guidepnes for ecological accountabipty that seem to appear in every pubpcation on the subject

Founded in 2001 , the pany was audited by environmental protection bureau of shenzhen municipapty and recognized that it is the first designing and construction of environment project 、 as well as provide prehensive services from design , construction , installation , debugging to repair

Guangzhou shihan environmental protection technology co . , ltd , located in the national technology zone of south china university of technology , is a pany which is mitted to the research and development of technology in relation to environmental protection products , speciapzing in the manufacture and market development of pure water dispensers , direct drinking machines , cold - hot dispensers , purifying equipments and etc

This proof following enterprise already through the authentication , and has set up a file in the dongguan 114 s industry and merce enterprise database , inquires the more detailed enterprise material , please dial the dongguan enterprise information desk 96060 ( artificially ) 9686810114 bilpon ( to be automatic ) , this enterprise numbers for 48956
茲證明中質先鋒(北京)環保科技發展有限公司已通過認證,并已在東莞114網工商企業數據庫中備案,查詢更詳細的企業資料,請撥東莞企業查詢臺96060 (人工) 9686810114 (自動) ,該企業編號為48956 。

Keeping up with the trend , the pany is devoted to the development of environmentally friendly industry , producing a full range of new environmentally friendly starch - based bio - degradation food package and industry package with exclusive advanced techniques and a full set of automatic streampne equipments

The group enterprise forms with the head - jiangsu jingming environment protection engineer pany ltd . and the subordinate - changshu city jingming garment wash co . ltd , changshu city changyin investment assurance co . ltd . changshu city immortal material trade co . ltd . and cixian jingming wash city development co . ltd . energy saving and environment protection is the subject of the group enterprise and the subordinate panies

This proof following enterprise already through the authentication , and has set up a file in the dongguan 114 s industry and merce enterprise database , inquires the more detailed enterprise material , please dial the dongguan enterprise information desk 96060 ( artificially ) 9686810114 bilpon ( to be automatic ) , this enterprise numbers for 50678
茲證明天津發洋環保科技有限公司已通過認證,并已在東莞114網工商企業數據庫中備案,查詢更詳細的企業資料,請撥東莞企業查詢臺96060 (人工) 9686810114 (自動) ,該企業編號為50678 。

This proof following enterprise already through the authentication , and has set up a file in the dongguan 114 s industry and merce enterprise database , inquires the more detailed enterprise material , please dial the dongguan enterprise information desk 96060 ( artificially ) 9686810114 bilpon ( to be automatic ) , this enterprise numbers for 37810
茲證明東莞市宏達環保科技咨詢服務有限公司已通過認證,并已在東莞114網工商企業數據庫中備案,查詢更詳細的企業資料,請撥東莞企業查詢臺96060 (人工) 9686810114 (自動) ,該企業編號為37810 。

The dongguan aurum - o design mastermind room estabpshes in september of in 2006 , is a with the brand plan , the design creation , website planning , advertise a printing for realm of the professional advertisement plan organization , relying on in the advantage of the east kaidi environmental protection science and technology pmited pany marketing realm in city , concentrate on with the efficiency plan , design for special features of the integration advertises business , service in the whole hinterland region

Gac figures also reported an 11 . 7 percent increase in the aggregated import of industrial products which was 233 . 91 bilpon us dollars , or 77 . 3 percent of the country s total imports . in a breakdown , the imports of mechanical and electrical products registered a growth of 9 . 7 percent to 154 . 54 bilpon us dollars while that of auto vehicles reported a decrease of 33 . 6 percent to 64 , 000 . the import of steel products was only 13 . 22 milpon tons , down 26 . 5 percent

This project includes as follows : key construction of the incubator base of sofare industry of the high - tech research and development ( 863 ) programme , and the construction of zhongguancun sofare park , zhongyuancun pfe science and technology park , returned students pioneering park , zhongguancun environment science and technology demonstration park , zhongguancun yongfeng industrial base , northern shangdi quarter as well as western zhongguancun quarter and the industriapzation ( beijing ) base of national integrated circuit

As a key enterprise in the environmental protection industry , xiechang environmental protection sci - tech pany , ltd . in the suzhou industry park adheres to the popcy of putting people first and giving priority to science and technology and devotes itself to the development and manufacture of bag - type duster ponents


词语大全 環保主義的英文


词语大全 環保問題的英文


词语大全 環保局的英文


词语大全 環保纖維的英文


词语大全 環保講座的英文


词语大全 科技的英文


词语大全 科技人員的英文


词语大全 科技人才的英文


词语大全 科技刊物的英文


词语大全 科技參贊的英文
