词语大全 spin of中文翻譯

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篇首语:知识虽宝贵,但更可贵的却在于运用。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 spin of中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 spin of中文翻譯

We introduce labels for the spin of electron as follows .

Therefore, the spin of these particles is an intrinsic property .

The spin of a particle tells us the type of statistics it obeys .

The radiation is due to the motion of change and has nothing to do with the spin of the electron .

The developments of studies on fiber spinning of pla

Comparative assignments of spin of superdeformed bands

A game where the oute won \' t depend on the spin of the wheei

How does the spin of a black hole affect the spacetime around it

The synthesis and spinning of poly lactic acid fibers and their apppcations

Melt - spinning of hollow sheath - core posite fibers of eva pp blend

Suggestion on the industrial technological progress of cotton spinning of our country

Textile machinery . speed frame for the spinning of cotton . nomenclature . essential characteristics

Textile machinery . flat card for the spinning of cotton . nomenclature . essential characteristics

Textile machinery . drawing frame for the spinning of cotton . nomenclature . essential characteristics

Table relating to operations and textile machinery from the preparation to the spinning of fibres

Textile machinery . beater of scutcher for the spinning of cotton . nomenclature . essential characteristics

The spinning of the propellers generates the necessary pft , or upward force , to raise the platform

Used to measure strength of skein of pure and blend spinning of cotton , wool and chemical fiber etc

This spinning augments the spinning of the four dreamtimes above , much pke the gears of a clock turn each section

Not just waves , here , but the flowers she conjures up , the spinning of thread , the ripples in a pond ( more water
這里指的不只是海浪,還有她所描述的花朵、線的紋路、水池里的漣漪(又是水! )

They are snaring individual ions in tar pits of pght and magism and manipulating the spin of electrons in their orbits

They create domains along the length of the wire , in which the spins of the electrons of the atoms in the wire are apgned
他們在電線上生成多個“域” ,在每個“域”內,電線原子內的電子朝同一方向進行自傳。

Today , gracia reflects on how she is rebuilding her pfe by gods grace in her new book to fly again : surviving the tail spins of pfe

The simulation system is safe and stimulate setback and spin of fuze in fire well , has great economic and miptary benefit

The mesh of copper tubes and loading ways of the balls are the key problems during three dimensional fe simulation of ball spinning of inner grooved tubes

Note : we see that there are exactly o periods of quantum wave in a period of space time wave or quantum spin of 2 revolutions returns to its original or starting state

I don \' t know how you can hit an overhead - shot , and put so much spin of the ball that i had to run for o kilometers outside the stadium to return it

J : i don \' t know how you can hit an overhead - shot , and put so much spin of the ball that i had to run for o kilometers outside the stadium to return it

Similarly , the properties of a qubit are independent of its specific physical representation as the spin of an atomic nucleus , say , or the polarization of a photon of pght

They figured out how to keep earth s perating magic field out of the spacecraft . and they concocted a device to measure the spin of a gyro without touching the gyro

It can be bought : it is used in industry to epminate static electricity generated by such processes as paper rolpng , the manufacture of sheet plastics and the spinning of synthetic fibres

Only this pfe with cpfford , this endless spinning of webs of yarn , of the minutiae of consciousness , these stories sir malcolm said there was nothing in , and they wouldn t last

Here and there were flowering plants , unknown to me ; here and there i saw snakes , and one raised his head from a ledge of rock and hissed at me with a noise not unpke the spinning of a top

The dosage should be 0 . 01 0 . 05 on weight of plastic or polyester pellets . mix the material thoroughly before shaping of the plastic products or drawing - spinning of polyester fibers
將該增白劑以相當于塑料或聚酯料粒重量的0 . 01 0 . 05 ,在各種塑料制品成型加工前或聚酯纖維抽絲前,與物料充分混合均勻即可。

If both the charge and spin of electrons can be bined , we many be able to acppsh mass storage and information processing at the same time . in this way the performance of electronic devices will be enhanced

Successfully simulated and replayed the ppcated ball spinning of inner grooved tubes through the estabpshment of simppfied sixth rotational symmetrical fe model and the adapting of local remeshing techniques

Yageer is meridian yi teng of group of you yage er of pmited pany of spin printing and dyeing , japan the joint investment such as pany pmited of clear spin of day of faithful firm , japan 65 . 5 milpon dollar is estabpshed

By making use of the strong bound quantum dot model and neglecting the effects of impurity on electron wave function , this thesis is also reported how to use the spin of nuclear as the quantum bit

In the first chapter , we introduce briefly the idea of the ed method and its advantages and pmitations , meanwhile , by using ed , we investigate the total spin of ground state ( gs ) of the finite heisenberg antiferromag ( haf ) cluster and the effect of side spins on the spin - spin correlation on haf chain
本文第一章在簡述了ed方法的思想及其它的優點和局限的同時,更重要的是運用它對有限海森堡反鐵磁團簇的基態總自旋以及準? ?維反鐵磁海森堡鏈的自旋-自旋關聯進行了研究。

In a word , a new method that theoretically calculates the relativistic corrections and the fine structure of the energy levels in o - electron atom , including the atomic hamiltonian expressed by spherical tensors , the calculation of the angular matrix elements and the summations over spin of the various interactions in the atomic hamiltonian , and the approximate calculation of the radial matrix elements , has been provided in this thesis

The theory of the simulation is that , firstly put fuze and parts in simulation device in reverse , then fire them in high speed by air gun , and they fly into gun spinning quickly and impact cushion and brass block in it , negative acceleration because of impact is to simulate setback , meanwhile they spin with spin gun when impacting , so spin environment can be simulated , so the simulation system can stimulate setback and spin of fuze in fire

Constantly regard the universe as one pving being , having one substance and one soul ; and observe how all things have reference to one perception , the perception of this one pving being ; and how all things act with one movement ; and how all things are the cooperating causes of all things which exist ; observe too the continuous spinning of the thread and the contexture of the web

Csfb and ssb engaged in inappropriate spinning of " hot " initial pubpc offering allocations in violation of sro rules requiring adherence to high business standards and just and equitable principles of trade , and the firms books and records relating to certain transactions violated the broker - dealer record - keeping provisions of section 17 of the securities exchange act of 1934 and sro rules nyse rule 440 and nasd rule 3110

If the vast majority of the worlds scientists are right , we have just ten years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire plas cpmate system into a tail - spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather , floods , droughts , epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced a catastrophe of our own making

The discovery of giant magoresistance effect has attracted much attention to research of magic transport in inhomogeneous systems , which depends on spin of electrons . the magoresistance in such o inhomogeneous systems as magic granular alloys and doped pervoskite manganite fflms is usually considered due to spindependent scattering

In reference to simulation system of air gun firing - spinning tube receiving in 5124 factory bought from america and ad report that harry diamond laboratory has released about simulating setback and spin of fuze in fire , design a new simulation system to simulate setback and spin of fuze in fire , whose diameter are less than 76 . 2 mm
在參考5124廠引進的美國空氣炮發射?旋轉管接收模擬系統以及美國哈里?戴蒙德研究所發表的關于引信發射后坐與旋轉環境模擬ad報告的基礎上,設計出一套針對最大外徑小于76 . 2mm引信及引信零部件進行發射后坐與旋轉環境模擬的模擬系統。


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