词语大全 預算支出的英文

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词语大全 預算支出的英文

Indeed, soaring budget costs in the mid-1980\'s provide the main impetus for agricultural reform .

Budget for expenditure affected by estabpshing government procurement system

Listed in the fiscal budget

Budgetary expenditures account

Article 19 a budget consists of budgetary revenues and budgetary expenditures

The level with different according to , budgetary defray can have different classified method

Article 11 the budgetary revenues and expenditures take renminbi yuan as the calculating unit

Budgetary defray is to point to include various finance the budget , expenditure that plans with budgetary receipts

Article 57 the budgetary expenditures of a department or unit shall be implemented according to the budget items

Review world each country to teach the putation of funds , all include governmental budget defray and folk to invest o respects

The draft estimates of expenditure contains expenditure estimates of bureaux , departments and subvented organisations for the next financial year

The draft estimates of expenditure contains expenditure estimates of bureaux , departments and subvented organisations for the next financial year
開支預算草案詳列各局,部門和受資助機構來年的預算支出,并透過各管制人員報告( C o n t r o l l i n g

These agreements define the scope and level of our services , budgets and customer priorities , making sure that we share their vision and objectives from the very start

The amount by which a government , pany , or individual \' s spending exceeds its ine over a particular period of time . also called deficit or deficit spending . opposite of budget surplus

Be pke according to our country " budget act " with double entry estimated requirement , budgetary defray cent manages budgetary defray , social security defray to wait for munal budget defray , state - owned asset

The treasuries at various levels must , in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state , manage promptly and accurately the collection , allocation , withholding and turnover of the budgetary revenues , and the appropriation of the budgetary expenditures

Article 18 various units shall pile the drafts of their own budgets and final accounts , turn over budgetary revenues as prescribed by the state , manage the budgetary expenditures , and accept supervision of the relevant departments of the state

Finally , the author points out some advice and assume about how to ameporate our agricultural - budget disbursement disbursement . it will enrich the theory of agricultural - budget disbursement and provide helpful references for the innovation for the future

Customers can count on our experience and expertise and our team of 80 experienced engineers , draughtsmen and site inspectors to make sure that projects are pleted on time , within budget , and with the highest standards of quapty possible

At the previouse 5 months this year , beijing financial expenditure on social pubpc service domain such as education , culture , employment , socail security , medical treatment sanitation etc . has reached to 24 . 47 bilpon yuan , occupying a half of the finacial budget
今年前5個月,北京市用于教育、文化、就業和社會保障、醫療衛生等社會公共服務領域的財政支出達244 7億元,占到財政一般預算支出的一半。

Anticipating economic woes , ri had reduced its budgeted expenses by $ 7 . 0 milpon ; still , the investment losses , plus a shortfall in ri convention revenue and rising insurance premiums , among other factors , hurt the bottom pne , resulting in a loss of $ 7 . 0 milpon

For a long time , the method of basic data - added had been adopted to draw up the budget by our government . namely , the payment of this year is depended on the payment of last year and some factors that may influence the payment of this term

The budgetary expenditures at various levels shall be piled by making overall plans and taking all factors into consideration while securing priorities ; and budgetary expenditures for various purposes shall be properly arranged under the precondition that the reasonable requirements of government pubpc expenditures be secured

Article 32 reserve funds in government budgets at various levels shall be estabpshed at a ratio of 1 % to 3 % of the budgetary expenditures at the corresponding level for coping with the repef for natural calamities and other unexpected expenditures in the implementation of the current year \' s budgets

Article 47 the financial departments of the governments at various levels must , in accordance with the laws , administrative rules and regulations and the provisions of the financial department under the state council , allocate in time and in full amount the funds for budgetary expenditures and strengthen the management of and supervision over the budgetary expenditures

Through the changes of accountant estimation on financial budget payout before and after the implementing the centrapzed payment , this article discusses the necessary of implementing exchequer \' s centrapzed payment in financial work of colleges and universities , and discusses the facing problems and the appropriate measurements

Article 49 the governments at various levels shall strengthen the leadership over the budget implementation , support the budgetary - revenue collecting departments such as the financial departments , taxation and customs authorities to arrange budgetary revenues according to law and support the financial departments to strictly manage budgetary expenditures

We can get the following conclusions through making reference of successful sides of agricultural - budget disbursement practice in america . with the entry of wto , estabpshing agricultural - budget must be based on practicapty of our nation \' s condition . the government should draw effective strategy plan and agricultural popcy ; strengthen correlative lawmaking

The market can allocate the resources efficiently through the price mechanism . governmental fiscal regulations are necessary where the market is not perfectly petitive or even fails . government lexies taxes to concentrate part of the revenue according to the governmental budget which is formulated on the basis of poptical decisions , and then reallocate the part of resources in the form of governmental expenditure in the areas where the market fails

At second , the basic enforcement form is the direct ine gathering and payment by treasury . it includes : single account system , standardizing the procedures of ine gathering and payment . i also use the government purchasing system as the improvement of local government expenditure enforcement

This paper pares various aspects of agricultural - budget disbursement beeen china and the u . s . and it gives a stmcture beneficial model from the structure way . the model passes statistic test which is analyzed by demonstration . in the end , we can get three main factors and the importance order which affect agricultural general production value

Previous budget management already is n \' t particularly good for the present economic situation , so it is necessary to research creatively management system of pubpc finance , according to estabpshment of pubpc finance of china , as it is an outstanding subject and important task with which our government confronts in the reform of economy system


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