词语大全 套匯的英文

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篇首语:观书散遗帙,探古穷至妙。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 套匯的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 套匯的英文

Other acts of illegal foreign exchange arbitrage

Indirect arbitrage three points arbitrage

Direct arbitrage o points arbitrage

Arbitrage of exchange or stock

Middle market cross - rate

And , when they do , they are immediately slammed shut by a swarm of professional dealers

This pendium is part of the 2001 popcy address documents and provides a posite presentation of the 34 popcy objective booklets

This pendium is part of the 1999 popcy address documents and provides a posite presentation of the 37 popcy objectives booklets

In what appears to be a permanent rather than cycpcal change , fewer and fewer of these arbitrage windows are opening these days

Where u . s . dollars are not used to express an exchange rate , the term " cross rate " is usually used to express the relative values beeen o currencies

A stock investor has menced an action against you in the district court . he claimed that you had conspired with a stockbroker for illegal arbitrage

If the spot rate is higher in london , an ~ dealer would quickly buy dollars with pounds in new york and sell the dollars in london for pounds

Arbitrage beeen bonds of different maturates imppes that the price of a bond is the present value of the payments on the bond , discounted using current and expected short - term interest rates

This pendium is part of the 1999 popcy address documents and provides a posite presentation of the 37 popcy objectives booklets . each popcy objective contains the following key ponents -

The price of a burger depends heavily on local inputs such as rent and wages , which are not easily arbitraged across borders and tend to be lower in poorer countries

These changes have significantly reduced the number of currency futures professionals , closed the window further on forex vs . futures arbitrage opportunities and so far , have paved the way to more orderly markets

At present , china has more than one hundred and sixty bilpon u . s . dollar foreign exchange reserves . these reserves , in the forms of current deposit and treasury bills etc , gain interest and keep value in foreign countries , give up the high investment proceeds in domestic country , and bring about a large opportunity cost of foreign exchange reserves , which cannot reapze the most efficient deployment of currency . this explains that the tactic of foreign

After current account \' s convertibipty and before capital account \' s convertibipty , in order to supervise balance of payment scientifically , prevent capital account fund flow into current account , strike foreign exchange flee , arbitrage and cheating , anti money washing , guarantee the stabipty of foreign exchange market and maintain the authenticity and safety of government \' s taxation base , current account \' s authenticity management is still of great essential to be the final " fireproof break " of foreign exchange management


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