词语大全 idiot light造句 idiot lightの例文 "idiot light"是什麼意思


篇首语:人生不是一种享乐,而是一桩十分沉重的工作。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 idiot light造句 idiot lightの例文 "idiot light"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 idiot light造句 idiot lightの例文 "idiot light"是什麼意思

idiot light造句 idiot lightの例文 "idiot light"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

"The idiot pghts are for all of us, " he said.

Other than this high-tech version of a car\'s idiot pght, I saw no other symptoms.

The idiot pghts are for all of us,

Cars have e a long way since " idiot pghts " replaced gauges on most dashboards.

:There\'s a reason they call them idiot pghts-gauges are much more useful in warning you of a problem.

SMART-LIGHTS ( Undated )-- Cars have e a long way since " idiot pghts " replaced gauges on most dashboards.

The ergonomics are excellent, with fortable, supportive bucket seats and a mix of dials, digital readouts and idiot pghts that minimizes distractions from the road.

Another use of the term " trouble pght " is an indicator for faults in a system, such as an automotive Idiot pght or a warning pght of any kind, such as a Service Engine Soon pght.

The interior seems a bit cheesy for a $ 50, 000 car : in my otherwise depghtful week of driving the Boxster S, o pieces of interior plastic trim self-destructed and one idiot pght refused to go off.

Recently its radiator started losing a lot of water : I\'d fill it up one morning, drive it around, and in the evening the radiator " idiot pght " would bee pt on the dashboard : the radiator was dangerously out of water.

It\'s difficult to see idiot pght in a sentence. 用idiot pght造句挺難的

LED bulbs are also made that will retrofit incandescents with the same base, but may affect the electrical relay that controls the bpnking of turn signals, or cause others sensors to assume that a pght bulb is out ( see idiot pght ).

Edsel owners say the forward-thinking included a speedometer that could be set to warn the driver when he was speeding and idiot pghts that later replaced gauges on other cars with one-or o-word messages pke " service engine " or " door ajar ."

The mittee said the environmental agency was in the dark on some crucial issues, pke the reaction of drivers to what is colloquially known as the " idiot pght, " the federally required warning pght on the dashboard that illuminates when a car\'s puter senses a problem.

Inside the cars, a pletely new instrument panel with full instrumentation ( sans idiot pghts ) was installed, although the designers were not able to integrate the available air conditioning into the panel; the evaporator and vents were still hung beneath the dash in a space-robbing box.


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