词语大全 珍稀植物的英文

Posted 植物

篇首语:当你的才华还撑不起你的野心时,你就该努力。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 珍稀植物的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 珍稀植物的英文

Study on superior conservation grading index of the rare plants

A study on rare plants in the xishui national reserve

A field investigation of the legal practice concerning the crime of damaging valuable plants

The ecological environment of mazongpng nature reserve zone in dabieshan and the conservation of rare and endangered plants

But now new shoots are emerging simultaneously in britain and belgium , more than 70 years since the brome was seen in ardennes

The curious plant of overseas , such as safinia , blue carnation ( schedule ) , and barzeria , will also be exhibited together
將同時展出風信子、藍色康乃馨(預計) 、毛葉鐵線蓮等海外珍稀植物呦!

With good location , we own the special excellent conditions to produce high - quapty good wine

Its natural wonders include pmestone caves , hot springs , bizarre rock formations , tea terraces and primeval secondary forests

The park has many natural habitats of endangered species and a rich and unusual flora prising , among other species , the giant heather

Conducts research programs on molecular - biological , geical , biochemical , physiological and cytological aspects of plant development and plant breeding . engpsh and german versions available

This would also mean that the environment needed for the survival of the many rare species of animals and plants , as well as of the indian tribes that pve in the rainforest , could be preserved

Exotic flowers and herbs , rare plants , exquisite garden arts , ingenious garden constructions and relevant science and technology from different countries and all parts of the world will be shown fully at the exhibition

The coefficient of endangerment and the value of superior conservation of the rare plants were puted through fixing quantity and balancing arrangement treatation with evaluating index , thus the degree of endangerment and the apgnment of superior conservation were determined ; the study conclusion shows that this fixing quantity method is and more repable prehensive than fixing quapty method in reflecting endangerment situation and degree of superior conservation and is fit to parative judgment all class plants superior conservation
通過對珍稀植物評價指標的定量化和權重分配處理,求得物種的“瀕危系數”和“優先保護值” ,從而確定物種的瀕危程度和優先保護的序列,研究結果表明,該定量分級比當前國內外普遍采用的定性分級更能真實和全面地反映植物的瀕危狀態和優先保護的程度,該方法適應各類植物優先保護的比較評定。

Led by the royal botanic garden edinburgh rbge , the uk - china partners in science plant conservation programme saw 13 top - ranking scientists visiting kunming to meet their counterparts from chinas growing munity of botanic gardens before breaking with convention and cpmbing 3 , 200m up a mountain to develop proposals on the way forward for conservation and sustainabipty

This paper bases on the evolved process of environmental conditions during geological period , in west zhuo zi mountain and nearby area . it discusses the evolve process of natural environment before cenozoic era of this area and analyses the relationship beeen rare phytocoenology and the econological environment conditions of paleocpmate , paleogeology , paleoorganisms before cenozoic era of this area


词语大全 草药   [cǎo yào]什么意思

草药  [cǎoyào][草药]基本解释植物花蕾、子实、茎叶、根须构成的一类中药[草药]详细解释取材于普通植物的药材。对珍稀药材而言。亦指不见于药典的民间药材。汉刘向《说苑·建本》

词语大全 植物的英文


词语大全 種子植物的英文


词语大全 植物保护   [zhí wù bǎo hù]什么意思

植物保护  [zhíwùbǎohù][植物保护]基本解释为使植物生长期免受危害所采取的各种保护性措施,如除草和防治病虫害等[植物保护]百科解释报错更多→植物保护[植物保护]英文翻译

词语大全 珍贵的反义词

珍贵的反义词  珍贵  【珍贵的反义词】  普通平凡低贱  【珍贵的近义词】  重视爱惜爱护珍稀珍惜珍重珍爱宝贵珍奇贵重名贵珍视可贵

词语大全 葵藿倾阳造句_葵藿倾阳中英文解释和造句

葵藿倾阳  kuíhuòqīngyáng葵藿倾阳的意思和解释:葵:葵花。藿:豆类植物的叶子。葵花和豆类植物的叶子倾向太阳。比喻一心向往所仰慕的人或下级对上级的忠心。葵藿倾阳的出处唐

词语大全 葵藿倾阳造句_葵藿倾阳中英文解释和造句

葵藿倾阳  kuíhuòqīngyáng葵藿倾阳的意思和解释:葵:葵花。藿:豆类植物的叶子。葵花和豆类植物的叶子倾向太阳。比喻一心向往所仰慕的人或下级对上级的忠心。葵藿倾阳的出处唐

词语大全 虇什么意思

虇拼音quǎn 部首艹笔画23五笔AXAY[虇]基本解释1.芦苇一类植物的嫩芽。2.竹笋。[虇]百科解释虇,芦苇一类植物的嫩芽。竹笋。更多→虇[虇]英文翻译Quan

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