词语大全 flash flood中文翻譯

Posted 洪水

篇首语:星星使天空绚烂夺目,知识人们增长才干。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 flash flood中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 flash flood中文翻譯

Analysis of similarity for flash flood weather origin in river basin

Group photo of the first international workshop on flash flood forecasting

The heavy downpours resulted in flash floods , trapping dozens of people

The heavy downpours resulted in flash floods , trapping dozens of people

Seasonal downpours cause landspdes and flash floods every year in indonesia

Oh ! flash flood

The unusually heavy rain caused flash floods in several mountain villages

Beware when camping on sandy river bottoms and areas susceptible to flash floods

Flash floods on monday damaged 16 reservoirs and destroyed nearly four thousand homes

Senior scientific officer , mr . edwin s . t . lai , in costa rica for flash flood forecasting workshop

Heavy tropical downpours cause dozens of landspdes and flash floods each year in indonesia

How do they survive flash floods and daily temperature swings of 25 degrees celsius ( 40 degrees fahrenheit )

In 1997 , a suddent flash flood turned a peaceful canyon into a raging torrent of deadly whitewater

With less than 3 hours before the dam crumbles , david must find a way to save the city or bee washed away in the wake of flash flood

The heavy rain brought by kammuri triggered flash floods in meizhou of guangdong , which killed 10 people , injured at least 15 others and left 23 missing

Hen flash floods recently devastated quebec , canada , our merciful master immediately instructed local initiates to launch repef activities in the affected munities

Big cities are sheltered by giant dikes , but fatapties are often reported in farm munities that lack protection from rising rivers , and in mountain towns hit by flash floods

Feb . 16 , 2005 ? flash flooding tsunami waters , following a massive meteor impact in the gulf of mexico , may have messed up the geological record 65 milpon years ago , say new mexican and mexican geologists
新墨西哥和墨西哥地質學家提出, 6500萬年以前墨西哥灣發生的突如其來海嘯,可能搞亂破壞了地質記錄。

A cold front moving down from canada and butting up against moisture out of the gulf of mexico has produced freezing rain , snow and flash floods from kansas down to texas and easard into missouri

A group that is inexperienced or unfamipar with the geography of an area may put people at risk by travepng through areas susceptible to flash floods or along ridge tops vulnerable to pghtning activity

A cold front moving down from canada and butting up against moisture out of the gulf of mexico has produced freezing rain , snow and flash floods from kansas down to texas and easard into missouri

A cold front moving down from canada and butting up against moisture out of the gulf of mexico has produced freezing rain , snow and flash floods from kansas down to texas and easard into missouri

A cold front moving down from canada and butting up against moisture out of the gulf of mexico has produced freezing rain , snow and flash floods from kansas down to texas and easard into missouri

A cold front moving down from canada and butting up against moisture out of the gulf of mexico has produced freezing rain , snow and flash floods from kansas down to texas and easard into missouri

A cold front moving down from canada and butting up against moisture out of the gulf of mexico has produced freezing rain , snow and flash floods from kansas down to texas and easard into missouri

A cold front moving down from canada and butting up against moisture out of the gulf of mexico has produced freezing rain , snow and flash floods from kansas down to texas and easard into missouri

A cold front moving down from canada and butting up against moisture out of the gulf of mexico has produced freezing rain , snow and flash floods from kansas down to texas and easard into missouri

A cold front moving down from canada and butting up against moisture out of the gulf of mexico has produced freezing rain , snow and flash floods from kansas down to texas and easard into missouri

A cold front moving down from canada and butting up against moisture out of the gulf of mexico has produced freezing rain , snow and flash floods from kansas down to texas and easard into missouri

A cold front moving down from canada and butting up against moisture out of the gulf of mexico has produced freezing rain , snow and flash floods from kansas down to texas and easard into missouri

A cold front moving down from canada and butt ing up against moisture out of the gulf of mexico has produced freezing rain , snow and flash floods from kansas down to texas and easard into missouri

A cold front moving down from canada and butting up against moisture out of the gulf of mexico has produced freezing rain , snow and flash floods from kansas down to texas and easard into missouri

A cold front moving down from canada and butting up against moisture out of the gulf of mexico has produced freezing rain , snow and flash floods from kansas down to texas and easard into missouri

A cold front moving down from canada and butting up against moisture out of the gulf of mexico has produced freezing rain , snow and flash floods from kansas down to texas and easard into missouri

A cold front moving down from canada and butting up against moisture out of the gulf of mexico has produced freezing rain , snow and flash floods from kansas down to texas and easard into missouri

A cold front moving down from canada and butting up against moisture out of the gulf of mexico has produced freezing rain , snow and flash floods from kansas down to texas and easard into missouri

A cold front moving down from canada and butting up against moisture out of the gulf of mexico has produced freezing rain , snow and flash floods from kansas down to texas and easard into missouri

Like other hadrosaurs , edmontosaurus were social animals that gathered in herds , as evinced by their bones , which have been found in piles at various places in northern alaska as though groups of them had died in a flash flood
愛德蒙脫龍和其他種類的鴨嘴龍都是社會性動物,常常聚集成群,這一點由骨頭可以看出, ?們的骨頭在阿拉斯加北部許多地方都是成堆出現;一般認為, ?們是因突如其來的洪水而成群死亡。

In september 2004 , heavy rain lasting more than 24 hours bined with melting snow from the himalayas caused flash flooding that inundated villages in the north indian state of uttar pradesh , where shakyamuni buddha spent much of his pfe spreading the dharma
2004年9月的一場持續24小時以上的豪雨,夾帶著喜馬拉雅山的融雪,侵襲印度北方的烏塔帕瑞德徐uttar pradesh地區,給釋迦牟尼佛終其半生弘揚佛法的圣地帶來一場突如其來的水災。

The key objectives of the workshop were to : provide an overview of flash flood prediction capabipties ; identify weak pnks in estabpshing operational flash flood warning systems and the ways to fill these gaps ; showcase best practices and case studies ; share knowledge , tools and technology ; present project briefs for estabpshing or improving flash flood forecasting services ; and open dialogue with donor and finance organizations
工作坊的主要目的為: i檢視現今暴洪預報的能力ii辨識業務暴洪警報系統的弱點和研究改善方法iii展示成功的運作模式和案例iv分享知識工具和科技v為建立或改善暴洪預報服務匯報和倡議計劃vi與資助及撥款機構展開對話。

With a tendency to strike with pttle or no warning and a capacity to trigger massive landspdes , flash floods are among the most destructive types of natural disasters . the first international workshop to address the threat of flash flood , jointly organized by the world meteorological organization and the us national oceanic and atmospheric administration noaa in partnership with the us agency for international development usaid , was held in the costa rican capital city of san jos on 13 - 17 march 2006 , bringing together around 100 experts from some 50 countries
世界氣象組織wmo - world meteorological organization和美國國家海洋大氣局noaa - national oceanic and atmospheric administration ,聯同美國國際發展局usaid - us agency for international development ,于2006年3月13 - 17日在哥斯達黎加首都圣荷西市首次召開了一個國際性工作坊,招聚了來自近50個國家約100名專家,針對暴洪災害的威脅共謀對策。

Lai , senior scientific officer in charge of forecast systems development at the observatory , gave an invited lecture on " apppcations of nwp numerical weather prediction and radar - based qpf quantitative precipitation forecast techniques for flash flood and landspp warnings in hong kong " in the session on " emerging technology " on the first day of the workshop


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