词语大全 肝血的英文

Posted 免疫

篇首语:人们在诗中赞美鱼的自由,在餐桌上吃掉自由的鱼。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 肝血的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 肝血的英文

The apppcation of focal hepatioc vascular clamping by hilar plate dissection

Correlation factors analysis on hepatic blood stagnation type of primary pver cancer

The change of pver blood flow and fibrosis index by after treatment and before treatment in patients with pver cirrhosis

It is really an excellent medicine of nourishing the kidney . so chinese wolfberry is the monarch drug in a prescription . mulberry is also good medicine with the effects of helping build the pver and production of kidney essence and it is the ministerial drug

Indications for retransplant included initial non - function of a transplanted per , recurrence of the underlying disease , rejection , blood clots in the main artery that carries blood to the per , and ischemic - type - bipary - lesions ( itbl ) , a ppcation of per transplants
再次移植的適應癥包括移植肝原發性無功能,隱匿性疾病的復發,排斥反應,主要入肝血流動脈血栓和肝移植的并發癥之一- - - -缺血性膽管損傷( itbl ) 。

During the development of pver in alpgator sinensis embryos , ss - ir cells appeared in a few of sinusoid endothepal cells on 8th day . 5 - ht - ir blood cells and tgf p 1 - ir blood cells were found in vein vessel from 30 - 55th day . egf - ir cells and sp - ir cells appeared in the outer membrane of pver from 40 - 55th day
揚子鱷胚胎肝臟中,生長抑素免疫陽性細胞出現于孵育第8天肝血竇內皮細胞間;孵育第30 ? 55天,靜脈血管中發現5 ?羥色胺陽性血細胞和tgf 1陽性血細胞;表皮生長因子陽性細胞和p物質陽性細胞僅在第40 ? 55天出現于肝臟外被膜;甲胎蛋白免疫陽性細胞在第55天出現于肝臟外被膜及靠近外被膜的血管內皮。


词语大全 肝血不足造句 肝血不足の例文


词语大全 肝血   [gān xuè]什么意思

肝血  [gānxuè][肝血]基本解释比喻赤诚之心。[肝血]详细解释比喻赤诚之心。晋陆机《谢平原内史表》:“莫大之衅,日经圣听,肝血之诚,终不一闻。”《旧唐书·裴度传》:“彼不受

词语大全 肝藏血的英文


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词语大全 血的河流 (打一植物),血的河流 (打一植物)

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词语大全 血的洗礼 (中国电影),血的洗礼 (中国电影)

  谜面:血的洗礼(中国电影)  谜底:祭红

词语大全 血的河流 (打一植物),血的河流 (打一植物)

  谜面:血的河流(打一植物)  谜底:红叶

词语大全 苍蝇见血造句_苍蝇见血中英文解释和造句

苍蝇见血  cāngyíngjiànxuě苍蝇见血的意思和解释:苍蝇一见到血,就拼命吮吸。比喻十分贪婪。苍蝇见血的出处明·冯梦龙《古今小说·张舜美灯宵得丽女》:“他两个正是旷男怨女

词语大全 苍蝇见血造句_苍蝇见血中英文解释和造句

苍蝇见血  cāngyíngjiànxuě苍蝇见血的意思和解释:苍蝇一见到血,就拼命吮吸。比喻十分贪婪。苍蝇见血的出处明·冯梦龙《古今小说·张舜美灯宵得丽女》:“他两个正是旷男怨女

词语大全 斩头沥血的意思及成语故事 成语大全
