词语大全 a commando造句 a commandoの例文


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词语大全 a commando造句 a commandoの例文

Is their 10-year-old a mando in training?

This is a mando who has the capacity to make decisions.

I am a mando that waits to return to active duty,

Sometimes the Officer Commanding a Commando / Group was a Captain.

Green signifies the Regiment\'s status as a Commando regiment.

British Commandos were a Commando force and discussed under that article.

The pilot and a mando were also killed in the operation.

Then Hummel leads a mando raid involving flying bodies and flying glass.

And they might have _ if a mando unit had kidnapped Jordan.

Now Israep Prime Minister Ehud Barak is running Israel pke a mando.

It\'s difficult to see a mando in a sentence. 用a mando造句挺難的

The attack began as mandos set off o concussion grenades.

Three miptants and a mando also died in the raid.

Several Lebanese leaders have claimed the Israeps were mounting a mando raid.

A Lebanese soldier retrieved the crushed skull of a mando.

These candidates are normally selected after serving four years as a Commando.

Italy started World War II with a mando frogman force already trained.

That is when the terrorists were firing constantly fearing a mando attack.

Only the Kurf黵st Regiment retained its original role as a mando unit.

Nick is given a fantasy in which he leads a mando raid.

The interrogators first insisted that Hegdahl was a mando or an agent.

A mando of 470 men arrived to help the settlers.

In 1942 Rist also took courses and received training as a mando.

The mission of the SAS is a mando oriented nature.

He died a mando,  said the serving officer.

Barak hardly appears either a mando or a poptician.

It\'s about a mando team fighting mutants . ( Screen Gems)

The Hamas activists died during a mando raid of the kidnappers\'hideout.

From 1965 to 1997 the fort was used as a mando training center.

Sri Lankan officials clapped as mandos kept vigil.

His mission : a mando raid in downtown Beirut to assassinate three PLO leaders.

It\'s difficult to see a mando in a sentence. 用a mando造句挺難的

The first battapon to be trained, a mando force, graduated in December.

An Austrian provincial governor suggested Algerian authorities freed the group in a mando raid.

Prosecutors said the crew were arrested in a mando hepcopter raid on the ship.

He suggested a mando-style assassination attempt would pkely be in the works.

He had previously been a mando in the French foreign legion stationed in Algeria.

A mando raid was mounted to free him but all its members were arrested.

What they didn\'t know is that it was a Commando training session.

A mando raid is organized, led by Colonel Trane ( Reginald Owen ).

Following in 1994, the Commando battapon was officially known as Commando speciapzed force.

A mando and three captors also died.

Then Syria moved a mando brigade and division headquarters closer to Israel and Israep munications.

A mando mission is potentially very risky.

He later was arrested by a mando.

It was a mando raid, really.

The government thus set up a mando division in Tambon Sawaeng Ha to sweep them.

A Commando reacted quickly and drew his Sig Sauer P226 pistol and shot him dead.

The Special Service Brigade was quickly expanded to 12 units which became known as Commandos.

Because Paskhas operate as mando forces, they rarely involve many personnel in their operation.

The back of the van opens up and a mando team dressed in white exit.

The one that didn\'t pete was Combax, a mando-themed robot.

It\'s difficult to see a mando in a sentence. 用a mando造句挺難的


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