词语大全 be in issue中文翻譯
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词语大全 be in issue中文翻譯
As such , the parative figures of basic earnings per share for three months ended 31 march 2005 were re - calculated based on the adjusted weighted average of 291 , 764 , 706 shares , as adjusted to reflect the rights issue deemed to be in issue during the period
因此,截至二零零五年三月三十一日止三個月的每股基本盈利比較數字已根據經調整加權平均數291 , 764 , 706股重新計算,以反映于期內視為已發行供股股份。
As such , the parative figures of basic earnings per share for three months and nine months ended 30 september 2004 were re - calculated based on the adjusted weighted average of 291 , 764 , 706 shares , as adjusted to reflect the rights issue deemed to be in issue during the period
因此,截至二零零四年九月三十日止三個月及九個月的每股基本盈利比較數字已根據經調整加權平均數291 , 764 , 706股重新計算,以反映于本期間內視為已發行供股股份。
4 . earnings per share the calculation of basic earnings per share for the periods presented is based on the following data : for the six for the six months ended months ended 30 june 2005 30 june 2004 hk 000 hk 000 earnings earnings for the period used in the calculation of basic earnings per share 1 , 686 6 , 751 shares restated weighted average number of shares in issue for the purpose of calculation of basic earnings per share 361 , 442 , 964 291 , 764 , 706 the pany pleted a rights issue exercise in may 2005 on the basis of one rights share for every one ordinary share held at an issue price of hk 0 . 02 per rights share . as such , the parative figures of basic earnings per share for the six months ended 30 june 2004 were re - calculated based on the adjusted weighted average of 291 , 764 , 706 shares , as adjusted to reflect the rights issue deemed to be in issue during the period
4 .每股盈利虧損所呈報的各期間的每股基本盈利虧損乃按以下數據計算:截至截至二零零五年二零零四年六月三十日六月三十日止六個月止六個月千港元千港元盈利虧損計算期間內每股基本盈利虧損的盈利虧損1 , 686 6 , 751股份重列作為計算每股基本盈利虧損的已發行股份加權平均數361 , 442 , 964 291 , 764 , 706本公司于二零零五年五月完成一項供股活動,基準為每持有一股普通股獲配售一股供股股份,每股供股股份的發行價為0 . 02港元。