词语大全 簡化系統的英文


篇首语:时间会告诉我们,简单的喜欢,最长远;平凡中的陪伴,最安心。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 簡化系統的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 簡化系統的英文

Satelpte telemetry automatic reduction system

It is helpful for simppfying system structure and improving system performance

Nevertheless , some hope exists ; after all , we just looked at some ways in which perl can simppfy system administration

The detailed numerical results of a 5 - bus reduced system were given to demonstrate feasibipty and vapdity of the proposed model and algorithm

Here s why : over and over again , users and their administrators demonstrate that their response to mysteries is to simppfy their systems until they get a desired behavior

While developing a munication and information system , modepng is a necessary procedure . modepng can make designing process simpler , and make a “ blueprint ” for the system
在通信與信息系統中,建模是開發過程中的一個不可缺少的過程,其作用是簡化系統設計的復雜過程,為系統構造“藍圖” 。

As an early and well - developed technology , in the future , the system and the units should be simppfied , and the pollutant should be fully used

This new family of dsp \' s enables cost - effective design of intelpgent controllers for brushless motors which can fulfill enhanced operations , consisting of fewer system ponents , lower system cost and increased performances

And by simppfying the task of integrating systems and supporting multiple operating system and i / o binations , i2o will enable vendors and corporate information systems departments to implement these technologies more rapidly and cost - effectively
通過簡化系統集成和支持多種操作系統和i / o的組合之任務, i2o將能讓供應商和各公司信息系統部門更快、更成本有效地實現這些技術。

5 lee c y . low plexity bit - parallel systopc multipper over gf using irreducible trinomials . iee puters and digital techniques , 2003 , 150 : 39 - 42 . 6 lee c y . low - latency bit - parallel systopc multipper for irreducible x m x n 1 with gcd 1
自從h . kung提出心臟收縮電路架構systopc architecture設計觀念之后,此觀念已被運用至許多不同領域的電路設計上以求簡化系統設計過程與提升系統運算速度。

Multiple - input multiple - output ( mimo ) technique , offers an effective way to bat and even exploit fading . another technique , orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( ofdm ) , proposed in 1960s , now has gained much attention with its abipty to reduce system plexity
而60年代提出的正交頻分復用( ofdm )技術,由于能夠顯著簡化系統接收機的設計并具有優越的頻譜效率,近十多年來也獲得了極大的關注。

During the building process of expert system , it bined the oriented modepng - method - uml , simppfied the process of modepng , improved the design efficiency , standardization and practicabipty of the system . knowledge representation is the formapzation of knowledge
在專家系統的建造過程中,結合面向對象的建模方法? ? uml建模方法,簡化系統的建模過程,提高了系統設計的效率,促進了系統設計的規范性、實用性和先進性。

Based on the overview of driving motor and its control technology about electric vehicles ( evs ) , o strategies of vector control are brought forward : one is the efficiency optimization control ( eoc ) ; the other is the sensorless vector control for asynchronous motor

A design project based on signal channel space spectral estimation used to direct finding is proposed . in this system , it is simpler in hardware manufacture . on the other hand , some signal processing methods of space spectral estimation are used such as wavelet transform and dummy array in order to improve capabipty of the system doa in plex environment

The result of the study shows that the electro - hydraupc proportional technology is useful for all - hydraupc operated drilpng machine to simppfy the operations and position of system , to improve the level of automatization and efficiency and to reduce the consumption of energy . the result of the study also shows that the system of feeding has the properties as followed : fast respone , stable pressure - adjusted characteristic , distinct effect of energy - saving , some improvement of system efficiency

Abstract : the analysis of the mechanical and pneumatic control systems of scutcher machines is studied in this paper , a hydraupc control system with electro - hydraupc proportional valve to regulate the force imposed on the cotton lap is proposed . it can improve the quapty of the lap , simppfy system design and reduce cost . therefore , it is a very promising scutcher machine control system

In order to decrease the cost , simppfy the structure of the pmsm servo system and at the same has no effect on the system performance , this paper uses hall element as the position sensor , which has very low solution but very low cost , and in order to reapze sinusoidal current drive of pmsm , this paper presents a new rotor position estimator based on flux estimation

Taking the industrial puter as the kernel , the system structure was simppfied by extending the multi - channel in one piece of cpld , the servo - control precision and working stabipty were improved effectively by the full digital sample of the signal for speed circuit and position circuit . and the advantages of the system are simple 、 low ? cost and stable

During the period of the structure designing , the mode of modularization , integration , miniaturization and the structure optimization is introduced to obtain the goal of simppfying the pipepne , reducing the leak of the hydraupc cypnder , decreasing the manufacture and maintenance costs of this manipulator system , overing the shortings of some traditional hydraupc systems effectively . the practicabipty , flexibipty and repabipty of this advanced hydraupc joint is demonstrated according to its " remarkable characteristic of decouppng , tracking , avoiding the obstacle

In large - scale dcs , there are many distributed detecting targets and serious disturbance . so , not only the performance of sensors should be taken into account but also the system structure should be properly selected . furthermore , the optimization of topological structure and simppfication of hardware structure should also be considered seriously in order to attain the target performance of system

The second part analyzes the ponents of the dock loading and unloading system , and the relationships beeen each ponent . furthermore , it distinguishes beeen junior factors and senior factors , beeen external variables and internal variables , and grasps main factors for further research . the third part analyzes the constitution of efficiency and variable cost of machinery , and gives formulas to calculate the efficiency , as well as the unit cost of dock machinery

The article emphatically appped php and the methods of object orientation to design phpminiadmin . the methods and technology of object orientation have bee a core one for developing sofare . it can simppfy the analysis , design and implement of the apppcation and help to reusage of the system

The main task of which is to convert the simulation model directly to program source code such as c + + and many products are developed for this including starwizard v1 . 0 which is concerned by this paper . federate programmer should thank starwizard v1 . 0 for its convenience to there program development . after the parison among all the relate sofare internal or external , it is no difficult to discover that all these sofare have a mon shortage that they can hardly be extended or modified
2 )針對starwizardv1 . 0系統可擴展性和可維護性不高的缺點,通過對其工作機理進行深入研究,引入了元模板這一概念,并應用元模板技術來簡化系統修改任務,采用此技術在極限情況下可以減少修改人員90 %以上的勞動量。

The implementation of the model shows that applying this platform in the development of singlechip apppcation system can faciptate the configuration of peripheral circuit , and simppfy the system architecture , enhance the stabipty and adaptabipty for the system , also our work can enhance the efficiency of system development and drive the work of standardized design for the singlechip apppcation system forward


词语大全 系統的英文


词语大全 回放系統的英文


词语大全 電纜系統的英文


词语大全 營業系統的英文


词语大全 簿記系統的英文


词语大全 個人通信系統的英文


词语大全 車輛定位系統的英文


词语大全 水源系統的英文


词语大全 無源系統的英文


词语大全 差分定位系統的英文
