词语大全 macadam avenue造句 macadam avenueの例文

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篇首语:知识的价值不在于占有,而在于使用。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 macadam avenue造句 macadam avenueの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 macadam avenue造句 macadam avenueの例文

ACHS is located in the Johns Landing area, at 5005 SW Macadam Avenue.

The highway soon enters the city of Portland, where it is known as "\'Southwest Macadam Avenue " \'.

The bridge crosses I-5 and SW Macadam Avenue, and connects SW Kelly Avenue on the west side to SW Moody Avenue on the east side.

Macadam Avenue passes alongside the river for several miles, sandwiched beeen the river on the east and U . S . Route 26 near the Ross Island Bridge.

There are four markets : three located in Portland on W . Burnside Street, SE Belmont Street, and SW Macadam Avenue; one located in Lake Oswego on Boones Ferry Road.

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词语大全 纯正无邪造句_纯正无邪中英文解释和造句

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一边一边造句  一:哥哥一边安慰著母亲,一边擦去自我的眼泪。  二:我一边看着远方淡淡的夕阳,一边回忆著往事。  三:我一边唱歌一边跳舞。  四:我一边看着远方淡淡的夕阳,一边回忆著往事。  五:我一

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