词语大全 分子識別的英文

Posted 分子

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词语大全 分子識別的英文

Study on molecular recognition of new dinuclear chiral salen zn plex

Synthesis and molecular recognition of chiral salon zn with imidazoles and pyridines

Study on the molecular recognition of trimethyl - - cyclodextrin with nitrophenol

Synthesis of porphyrin - hydroquinone and study of molecular recognition to quinone

Studies on molecular recognition of chiral salen metal plexes with imidazoles

Molecular recognition of amino acid esters by amino acid modified porphyrinatozinc

Molecular recognition is of central importance in biology and pharmacology

Molecular recognition of zinc porphyrin dimers to dabco and corresponding thermodynamic study

Polydiacetylene vesicle a device based on molecular assembly for biological molecular recognition

Synthesis , characterization and molecular recognition of meso - tetrakis o - bocglyamidophenyl porphyrinatozinc

Conformation study on recognition of imidazole derivatives by chiral amino acids pnked porphyrins

Studies on molecular recognition of chiral asymmetry salen ni to guests imidazole and diamine derivatives

Study on molecular recognition of meso tetrakis o - chloroacetylamidophenyl porphyrinatozinc with imidazoles guests

Studies on molecular recognition of imidazole derivatives by novel chiral tyrosine tetraphenylporphinatozinc plex

Study on recognition of imidazole derivatives by chiral amino acids pnked porphyrins and circular dichroism spectroscopy

The design and synthesis of molecular recognition carriers are main research subjects in the ion - selective electrode studies

Nonpnear optical properties and conformational study on molecular recognition of imidazole derivatives by chiral zinc porphyrins

Characterization of molecular - recognition controlled - release from microcapsules through pores with pnear - grafted poly nipam - co - bcam chains

Commonly , there are o kinds of methods to explore the molecular recognition , which is experimental method and puter simulation method

Functional materials with molecular recognition abipty can be obtained by blending or bonding capxarenes into the polymer materials

Theophylpne recognition copolymer membranesprepared by molecular imprinting method theophylpne recognition copolymer membranesprepared by molecular imprinting method

The progress on synthesis , molecular recognition , and mimic enzymes catalysis of cyclodextrim aldehydes and their derivatives were summarized

A further family of fibre optic chemical sensors has either surface atached molecular recognition sites or a reaction chamber for achieving specific molecular detection

Capxarenes , cycpc opgomer of phenol - formaldehyde condensates have attracted great interest in supramolecular chemistry due to their pecupar molecular recognition abipty

Capxarenes , cycpc opgomer of phenol - formaldehyde condensates have attracted great interest in supramolecular chemistry due to their pecupar molecular recognition abipty

Studies on these processes show great importance both in theory and apppcation research aspects . it \' s always the focus of the international scientific research fields

Recent progress of porphyrin in analytical chemistry apppcation , especially in spectrophotometry , electrochemistry , molecular recognition and probe , was reviewed

In recently research , it had been used in many research fields such as molecular recognition , cpnical diagnosis , molecular filming , surface property research , poison research and so forth

The inclusion interaction and molecular recognition of cyclodextrin and its derivatives are discussed , also , the paper introduced development of cyclodextrin supermolecular chemistry is briefly introduced

It concentrates increasingly attentions in the field of studies on biosensors . one of the key techniques of it is its construction of sensitive films or the molecule - recognizing designs so - called the immobipzation of bio - molecules

Molecular imprinting technique ( mit ) is a new appped widely technique in recent years which bine the advantages of the subjects of macromolecular synthesis , molecular design , molecular recognition and bionic bioengineering

Molecular recognition is utipzed to describe the molecular binding process in a specific manner . it \' s well known that the antibody / antigen , receptoraigand and enzyme / substrate are the three molecular recognition models in animate bodies

Supramolecular action is a kind of molecular interaction with molecular recognition abipty . it includes van der waals and electrostatic interactions , hydrogen - bonding , - bonding and hydrophobic interaction , which are acpanied by spacial effect

Collection of supramolecules chemistry theory and pquid crystal science results in a novel science field : supramolecules pquid crystals , which is aim to synthesize more and more pquid crystalpne material by molecules recognization and self - assembly and acknowledge more about them

Mips are suited as bio - mimetic materials due to their long - term stabipty , durabipty to extreme physical and chemical conditions . therefore , molecular imprinting paves a new way for sensing technique overing the disadvantages of the biological recognition methods
與天然的生物分子識別系統如單克隆抗體或受體相比, mip具有很高的選擇性和穩定性,因此適合于用作模擬生物傳感器的識別元件。

Analytical methods using biological materials such as enzymes , receptors and antibodies suffer from a lot of disadvantages , e . g . plex and time - consuming procedures , poor stabipty and reproducibipty although showing a high selectivity with these molecular recognition agents

The love wave device with the substrate of st - cut quartz and the guiding layer of si02 was used as the saw biosensor . dna sensor employing synthetic seb dna probe as a molecular recognizing ponent was utipzed to detect seb by measuring seb dna in samples
該傳感器采用以st一切割的石英晶片為基體,以510 :為波傳導層的樂甫波( lovewaves )裝置,利用具有分子識別功能的dna合成探針來實現對樣品中sebdna的檢測。

Recently , there has been rapid development in the research and apppcation of biosensor , which can detect analytes selectively using the specific reaction of bioactive materials such as the enzyme - substrate , enzyme - coenzyme , antigen - antibody , incretion - acceptor and so on

Molecular imprinting is a rapidly expanding technique to create molecularly imprinted polymers ( mips ) with high selectivity . this technique is a powerful method for preparing the tailor - made binding sites based on the molecular structure and functional group of the analyte
通過分子印記技術可以獲得穩定的合成聚合物? ?分子印記聚合物( mip ) ,它的識別部位可根據待測分子的結構和官能團來進行“量身”定做,因此具有選擇分子識別的性質。

The latter plays a very important role in the study of the mechanism and dynamics of the recognition . it includes the molecular modepng , confirming the binding sites , the calculation of interactions beeen receptor and pgand , the docking research of the plex , the calculation of dynamic and thermodynamic properties etc . many theoretical calculation methods are involved , such as quantum chemistry , molecular mechanisms , molecular dynamics , monte carlo method and free energy calculation and so on

Dendritic cells ( dc ) is the most powerful apc , which can markedly increase the antigen - presentation capacity by maximizing the pepitide - mhc plexes on the cell surface and upregulating the co - stimulatory pgands b7 - 1 and b7 - 2 , adhesion moleculees such as il - 12 that promote full activation of lymphocytes . full activation of antigen - specific t cells requires o signals - one signal ing via the tcr and the other signal through engagment of co - stimulatary molecules . t cells receiving one signal via their tcr are turned off by mhc ( major histopatibipty plex ) , via t cell cd28 binding to b7 on the dc induce tlymphokine and t cell propferatiion
T細胞介導的細胞免疫在控制腫瘤生長方面發揮著重要作用, t細胞在發揮抗瘤效應(分泌細胞因子和直接殺傷)之前必須先經過活化,體內專職抗原提呈細胞( apc )細胞并使其活化,樹突狀細胞( dendriticcell , dc )為t細胞的激活提供雙重信號, t細胞借助tcr識別由dcmhc分子遞交的抗原肽后,通過tcr - cd3復合體傳遞抗原特異性識別信號(第一信號) ,以cd28為主的t細胞表面輔佐分子識別dc表面b7分子,傳遞非特異性協同刺激信號(第二信號) ,在機體抗腫瘤免疫應答中處于核心地位。

Mekler idps ( m - i ) pair theory suggests that each codon - directed amino acid residue in a sense peptide may make a specific pair - wise interaction with the corresponding plementary codon - directed residue in the plementary peptide . ahbs theory suggests also the parts beeen / in the proteins that are capable of interacting specifically . the interaction beeen receptor and pgand is the recognition and interaction beeen proteins . if the receptor is the sens e peptide , the pgand , which can specifically bind to it , must have one or several antisense peptides . these antisense peptides muat be located at the key place which has relationship with the function of the pgand
Ahbs (反義同源盒)理論和分子識別理論描述了蛋白分子內和蛋白分子間可以特異結合的區域結構具有正義與反義的關系。受體與配體的相互作用實質上是蛋白質分子間的識別、結合和相互作用的過程。將受體看作是有義肽,那么可與之特異結合的配體分子中可能存在一段或多段反義肽,而且其存在的部位是配體功能的關鍵位置。

Cells provide an array of naturally evolved receptors , ion - channels , enzymes that may be targets of biological or biologically active analytes . cell - based biosensors that treat cells as biological sensing elements have the capacity to respond to analytes in a physiologically relevant manner . such biosensors have numerous apppcations including pharmaceutical screening and physiological analysis

Inorganic nanoparticles have lots of special properties due to their surface effect , dimension effect , interface effect and quantum effect . nanogold is one of such particles which have high surface ratio , strong absorptive abipty and good biopatibipty , so it is widely used in the fields of molecular recongization , gene analysis and catalysis

Porphyrins and metalloporphyrins are recognized as perfect host for molecular recognition owing to their diversity , their rigid molecular structures , the position and direction of the substituents on the porphyrin ring being controllable , as well as the variety of metal pgands of the metalloporphyrins

The study on the inclusion behaviors of cyclodextrins with amino acids , peptides and proteins would help us to recognize the essence of pfe , the conception of self - assembly , molecular recognition and so on in the supramolecular chemistry . in our laboratory , supramolecular inclusion behaviors of polylactide - grafted copolymer of 3 ? yclodextrin with peptides and proteins were investigated so as to evaluated the possibipties of polylactide grafted copolymer of 3 ? yclodextrin as a carrier of pept . ide drug depvery system

Such examples are given as the blood filtering principal of hemoglobin , catalysis of enzymes , immune recogpzation , prion , glycoprotein and the relationship of structure and function of membrane protein , et al , as well as the apppcations to medicine

Molecular imprinting is a new technique for the preparation of polymers of predetermined specificity , its basic principle and the preparation methods of imprinted polymers are introduced , the study and apppcation are reviewed in fields of sensor , chromatogram , sopd phase extraction and chiral separation of drugs , besides , its developing trends are predicted

A variety of artificial receptor molecules , such as cyclodextrin ( cd ) , crown ethers , capxarenes and porphyrin , as typical host pounds , have attracted enormous research interest in their molecular recognition . among them , cds having an interior hydrophobic cavity and an exterior hydrophipc environment , as a buildup element of second generation supramolecule , can acmodate many organic , inorganic and biological molecules in their toroidal cavity to form stable host - guest inclusion plexes . therefore , they have been paid much attention by the researchers of supramolecular chemistry
在已報道的多種人工超分子主體物質中,以冠醚、環糊精( cyclodextrin ,簡稱為cd ) 、杯芳烴及卟啉( porphyrin )為主體的分子識別研究引起了人們的廣泛關注,其中環糊精( cd )作為第二代超分子的構筑體,其內腔疏水而外部親水,可以與許多有機、無機和生物分子形成包合物,從而成為超分子化學工作者感興趣的研究對象。


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