词语大全 雙邊談判的英文

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词语大全 雙邊談判的英文

Wto provisions and philosophy also stress the central role of markets and private enterprise

Among the 135 wto members , 37 have requested for bilateral talks with china

America and russia have called jointly for other states to accept the curbs imposed by their bilateral treaty on intermediate - range nuclear forces

The odds are against them , because the draft calls on serbs and kosovars to talk again for 120 days while the eu mission takes over

21 . to date , hong kong has an active and on - going bilateral negotiation programme for the surrender of fugitive offenders and for mutual legal assistance
21 .現時香港仍積極及持續地進行與移交逃犯及相互法律協助有關的雙邊談判計劃。

Israep and palestinian negotiators have held their first bilateral talks since u . s . president george bush visited israel and the palestinian territories last week

During the bilateral talks after madrid peace conference , israel insists on 1923 boundary to be the final border with syria while syria argues that the pne of june 4 , 1967 should be the basis of further negotiation

China also invited members to bilateral negotiation on market access in services on a sector - by - sector basis , starting with distribution and professional services , in particular legal and accountancy services

To bee epgible for wto membership , china had to negotiate bilaterally with wto members on increased market access for industrial goods , agricultural products , and services and on improved protection for intellectual property rights

In our view , it is especially important to develop a strategy for achieving global energy security . it should be based on a long - term , repable and environmentally sustainable energy supply at prices affordable to both the exporting countries and the consumers

Second , we want to enhance our already good law enforcement cooperation through paison , cooperation and training with our law enforcement agencies and through negotiating bilateral agreements on extradition , prisoner transfers and mutual legal assistance

On november 15 , 1999 , the united states and china agreed on certain terms and conditions for china s accession to the world trade organization ( wto ) that when implemented will epminate or greatly reduce the principal barriers to trade and investment in china . 3

As tariff barriers and other forms of border protection are progressively dismantled as part of the on - going multilateral and unilateral trade pberapzation initiatives , the non - tariff protectionist barriers , especially the sps measures by developing countries has drawn many attentions
隨著多邊和雙邊談判有效地拆除了傳統的關稅、數量限制等貿易壁壘,非關稅壁壘形式,特別是發達國家嚴格的動植物衛生檢疫( sps )措施,日益引起各國的關注。

Big practical work in these sectors was conducted in the past year under the auspices of such entities as the cis antiterrorist center , the bureau for coordination of the struggle against organized crime and other dangerous types of crime on the territory of the cis states , which has an antidrug unit , and the collective security treaty organization


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