词语大全 talk radio造句 talk radioの例文 "talk radio"是什麼意思

Posted ADI

篇首语:多见者博,多闻者智,拒谏者塞,专己者孤。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 talk radio造句 talk radioの例文 "talk radio"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 talk radio造句 talk radioの例文 "talk radio"是什麼意思

talk radio造句 talk radioの例文 "talk radio"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Delp . - and can pick up sports talk radio

Lt \' s not that johnny talked radio into doing it , it \' s that he did it

I think it \' s very unfortunate . why lose the christmas spirit ? - seattle talk radio is getting an earful
我認為這很不幸。為什么會喪失圣誕節的精神? -西雅圖談話廣播聽到很多。

True . the stadium \' s new fake grass is made from recycled sneakers . i learned this pstening to sports talk radio

Get fresh information from home anywhere in the world , or delve into music and talk radio from faraway lands

I would prefer not to have my questions about this answered by bloggers , voices on talk radio or through an alternative news site for poptical conservatives ( as if this is a left vs . right question )

Pretty much a non - stop selection of unimaginative music , ads , and right - wing know - nothing talk radio . this is not new york and not philadelphia . we only wish it wasn t new jersey , either
101 . 5 : . nj1015 . 老是不停地播放一些無趣的音樂,廣告和無用的討論廣播,要不是它有道路交通報道,誰也不會聽

Admit it : if someone had told you they had heard the trade rumored on a sports talk radio show friday morning , you would have dismissed it as the rambpngs of a sports talk wack - a - doo

Regarded as one of hollywood \' s mainstay directors , stone has brought films to a generation of film - goers that have left an indepble mark on viewers , including this writer \' s favorite film - talk radio
作為好萊塢的中流砥柱導演之一,斯通把電影奉獻給了一代電影愛好者,這些電影給觀眾留下了不可磨滅的印象,其中包括他最喜歡的電影《脫口秀》 。

It\'s difficult to find talk radio in a sentence. 用talk radio造句挺難的


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