词语大全 labour participation rate造句 labour participation rateの例文

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词语大全 labour participation rate造句 labour participation rateの例文

More in the form of government mandate and corporate initiatives are needed to increase and sustain female labour participation rate without tearing apart the country\'s social fabric.

In a written reply to provisional legislators, Secretary for Financial Services Rafael Hui Si-yan said women\'s labour participation rate had increased because there were now more jobs available.

Rao Women\'s labour participation rate is about 47 % in India\'s tea plantations, 46 % in cotton cultivation, 45 % growing oil seeds and 39 % in horticulture.

Countries differ greatly with respect to the way they organise and share out work, labour participation rates, and paid hours worked per year, as can be easily verified from ILO data ( see also Rubery & Grimshaw\'s text ).

Unemployment in 2007 was estimated at 9.4 %; chronic issues are underemployment, low employabipty of youth, and a low female labour participation rate of only 13.5 %, as is the practice of Nokku koop, " wages for looking on ".

It\'s difficult to find labour participation rate in a sentence. 用labour participation rate造句挺難的


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