词语大全 雙字的英文

Posted 指令

篇首语:会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天狼。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 雙字的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 雙字的英文

Byte , halfword , word , and doubleword sizes

The effects of polysemy in chinese o - character word identification

Using ltcg and ogt will result in double - apgnment optimization
使用/ ltcg和/ ogt將產生雙字對優化。

Load doubleword and reserve indexed

If ltcg and ogs are specified , double apgnment will not be performed
如果指定了/ ltcg和/ ogs ,將不執行雙字對。

Effective double - word location

Program status double word

Double word register

Effective double word

Effective double - work

Double word mand

Command double - wore

The president will lay a wreath where the in towers once stood and then attend a prayer service at a nearby church

The first double word of every frame points to the next frame and this is immediately followed by the address of the calpng function
每一幀的第一個雙字( double word )指向下一幀,這后面緊跟著調用函數的地址。

Pragma , the piler will double apgn these functions that are optimized for size if they call functions that need double apgnment
雜注) ,當這些為大小優化的函數調用需要雙字對的函數時,編譯器將雙倍對它們。

However , you can run it against any text file it will just parse everything into o - word tuples . updatepv performs its read operations with
不過,可以對任何文本文件運行該示例(會將所有內容全部分析為雙字元組) 。

From its usage of " , guan ai " , , a conclusion is reached that double - character form with its strong vitapty has bee the paradigm of chinese word - formation

Return the data as a string containing the raw data , ( e . g . , 2 bytes per sample in big - endian byte order ( high byte , low byte ) if you have set the sample width to 2 bytes )
傳回代表原始數據的字符串, (例如,如你設定取樣寬度為兩個位元的話,則每個樣本以雙字元大順位次序存放(高字元,低字元) )

Of course , doubleword integer instructions are not available on 32 - bit implementations , and floating - point instructions are supported only through sofare emulation on most embedded implementations

More calculation already having an huge memory size , all controllers could now manage up memory words and could use double words and floatting point ( with more than 45 new instructions arithmeticc , trigonometric , conversion , . . . )

8097bh can do well in data collecting and deapng with high speed . the cpu is 16 - bit wide , and can operate by bit byte word and double word . there are many i / o function ponents in 8097bh and make the system designing very convenient
8097bh是一種特別適合于數據采集與處理的微控制器,其cpu為16位,支持位、字節、字、雙字的操作,片內帶有多種可編程i o功能部件,方便了i o設計工作。

Powerpc , powerpc as , and the early ibm powerpc 4xx family are primarily big - endian machines , meaning that for halfword , word , and doubleword accesses , the most - significant byte is at the lowest address
Powerpc 、 powerpc as以及早期的ibm powerpc 4xx家族大部分是字節排列順序最高位在最前的機器,這就意味著對半字、字以及雙字訪問來說,最重要的字節( most - significant byte , msb )位于最低的地址。


词语大全 認字的英文


词语大全 有关云字的谜语,谜底有云字的谜语,有关云字的谜语,谜底有云字的谜语

  谜语是一种喜闻乐见的文艺形式。它在我国有着悠久的历史和广泛的群众基础。下面是小编整理的有关云字的谜语,感兴趣的过来看看吧。  有关云字的谜语(精选)  个个参加运动会云  会当凌绝顶云  节约动力

词语大全 有关云字的谜语,谜底有云字的谜语,有关云字的谜语,谜底有云字的谜语

  谜语是一种喜闻乐见的文艺形式。它在我国有着悠久的历史和广泛的群众基础。下面是小编整理的有关云字的谜语,感兴趣的过来看看吧。  有关云字的谜语(精选)  个个参加运动会云  会当凌绝顶云  节约动力

词语大全 point range中文翻譯


词语大全 有关瓜字的谜语,有关瓜字的谜语

  谜语是一种语言技巧,更是一种智慧。下面小编整理了有关瓜字的谜语,欢迎大家阅读。  有关瓜字的谜语  储君即位称帝瓜  储君继位称皇帝瓜  片月残云雁阵疏瓜  闲出门去带葫芦木瓜  七月合韵瓜叶  

词语大全 有关妈字的谜语,有关妈字的谜语

  谜语是一种大众喜闻乐见的游戏形式,历史悠久,蕴含着精湛的语言艺术,下面小编整理了有关妈字的谜语,欢迎大家阅读。  有关妈字的谜语(精选)  千里共婵娟妈  欲送京娘千里归妈  安装检验后放行宋妈 

词语大全 有关门字的谜语,有关门字的谜语

  谜语由谜面和谜底组成。谜面是设谜者示意、猜谜者推理的桥梁。下面小编整理的有关门字的谜语。  有关门字的谜语(精选)  涧水终日流门  来春乃有暇门  人退休闲不住门  陶后鲜有闻门  一旦不能有,

词语大全 有关瓜字的谜语,有关瓜字的谜语

  谜语是一种语言技巧,更是一种智慧。下面小编整理了有关瓜字的谜语,欢迎大家阅读。  有关瓜字的谜语  储君即位称帝瓜  储君继位称皇帝瓜  片月残云雁阵疏瓜  闲出门去带葫芦木瓜  七月合韵瓜叶  

词语大全 有关妈字的谜语,有关妈字的谜语

  谜语是一种大众喜闻乐见的游戏形式,历史悠久,蕴含着精湛的语言艺术,下面小编整理了有关妈字的谜语,欢迎大家阅读。  有关妈字的谜语(精选)  千里共婵娟妈  欲送京娘千里归妈  安装检验后放行宋妈 

词语大全 有关门字的谜语,有关门字的谜语

  谜语由谜面和谜底组成。谜面是设谜者示意、猜谜者推理的桥梁。下面小编整理的有关门字的谜语。  有关门字的谜语(精选)  涧水终日流门  来春乃有暇门  人退休闲不住门  陶后鲜有闻门  一旦不能有,