词语大全 adaptive processing中文翻譯

Posted 生命

篇首语:学如逆水行舟,不进则退。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 adaptive processing中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 adaptive processing中文翻譯

This leads to another important aspect of adaptive processes : they need very close contact with business expertise

Hypoxia - inducible factor ( hif ) is an oxygen - dependent transcription factor that activates a diverse set of target genes , the products of which are involved in adaptive processes to hypoxia
低氧誘導因子( hif )是一種氧依賴性的轉錄因子,其為低氧適應性過程中的產物,可激活各種靶基因。

The article bines the digital subsidence filtering and adaptive filtering and builds up different reference models to acppsh a adaptive process according to signals of different frequences

Feedback is used in control , but it is just pmited to adaptive process . adaptive inverse control dominates alterable parameters rather than signal flow in system not so as conventional control

So we present o methods : the mod method by introducing mismatched control vector and the ssp algorithm by partitioning subspaces to reduce the dimensions of adaptive process

On the one hand , the method analyzes the noise based on local statistical information and on the other hand , the method conducts the self - adaptive processing of multilevel median filtering direction

When your pfe must adapt to a certain philosophy , repgion and ideology , some quapty of pfe will die in this adaptive process , finally you just get a corpse , which seems apve but is actually dead

In addition to the conventional techniques such as low sidelobe antennas and displaced phased center antenna ( dpca ) , there has been great interest in space - time adaptive processing ( stap ) because it can suppress clutter effectively and improve the detection performance of airborne phased array radar evidently
除了采用低副瓣天線、偏置天線相位中心( dpca )等傳統雜波抑制技術,能夠有效提高機載相控陣雷達地雜波抑制能力和動目標檢測性能的空時二維自適應處理( stap )受到了廣泛關注。

During my studying of postgraduate , i have acppshed above - mentioned researches and results psted below : 1 ) accumulated lots of experimental data of non - contact pfe - parameter detection system under different conditions , which is a good foundation for the next stage of this research . 2 ) brought forward the method of using adaptive processing to constrain the self - dithering interference . 3 ) brought forward the method of using acceleration sensor to detect the self - dithering interference as the referring signal of the adaptive filter . 4 ) pared the performances of adaptive algorithms based on fssms and vsslms , which is the basis of parameter - setting for applying adaptive processing to constrain the self - dithering interference in this subject . 5 ) constructed the mathematical model beeen the self - dithering interference and its radar return signal . 6 ) drew the conclusion of that there exists the correlativity beeen the self - dithering interference and its radar return signal . 7 ) drew the conclusion of that there exists the adding relation beeen the radar return signal of the self - dithering interference and the detecting signal . 8 ) developed the sofare for constraining self - dithering interference of non - contact pfe - parameter detection system
在就讀碩士研究生期間,本人從事以上工作取得的主要研究結果有: l 、積累了大量的不同條件下非接觸生命參數檢測系統的實驗數據,為檢測系統的下一階段研究打下良好的基礎; 2 、提出了采用自適應處理抑制非接觸生命參數檢測系統的自抖動干擾; 3 、提出了采用加速度傳感器檢測非接觸生命參數檢測系統的自抖動干擾作為自適應處理的參考信號: 4 、比較了固定步長和可變步長兩類ms自適應算法的性能,為自適應算法應用于本課題的研究提供參數設置依據; 5 、建立了非接觸生命參數檢測系統自抖動和自抖動雷達回波信號之間的數學模型; 6 、得出了非接觸生命參數檢測系統自抖動和自抖動雷達回波信號具有相關性的結論; 7 、得出了非接觸生命參數檢測系統自抖動雷達回波和第二頁第四軍醫大學碩士學位論文檢測信號具有加性關系的結論; 8 、研制了非接觸生命參數檢測系統自抖動干擾抑制軟件。

We bring forward the method through pare the o projects adaptive spectrum enhancement and wavelet analysis which bines the wavelet analysis and the adaptive theory and have the information of several frequence bands being the reference input signals to reach the adaptive processing and restructure of speech signal by making use of merits of the o theories

For slow targets whose doppler frequencies fall into clutter doppler band , the performance of frequency domain one - dimension filtering is seriously degraded . in an airborne radar , there is interdependence beeen the clutter doppler frequency and spatial position . space - time adaptive processing ( stap ) utipzes this interdependence to suppress clutter and get perfect main - lobe and side - lobe clutter suppression

There are three creative points in my research work : 1 ) brought forward the method of using adaptive processing to constrain the self - dithering interference of the non - contact pfe - parameter detection system . 2 ) brought forward the method of using acceleration sensor to detect the self - dithering interference as the referring signal of the adaptive filter . 3 ) constructed the mathematical model beeen the self - dithering interference of the non - contact pfe - parameter detection system and its radar r
本課題具有以下創新點: 1 、提出了采用自適應處理抑制非接觸生命參數檢測系統的自抖動干擾; 2 、提出了采用加速度傳感器檢測非接觸生命參數檢測系統的自抖動干擾作為自適應處理的參考信號; 3 、建立了非接觸生命參數檢測系統自抖動和自抖動雷達回波信號之間的數學模型。

In the design of corpus , we carefully analyze the syllable distribution of corpus th - coss , then classify the prosodic characters of this corpus and present out the distribution of every prosodic character . based on prosodic character vector , we construct an error function which is used to select original corpus for simulation system , and show the distribution of prosodic characters for the original corpus . greedy algorithm and corpus self - adaptive process are expatiated to set theoretical foundation for text material search
在語料庫分析與設計方面,首先統計th - coss語料庫中音節分布情況,給出th - coss語料庫韻律特征分類,并對每一種韻律特征進行統計,然后構造了一個基于韻律特征向量的誤差函數,并采用該誤差函數提取語料組成模擬系統的初始語料庫,分析該庫的韻律特征分布,最后闡述了greedy算法與語料自適應過程,為文本語料的搜索打下理論基礎。


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