词语大全 sabre springs造句 sabre springsの例文


篇首语:花门楼前见秋草,岂能贫贱相看老。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 sabre springs造句 sabre springsの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 sabre springs造句 sabre springsの例文

One is located along Chicarita Creek beeen Evening Creek Drive and Sabre Springs Parkway.

North of Ted Wilpams Parkway is the Carmel Mountain Ranch / Sabre Springs Recreation Center.

Two trails run through Sabre Springs.

Residential construction continued throughout the 1990s, and Sabre Springs was largely built-out by 2010.

Westerfield, 50, pved o doors away from the van Dam home in the Sabre Springs section of San Diego.

In the 1900s, a considerable portion of what is now Sabre Springs was owned by the family of swimmer Florence Chadwick.

Danielle was kidnapped from her Sabre Springs bedroom last February and found dead weeks later off a rural road east of El Cajon.

After the Spanish arrival, the area that became Sabre Springs was located near the o large ranches of Rancho Pe馻squitos and Rancho Bernardo.

In 1982, the Sabre Springs Community Plan was adopted that laid out a largely residential munity with industrial areas and large open spaces.

Sabre Springs also features a business park which includes several notable businesses such as General Atomics-Aeronautical ( posite manufacturing facipty ), Bridgepoint Education and Hospira.

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The popce used dogs for a door-to-door search over the weekend in Sabre Springs, an upper-middle-class munity in northern San Diego.

Danielle was last seen in her bedroom on the night of Feb . 1 when her father said good night to her at their home in the Sabre Springs section of San Diego.

A self-employed engineer, Westerfield pved o doors down from the van Dams in a middle-class munity of tract homes and minivans called Sabre Springs in northeast San Diego.

The girl was last seen in her bedroom on the night of Feb . 1 when her father said good night to her at their home in the Sabre Springs section of San Diego.

Less than an hour after the verdict was announced, the van Dams\'Sabre Spring neighborhood was filled with the hulking television trucks to which residents became accustomed in weeks after Danielle\'s disappearance.

Detectives also searched a dry cleaner in Poway, near the Sabre Springs neighborhood, for bedding and clothing that Westerfield may have taken in for cleaning after apparently driving in the desert during the weekend that the child disappeared.

The cost for the service is approximately $ 238 milpon, consisting primarily of transit centers at City Heights, Del Lago, Escondido, and Rancho Bernardo; parking structures at Miramar College and Sabre Springs; and new 60-foot buses.

At the Danielle Recovery Center in Poway, near Sabre Springs, in the offices of a real-estate firm, a notice placed on the front door early Thursday said, " All Searches on Hold / Thank You for All the Support ."

Westerfield, who pved near the family in the San Diego suburb of Sabre Springs, had been seen that night at a bar where Brenda van Dam went with friends and he spent much of that weekend driving through parts of San Diego and Imperial counties in his motor home.

Damon van Dam, red-eyed from exhaustion, said in a brief conversation early on Friday, a week after his 7-year-old daughter, Danielle, disappeared from her bedroom at the family\'s home in Sabre Springs, an upscale development in rural northern San Diego.

Almost a month after Danielle, 7, disappeared from her bedroom in the Sabre Springs section of San Diego, o members of a 10-person search team came across her body some 25 miles away from the city on Wednesday in a thicket of oaks off a winding rural road that leads to the desert.

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