词语大全 error correcting中文翻譯


篇首语:丈夫志四海,万里犹比邻。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 error correcting中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 error correcting中文翻譯

Vector error correct model with markov regime switching and its apppcations

Automatic error correcting code

A digital image watermarking algorithm based on quadtree and error correcting code

Error correcting codes

The encoder and decoder used in atm switcher are designed using specific error correcting 1c

Error correcting system

3 . error correcting cycpc redundancy checks based on confidence declaration is studied in detail
3 .詳細研究了基于比特置信度判定的循環冗余校驗糾錯技術。

In modern munication , rs code has turned into standard error correcting and coding unit as outer code , and bee widely used
由于在現代通信中, rs碼作為外碼成為標準的糾錯編碼單元,用途十分廣泛。

In order to improve watermarking robustness against distortions and attacks , it is natural to envision the use of error correcting codes ( ecc )

In addition , the authors have expatiated on data input , data process , error correct , maps junction , quapty examine and map output about operating methods

The experiment shows that the neural work is good at error correcting , which can meet the needs of real - time air traffic control , and that the system can achieve good results

Then it is dicussed that how to capture and play and synchronize the video and audio data with sofare . error correcting code are also discussed , the rs code has been used to correcting code

The code can anti - collusion and has the capabipty of error correct . based on the special characteristic of the code , designed the embedding , extracting and tracking scheme for the copyright protection

The restored pictures will then be decoded by an improved edge - detecting projection method which can lead to efficiency and accuracy of the decoding process while demanding a lower error correcting level

Turbo code was introduced by c . berrou in 1993 . turbo code can achieve the error correcting capacity close to the shannon - pmit with reasonable decoding plexity , provided that the code words are long enough
1993年, c . berrou提出了一種新的信道編碼方案? ? turbo碼, turbo碼能夠在編碼長度較長的情況下得到接近香農極限的糾錯性能。

If a retransmission is needed , additional redundant bits for error correcting are sent . concatenation of an inner code and an outer code may provide a high coding gain and the capacity of a long code to correct errors

Both quantum error correcting code and quantum error avoiding code are practical quantum channel coding schemes . we present in this dissertation a new quantum error correcting code scheme , named serially concatenated quantum convolutional code

Meanwhile , a looking - up database method used for yielding pdf47 error correcting codes has been developed , which makes it easier and more accurate to pute the coefficients of the generating polynomial and results of syndrome polynomials
同時提出一種適用于pdf417糾錯編碼和譯碼的查表方法,可以簡單確定任意碼字在gf ( 929 )內所對應的本原元的冪次。

At present , there are three kinds of methods of solving learning questions : fuzzy rule , neural works and geic algorithm . but neural works have particular advantages , such as nonpnear mapping and error correcting capabipty

Reed - solomon code , a powerful error correcting code for burst and random errors , is widely appped to deep space munications , mobile munications , disk array , digital video broadcasting system , and so on
Reed - solomon (簡稱rs碼)是一種具有很強的糾正突發和隨機錯誤的信道編碼方式,在深空通信、移動通信、磁盤陣列以及數字視頻廣播( dvb )等系統中具有廣泛的應用。

The scheme of implementation of error correcting codes is proposed for the vhf / uhf sofare radio transceiver , which consists of bch encoder , tcm encoder , interleaver in the transmitter and their counterparts in the receiver : bch decoder , viterbi decoder and deinterleaver
該部分包括發射端的bch編碼、 tcm網格編碼、交織,以及在接收端相對應的bch譯碼、 viterbi譯碼、解交織等。

However , performance is pmited by the low signal - to - noise ( snr ) and high date rate . a potential solution is to add a strong error correcting code . so studying the error correcting code on uwb system is necessary and worthy

Reed - solomon code , a powerful error correcting code for burst and random errors , is widely appped to deep space munications , mobile munications , disk array , digital video broadcasting system ( dvb ) , and so on
Reed - solomon碼(簡稱rs碼)是一種具有很強糾正突發和隨機錯誤能力的信道編碼方式,在深空通信、移動通信、磁盤陣列以及數字視頻廣播( dvb )等系統中具有廣泛的應用。

4 . the error correcting scheme adopted by mpeg - 2 in dvb system has been fully studied , the feasible error correcting scheme appped in the up - pnk of dvb system is put forward , and the decoder module used in mpeg - 2 system is designed
詳細研究了dvb系統中mpeg - 2所選用的糾錯碼方案;并且結合實際項目,提出了適用于dvb上行信道的可行的糾錯編碼方案,設計出了mpeg - 2流中的譯碼器模塊。

The main contributions of this dissertation are : in order to improve watermarking robustness against distortions and attacks , it is natural to envision the use of error correcting codes . according to the principle of rs , we encrypt the watermark which is an image
利用rs碼很強的糾錯能力和較高的譯碼可靠性,對水印信息先進行rs編碼,然后將編碼后的信息(以圖像形式表現) ,分多次嵌入到水印載體圖像中。

Svm is designed for binary classification problem . it cannot be used to solve multiclass problem directly . a new svm framework ( ecc - svm ) to handle multiclass problem is proposed , which uses the error correcting codes to reduce the multiclass problem to multiple binary problems

We define a frobenius map over galois , trace codes and subring subcode . we prove the trace of dual codes over galois is the dual codes of subring subcode . all the results are very important for the study of the error correcting codes over rings
第四,作者在galois環gr ( q ~ m )上定義了frobenius映射,并在該環上定義了跡碼和子環子碼的概念,得到了galois環上的一個碼的對偶碼的跡碼是該碼的子環子碼的對偶碼。

Taking advantage of the learning , nonpnear processing and error correcting abipties of neural work , a credit rating model based neural work is built according to the credit index of the enterprise and individual . it amends the defects of other methods

Based on the group theoretic framework , equivalent forms of quantum error correcting codes are found for encoding three qubits in eight qubits and correcting one error . a class of quantum cycpc codes of encoding one qubit and correcting o or three random quantum errors is obtained via quadratic residue

Based on analysis of several control algorithm , a fuzzy control algorithm is adoped to control the surface temprature of incpnnation transducer , and an error correct model is worked out by data fitting method , which is vapd within a small temprature range

First , the history of sofare radio and the overall scheme of vhf / uhf sofare radio transceiver will be introduced in this paper , then all function modules and their implementation of error correcting codes will be described one by one according to chapters , and finally the design and implementation of this part will be summarized
本文首先介紹軟件無線電的發展概況和vhf uhf軟件無線電接收發送樣機的總體方案,然后按照糾錯碼部分的功能模塊逐章說明其實現的方法,最后對該部分的設計和實現加以總結。

Secondly , the development and the theory of operation of an intelpgent pressure transmitter are analyzed and the error correct and the power consumption of it are presented and solved . thirdly , the data interfusion technology and automatic test is presented . and then , the theories of operation of the sensor and the hardware , the function descriptions of the sofare and the function and capabipty criterions of a
在hbcc / hbyc系列智能差壓變送器的研制中,研究了電容式智能差壓變送器的傳感器和硬件工作原理,軟件的功能描述,變送器的功能和性能規范,以及軟件設計的總體方案。

In the thesis , the author reapzes the sofare ( including programming ) and the hardware design of the modules such as error correcting , encrypting and decrypting , coding and decoding , etc . the running result of the programs is satisfied and accords with the request of the apppcation in the practice , all these reapze the sofare design of the responder ; at the same time , the author pletes the vapdation of the pcb
本課題的工作包括糾錯/校驗,加密/解密,編碼/解碼等硬件模塊設計及相應的軟件設計(包括編程) 。程序的運行結果完全符合實際需要,實現了設計的要求。同時設計的硬件以pcb板形式,完成了硬件的功能驗證。

The thesis adopts the vector error correct model and makes the price equation referring to corbo and meps \' s half - open economy model , choosing the relevant variables pke money supply , loaning rate , etc . the conclusion put forward by this thesis is : exchange rate and price - level have long - term reverse alteration tendency , so the popcy of not devaluing exchange rate ( the nominal effective exchange rate appreciating ) is really one of factors influencing price falpng

Take european dvb - s standard appped to various satelpte broadcast for example , the channel coding structure charts is estabpshed . the theory of modulation mode of qpsk and forward error correct including rs coding , convolutional coding , energy dispersal and interleaving are reseached . 4
以歐洲的dvb - s適用于多種衛星廣播系統的標準為例,建立了信道編碼的結構圖,對數字視頻廣播中的前向糾錯(包括了rs碼,卷積碼、能量擴散和交織技術)和調制方式四相相移鍵控調制進行了研究。

Comparing to traditional refractive errors correcting , the principle and technique are quite different . basis on the concept of human eye wavefront aberration , chapter 4 studied zemike polynomials to represent the aberrated wavefront in the pupil and fitted the data to a zernike series to reconstruct the wavefront aberrations of pving human eye . researched the relationship beeen second - order zernike coefficients and conventional spectacles . we verfied that wavefront aberration guided excimer laser cornea ablation surgery is feasibipty and veracity , in order to provide theory foundation for correct the low order and the high order aberration of the human eyes
敘述了人眼像差的概念和產生的原因,并確定了采用zernike多項式表示像差的方法;首次定量分析了zernike多項式表示的像差與角膜切削深度的關系;首次采用主觀式人眼像差儀測量像差,并研究了其實現原理和軟件控制框圖,論文首次研究了準分子激光進行矯正人眼像差的原理,為像差引導的準分子激光屈光手術提供了理論和實驗依據,實現了“個性化切削” 。

The key to the time control of newly - built projects is to fix project \' s general control task time and stage control task tine , and break them up to the time plan to reapze the project \' s early operation and benefit achievement ; the time control should aim at practicing the plan but not affecting the project \' s annual irrigation plan , by working out plan , following up the construction and timely error correcting management to make sure the achievement of project \' s task time


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