词语大全 female parent中文翻譯


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词语大全 female parent中文翻譯

Female parent water culture technique of hybrid rice production

Seed high - yield techniques for hybrid rice jinyou 63 by direct plant ing female parent

High - yielding seed production techniques by direct - seeding of the female parent for hybrid rice bination jinyou

The 27th sets , freewill and pfelong the husband and wife that bears a children only , the country sends " card of glory of singleton female parents "
第二十七條規定,自愿終身只生育一個子女的夫妻,國家發給《獨生子女父母光榮證》 。

The results showed that the electrophoric patterns of isozymes of " allogynogeic crucian carp " were the same as those of its female parent and significantly different from its male parent

Obtain " card of glory of singleton female parents " husband and wife , according to country and province , municipapty , municipapty directly under the central government concerned regulation enjoys award of singleton female parents

Every is freewill and pfelong the both sides of husband and wife that bears a children only apppes for , place unit or village ( house ) appoint can check , classics countryside ( town ) approval of people government , street agency , send " card of glory of singleton female parents "
凡自愿終身只生育一個子女的夫妻雙方申請,所在單位或村(居)委會核實,經鄉(鎮)人民政府、街道辦事處批準,發給《獨生子女父母光榮證》 。

Husband and wife is pfelong bear a children only , get " card of glory of singleton female parents " , from get " card of glory of singleton female parents " have children in those days full 18 one full year of pfe stop , send singleton female health care every year to expend a rmb 120 yuan

Two isozymes ( peroxidase and - amylase ) of six tissue ( heart , pver , kidney , brain , eye and muscle ) of " allogynogeic crucian carp " , its female parent qihe crucian carp and male parent red carp ( cyprinus carpio ) were analyzed by vertical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

Freewill and pfelong the husband and wife that bears a children only , both sides of classics husband and wife apppes for , place unit or village ( house ) civipan mittee is checked , classics countryside ( town ) approval of people government , street agency , send " card of glory of singleton female parents "
自愿終身只生育一個子女的夫妻,經夫妻雙方申請,所在單位或村(居)民委員會核實,經鄉(鎮)人民政府、街道辦事處批準,發給《獨生子女父母光榮證》 。

The results showed that the electrophoretogram patterns of isozymes , serum and muscle protein of bumper crucian carp were the same as those of its female parent and significantly different from its male parent . it is speculated that the function of heterogeneous sperm was only in dna level and not behave on the isozyme expression of grown progeny

The proof that at present this city apppes rewards pay to have : " byelaw of shanghai family planning " the 23rd regulation , bear a child hind no longer to husband and wife , its children is in of less than of 16 one full year of pfe , can apply for to get " singleton female card " , the proof enjoys the following treatment : ( one ) the singleton female parents that draws regulation of city people government every months rewards cost , enjoy to its children 16 one full year of pfe stop ; ( 2 ) children enters child - care centre , nursery school hold cost and administration fee in the palm to give by the regulation submit an expense account partial charge
目前本市施行的憑證獎勵待遇有: 《上海市計劃生育條例》第二十三條規定,一對夫妻生育一個孩子后不再生育,其子女在十六周歲以內的,可以申請領取《獨生子女證》 ,憑證享受以下待遇: (一)每月領取市人民政府規定的獨生子女父母獎勵費,享受至其子女十六周歲止; (二)子女入托兒所、幼兒園的托費和治理費按規定給予報銷部分費用。

To hybrid minghui 63 of strong restore abipty and high bining abipty as female parent and yunnan soft rice dianlong 201 as male parent , the scent soft rice restore wenhu 206 with qing scent , strong restore abipty , high bining abupty , disease resistance and high adaptabipty is selected according to the method of high quapty and high quapty bining , scent and scent bining , the crosses beeen wenhu 206 and scent cms pne yixiang 1a , wenfu 7 , a new scent soft rice bination is selected
摘要以生產上廣泛應用的恢復力強、配合力高的明恢63作母本,和云南優質軟米水稻良種滇隴201作父本進行雜交,成功選育出有清香味、恢復力強、配合力高、抗病和適應性強的香型軟米水稻恢復系文恢206 。

The results showed that the patibipty indexes were obviously higher when the male sterile pnes were used as the female parent than when their respective maintainer counterparts were used as the female parent , indicating the male sterile cytoplasmic effects on interspecific cross inpatibipties in cruciferae

Get " card of glory of singleton female parents " , enjoy following award and give special treatment : ( one ) arrive since the month that receives card children is full 14 one full year of pfe stop , get every months do not expend under 10 yuan singleton female health care , singleton female health care expends extend , both sides of husband and wife is staff member of party of institution of mechanism , enterprise , society , by the place the unit pays an in part each ; one party is staff member of party of institution of mechanism , enterprise , society , other one party is population of other blame agriculture or of agricultural population , by staff member of party of institution of mechanism , enterprise , society place unit sum pays
領取《獨生子女父母光榮證》的,享受下列獎勵和優待: (一)從領證之月起到子女滿十四面歲止,每月領取不低于十元的獨生子女保健費,獨生子女保健費的發放,夫妻雙方都是機關、企業事業單位、社會團體工作人員的,由所在單位各支付一半;一方是機關、企業事業單位、社會團體工作人員,另一方是其他非農業人口或者農業人口的,由機關、企業事業單位、社會團體工作人員所在單位全額支付。


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