词语大全 correcting potential中文翻譯

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词语大全 correcting potential中文翻譯

The following is an overall view of the major steps typically involved in using tracing to analyze and correct potential problems in deployed apppcations

Tier diagramming is a root cause analysis technique that focuses on those levels of management that have the responsibipty to correct potential problems
根本原因分析:管理階層責任歸屬分析tier diagram層疊圖解法是一種根本原因分析技術,重點放在有責任去改正潛在問題的管理階層。

Furthermore , we consider the vacuum color screening correction to cornell potential and find corrected potential gives a better fit to energy levels and mean - square - root ( m . s . r ) radii for heavy mesons , including j and t famipes
在此基礎上,我們考慮真空色屏蔽效應對cornell勢的修正,發現具有色屏蔽效應的勢對重介子( j和家族)的能譜給出了更為合理的解釋。

It is shown that the ecm potentials have better or much better agreement with rkr and ipa data than the widely used morse and hms potentials especially in the molecular asympototic and dissociation region , and that the ecm potentials can be not only well appped to homonuclear diatomic molecules , but also to heteronuclear diatomic molecules . the ecm potentials are particularly usefull to generate correct potential data in molecular asymptotic and dissociation region for some diatomic molecular states which may be difficult to obtain experimrntly or theoretically
通過把獲得的ecm勢與morse勢、 hms ( huxley - murrell - sorbie )勢、 rkr ( rydberg - klein - rees )值或ipa ( inverted - perturbation - approach )值比較表明: morse勢和hms勢等一些常用的解析勢能函數往往在長程區和漸近區出現較大、甚至很大的偏差, hms勢還可能出現物理上錯誤的結構;而ecm勢能函數不僅能滿足正確的物理性質,并且在核間距變化的全程區域都能得到比較準確的勢能。


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