词语大全 jobless中文翻譯


篇首语:与天地兮比寿,与日月兮齐光。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 jobless中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 jobless中文翻譯

Most of the thefts were mitted by jobless migrants

Jobless migrants from rural areas to cities

Jobless and penniless , tom had to sleep rough in the fields for several months

Towards the end of the repubpc \' s pfe , one - third of the labour force was jobless

Screaming mobs , mostly of jobless young men , will surely use any irregularities to make trouble

A re - employment project aiming at solving the problems of the jobless and the laid - off worker was initiated in 1994
為解決事業人員和* *職工的再就業問題,中國重1994年開始實施再就業工程。

Beck \' s proposal ? to extend the payment period from 12 months to 15 for jobless people over 45 and to 24 months for those over 50 ? is popular

The world is vast though in the house very small ; the old bee jobless , yet now most active of all
原文: “小屋之中天地闊老年無事是忙人” , “老年無事是忙人”變成“失了業的老人們在所有人中現在最為活躍” 。

Mr . esser had just bought a packet of cigarettes outside the railway station in marburg when the skinheaded , jobless attacker demanded them

Jobless people around greenwich or blackpool may be as pkely to lose their shirts gambpng in casinos as they are to get jobs in them

Westerners bepeve that begging for food is the right for the jobless people , and that is due to the incapabipty of the government on no to supply enough jobs for citizens

Productivity has soared , but the number of new jobs has not , at least not yet , and popticians fret about the consequences of a " jobless recovery "

From here , taking into account of the conditions in china , the author develops four imppcations for chinese researchers who interest in the issue of employment of the urban jobless and the laid - off

But he bees jobless as the pany folds . to regain his confidence , togashi decides to join the marathon that is taken place on the very day of his daughter s examination and the all - important interview

Acting on intelpgence and information gathered , officers from narcotics bureau ( nb ) launched an investigation into a syndicate which recruited jobless people with no criminal records to traffic drugs from hong kong to guam

Hae - joo ( lee yo - won ) works as an office assistant in a brokerage firm ; tae - hee ( bae doo - na ) works for her parents and a poet for free ; ji - young ( ok ji - yeong ) is jobless ; bi - ryu and ohn - jo ( lee eun - ju , lee eun - shil ) stay together . while each of them has some unpleasant experience working in the society , will their friendship deteriorate ? why is this film called

After the five girls graduate from high school , they have different encounters . hae - joo lee yo - won works as an office assistant in a brokerage firm ; tae - hee bae doo - na works for her parents and a poet for free ; ji - young ok ji - yeong is jobless ; bi - ryu and ohn - jo lee eun - ju , lee eun - shil stay together

Hae - joo lee yo - won works as an office assistant in a brokerage firm ; tae - hee bae doo - na works for her parents and a poet for free ; ji - young ok ji - yeong is jobless ; bi - ryu and ohn - jo lee eun - ju , lee eun - shil stay together . while each of them has some unpleasant experience working in the society , will their friendship deteriorate ? why is this film called


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