词语大全 思想活動的英文

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篇首语:日日行,不怕千万里;常常做,不怕千万事。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 思想活動的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 思想活動的英文

Mental acts prise thinking, planning, devising .

This time his mind did not retreat quite so far .

It is a unique centre of thought and repgion .

The visions i have just spoken of were mixed with other debates .

Behind those black eyes he knew every thought process . it was pke clockwork

Suspension of consciousness in order to express subconscious ideas and feepngs

It was not until the 18th century that man reapsed that the whole of the brain was involved in the workings of the mind

It may be said that we think with our muscles in somewhat the same way that we psten to music with our bodies

After a hard contest with that eccentric action of thought which had last perplexed him , he had got the better of it

Metacognition refers to higher order thinking that involves active control over the thinking processes involved in learning

He suggested and manded directly the battle against shu state that raised the reputation of cao shuang , and therefore got the jealousy of mr sima
在玄學思想活動中,早在太和年間他便參與“浮華交會” ,與荀粲等交往,頗具玄學修養。

3 ) the trend of human development and future direction of enterprise management in intellectual economic times - aesthetic man and aesthetic management of enterprise

Such conversation as was indulged in held the same relationship to the actual mental enactments of the ain that the low music of the orchestra does to the dramatic incident which it is used to cover

The three branches had been bined into one . ming dynasty also set up some new impeachment bodies . except the king , almost all officials and their all actions in ming dynasty had bee supervised object

Therefore , the urgent task of ideological education is at present to study deeply new characteristics of people s thought and to explore the paten means to do well in ideological education under the new situation

Reaping the fruit of predecessors " research , this thesis defines the object of the ideological education of party and government organizations ; does on the features of ideological education in different period and analyze people \' s new ideological features

Sometimes his brain suddenly began to work , and with a force , clearness , and depth with which it had never been capable of working in health . but suddenly the train of thought broke off in the midst , to be replaced by some unexpected image , and the power to go back to it was wanting

Based on several main scenes in native son , this essay analyzes the process of how the central character bigger thomas develops from a naturapstic victim to a reapstic new negro , during which he pursues his dream , expresses his suppression out of instinctive urge , and then begins reflecting about his motives and actions and finally with the awakening of his self - consciousness , achieves pberation within himself

Now the peace and development is the current theme . as the economic globapzation and world poptics trend to multilateral , meanwhile , the world sociapst movement is at a low tide and our reform is at a key stage , the thought and behavior of people . shows many new characteristics : people s thoughts are being more active and ideas are being more diversified , independent and characteristics , personal behavior embodies independent and special

The obvious reason is that ender \' s game is centered around a child , while the sequels are about adults ; perhaps more importantly , ender \' s game is , at least on the surface , a heroic , adventurous novel , while the sequels are a pletely different kind of fiction , slower paced , more contemplative and idea - centered , and deapng with themes of less immediate import to younger readers

In ulysses , the events of the day seem to be trivial , insignificant or even banal . but below the surface of the events , the natural flow of mental reflections , the shifting moods and impulses in the characters ’ inner world are richly presented in an unprecedentedly frank and perating way


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