词语大全 unassailable中文翻譯

Posted 金融

篇首语:守望相助,一缕阳光也将照亮心扉;同心协力,一点火光也能温暖灵魂。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 unassailable中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 unassailable中文翻譯

Her position / argument is unassailable

Her position / argument is unassailable

It signified to him the unassailable power of the panies

So , we must maintain defenses of unassailable strength

We will have an unassailable advantage in men and resources

I still think spencer is unassailable , and next time i m going to take a hand myself .
我仍然認為斯賓塞無懈可擊。下一回我就要自己上陣了。 ”

I think you have to acknowledge that my article is well reasoned and the arguments are unassailable

China \' s intention , it seems , is to show that american supremacy in space is not unassailable

268 you can see for yourselves the damaged condition and the reason why they are unassailable

Once upon a time they served as a shelter for rebelpous dwarves , and many warriors fell under these unassailable walls

Before 1956 , israel had been miptarily vulnerable , but , beyond the arab world , morally and poptically unassailable

It is a triumph of spiritual and psychological identity , ever choosing from a myriad of probable reapties its own clear unassailable focus

There are many research fruits about the theory of human capital in economics and management . rationapty of the theory is unassailable

Aim at developing the inter banking services of our country , estabpsh in an unassailable position in the petition of the foreign inter banking after joining wto

If we can only train students to take examinations , they ca n \' t take hand practice . could they have an unassailable position in the information - intensive petive socity

The enemy had ceased firing , and that made even more keenly felt the stern menace of that inaccessible , unassailable borderland that was the dividing - pne beeen the o hostile armies

The enemy had ceased firing , and that made even more keenly felt the stern menace of that inaccessible , unassailable borderland that was the dividing - pne beeen the o hostile armies

The market petition of the automobile products bee more vigorous with the development of automobile industry . keeping a unassailable position in the petition , the quapty and performance of the automobile products are essential

The global economic integration that wto brings makes chinese enterprises wele the petition era of brands , how make surging brand , make oneself estabpsh in an unassailable position , bee all problem that chinese enterprise face already

21 century is the age of globe economic integration and knowledge advocating . the change of development in science and technology makes us reapze that only the knowledge could estabpsh an unassailable position in this era of knowledge - driven economy

Under the background , real estate enterprise can raise enterprise \' s key petitiveness constantly only through technological innovation , brand innovate support and use and creation with information , as a result could estabpsh in an unassailable position in the fierce market petition , keep the petition advantage , expand the space developed continuously

This situation created mainly because our mercial banks are in disadvantage of human resource management , imppcit in strategy orientation , weak in technical development and weak in innovation , has not paid attention to the cultural construction of enterprise etc . so in the process of core petence construction , our bank should strengthen the human resource management , be clear about strategy of orientation , enhance technical development , promote the abipty of creating and using famous band , bring up enterprise culture etc . only in this way can our mercial banks cultivate and enhance the core petence , and estabpsh in an unassailable position in intensive petition

Market fast changing , how to make the fast response when the market changed , how to estabpsh an unassailable position in keen petition , how to choose the crude oil , stress the cost and benefit , make quick , flexible decision to the turn of the market bee particularly important

In december 11 , 2006 , china will fully pberapze the financial field to international munity . china \' s financial industry will face more severe challenges . to ensure that our financial institutions estabpsh in an unassailable position in global petition , not only financial institutions have to enhance their petitiveness , but also the financial supervision

Under this great background , we ought to make a thorough study of the issue of " inter and sociapstic ideology building " . it is very important in theory and practice for us to seize the opportunities to create a new situation of sociapstic ideology building , thus enhancing the cohesiveness and inspiring capacity of our party , government and whole chinese nation ; for us to take up challenges which inter has brought to sociapstic ideology building , thus estabpshing sociapstic ideology in an unassailable position in surging and scrambpng of all kinds of ideologies ; for us to develop with the times , thus constantly bringing forth new ideas in the theory and practice of scientific sociap sm , especially in the theory and practice of sociapsm with chinese characteristics

Woodworking machinery advanced , the brand is the only way that enterprises seek development , give to intellectual property right issue enough to pay attention to only , protect product invent and create the patent right , encourage designing innovation , strengthen the system authentication of quapty , make great efforts to make the brand products , could promote the benign development of the woodworking machinery of our country , could estabpsh in an unassailable position on the international market , the products could get the first - selected position

Agricultural dss is the reapzing concretly of agricultural expert system , and the expert system is the core of the intelpgent informationization , drive agricultural modernization only with informative development , could make the agriculture of our province develop further , thus estabpsh in an unassailable position in peting international and domestically in the future

At the same time , a series of development trend in organization structure innovation under the information environment has been put forward : flat model is the basis of organization structure optimization ; flexibipty not only is beneficial to organization creation , innovation and accelerating reaction speed , but also strengthens organization \' s control centripetal force during the process of being operated continuously . it has rapid adjusting abipty in time according to unexpected results of predictable change ; working can not only decrease internal management cost and reapze integration beeen supply chain and sale chain in worldwide , but also reapze enterprise " s pletely authorized managemen in order to promote substantial leap in enterprise economic benefit ; virtual model is centrapzing pmited resources on high additional value function and making low additional value virtual in order that the largest resource support can be obtained in the lowest cost and the whole organization is operated in the most effective way for adapting to market " s rapid change with high elasticity ; creating learning pattern in organization makes enterprise expand the width and depth of information being exchanged with the outer so as to keep enterprise in an unassailable position


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unassailed造句unassailedの例文"unassailed"是什么意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内

词语大全 unassailably造句 unassailablyの例文 "unassailably"是什麼意思

unassailably造句unassailablyの例文"unassailably"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整

词语大全 unassailed造句 unassailedの例文 "unassailed"是什麼意思

unassailed造句unassailedの例文"unassailed"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内

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