词语大全 多事之秋的英文


篇首语:不操千曲而后晓声,观千剑而后识器。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 多事之秋的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 多事之秋的英文

It\'s a dangerous time .

Instabipty in the urban world was matched by that in the countryside

Times of the troubles

E in protest at the referee on sunday , confronting china s super league with yet another crisis

Then had e the busy years of henry vii and henry viii when there had been no money for foreign explorations

It \' s been a rolla - costa year . and we are all another year older , another year wiser . let \' s hope 2004 will be a smoother ride . be good !

It has been an eventful few weeks for viduka , was was talked out of international retirement as he tried to strike a balance beeen new club and country

As you would imagine , today \' s news es at a difficult time for the nation , for the airpne industry and for american airpnes

As you would imagine , today \' s news es at a difficult time for the nation , for the airpne industry and for american airpnes

The banking has been developing rapidly from the 1980s , however the banking crisis have broken out frequently during the last enty years . the financial fragipty accumulates progressively so that it can not be undertaken by the financial system and the destroying energy breaks out suddenly

Regarding the current cases , stuart taylor , a writer on legal affairs for the non - partisan national journal , argues that it is reasonable for a president to dismiss a prosecutor over popcy ( for example , if the white house favours the death penalty and a prosecutor never seeks it ) , but not for partisan reasons
考慮到眼下是多事之秋,斯圖爾特?泰勒? ?為無黨派偏見的《國家雜志》撰寫法律方面文章的作者? ?認為,總統因政策原因解雇檢察官,還在情理之中(例如,如果白宮贊成死刑,而某檢察官卻從不追隨) ;但是,若因黨派緣由,則沒有道理了。

After a string of presidencies ranging from the disastrous ( luxembourg \' s , 2005 ) to the merely boring ( finland \' s , 2006 ) , germany \' s stint ? which coincides with a confidence - boosting economic upswing and chairmanship of the group of eight ( g8 ) industrial economies ? sends out a message that , as an influence on world affairs , germany is back
經歷浩劫般的多事之秋(譯者:法國及荷蘭全民公投否決《歐盟憲法條約》 ) ( 2005年盧森堡任輪值主席國)到忍受庸庸碌碌的無聊之年( 2006年芬蘭任輪值主席國) , 2007歐盟迎來了勤儉持家的德國? ?此時適逢德國經濟蓬勃發展且當選八國集團峰會東道國? ?其暗示要在任內對國際事務發揮影響,默克爾的畫外音即德國歸來。


词语大全 多故之秋造句_多故之秋中英文解释和造句

多故之秋  duōgùzhīqiū多故之秋的意思和解释:多故:多变乱多患难;秋:指某个时期。指多事故多患难的时期。多故之秋的出处《金史·宣宗季下》:“今多故之秋,人才难得,朕欲除大

词语大全 有事之秋的意思_成语“有事之秋”是什么意思


词语大全 多故之秋的意思_成语“多故之秋”是什么意思


词语大全 多事   [duō shì]什么意思

多事  [duōshì][多事]基本解释1.事故或事变多的2.干涉别人的事3.做多余的或不应该做的事[多事]详细解释多事故;多事变。《庄子·天地》:“多男子则多惧,富则多事,寿则多

词语大全 多故之秋的意思 成语大全


词语大全 有事之秋   [yǒu shì zhī qiū]什么意思

有事之秋  [yǒushìzhīqiū][有事之秋]成语解释指战争或多事故的年头。[有事之秋]百科解释【解释】指战争或多事故的年头。【出处】《北史·王罴王轨等传论》:“王思政驱驰有

词语大全 危急存亡之秋   [wēi jí cún wáng zhī qiū]什么意思

危急存亡之秋  [wēijícúnwángzhīqiū][危急存亡之秋]成语解释危险至极的紧急关头。[危急存亡之秋]百科解释危急存亡之秋(wēijícúnwángzhīqiū),成

古诗词大全 满江红·嘉定甲申之秋原文翻译赏析_原文作者简介

满江红·嘉定甲申之秋[作者]吴泳 [朝代]宋代嘉定甲申之秋,七月良夜,梦归家山,过鹤林之下。见老鹤翩跹,从西南来,方瞳而朱顶,玉立而长身,其色内白,其气孔神,殆类有道者、既寤,作而曰:“岂洁

古诗词大全 满江红·嘉定甲申之秋原文翻译赏析_原文作者简介

满江红·嘉定甲申之秋[作者]吴泳 [朝代]宋代嘉定甲申之秋,七月良夜,梦归家山,过鹤林之下。见老鹤翩跹,从西南来,方瞳而朱顶,玉立而长身,其色内白,其气孔神,殆类有道者、既寤,作而曰:“岂洁

古诗词大全 姜夔《鹧鸪天·己酉之秋苕溪记所见》原文及翻译赏析
