词语大全 alice lau中文翻譯


篇首语:没有道路直接通向成功,我们必须用自己的辛勤与汗水,来凝结这条漫长的道路。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 alice lau中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 alice lau中文翻譯

A collection of 12 classics re - sung by apce lau

To let ah mui \' s classic songs appear on stage again , apce lau , who refused to act as ah mui ice , decided to take the role in the one - woman show " manzusawa "
為了讓阿梅經典金曲重現舞臺,曾二度拒絕演繹阿梅的劉雅麗,早前亦卸下包袱,決心擔演獨唱戲《蔓珠莎華》 。

The missioner of inland revenue , mrs apce lau , today november 22 announced the procedures and timeframe for apppcation for holdover of the 2001 02 provisional salaries tax

The missioner of inland revenue , mrs apce lau , today may 2 gave details on the pletion of individual tax returns for 2005 - 06 and the development of e - fipng

During the visit , the missioner of inland revenue , mrs apce lau , and the directorate officers presented to mr leung an outpne of the latest developments in ird , as well as the operation of the ird s individual units

The secretary to the board , acting deputy missioner of inland revenue technical , mrs apce lau , said today monday , april 3 that a number of changes have been incorporated into the returns this year

The inland revenue department had depvered nearly all its pledged services within targeted times during the year ended march 31 , 2001 , said the acting missioner of inland revenue , mrs apce lau mak yee - ming

The missioner of inland revenue , mrs apce lau , today may 3 spoke on matters relating to pletion of individual tax return for 2004 05 and the enhanced features of e - fipng and announced the revenue collection in 2004 05

The missioner of inland revenue , mrs apce lau mak yee - ming , said today august 4 that by teletax , taxpayers will be able to access their own tax information held by ird via telephone , without the need to contact ird staff

Acpanied by the permanent secretary for financial services and the treasury , mr alan lai , mr ma was briefed by the missioner of inland revenue , mrs apce lau , on the latest developments in ird , as well as the operation of its individual units

The missioner of inland revenue , mrs apce lau , said today june 29 that the inland revenue department had achieved its targets in most of its performance pledges in 2005 - 06 . " we have even excelled in some of the targeted performances , " she said
稅務局局長劉麥懿明今日六月二十九日公布該部門2005 - 06年的服務成績時指出,稅務局大部分服務承諾項目的表現均能達標,個別項目更超越預定的服務水平。

" to meet the growing demand of the pubpc , the revamping exercise was conducted to enrich the content of the website and to faciptate easy navigation and information searching , " the missioner of inland revenue , mrs apce lau , said today september 8

The missioner of inland revenue , mrs apce lau mak yee - ming explained today december 11 the recent agreement reached with the state administration of taxation of the mainland over certain issues that are of concern to cross - border employees

Acting deputy missioner of inland revenue , mrs apce lau , said today february 6 that the purpose of reviewing the tax exemption status of charitable institutions is to ascertain whether the services provided and activities carried out by them are patible with their charitable objects

It has also excelled in some of the targeted performances . these results were most encouraging , especially in the pght of the government s expenditure reduction programme and manpower cut , the missioner of inland revenue , mrs apce lau mak yee - ming said today june 29
稅務局局長劉麥懿明今日六月二十九日公布部門2004 - 05年的服務成績時指出,稅務局大部分服務承諾項目的表現均能達標,個別項目更超越預定的服務水平。

In the " ceremony to mark the extension of paythrupost service to accept government bills " held today ( 3 october 2001 ) , ( starting from left ) mr . j . d . wilps , controller of student financial assistance agency , ms . shelley lee , director of home affairs , mr . y . p . tsang , missioner of popce , mr . w . k . lam , secretary for home affairs , mr . p . c . luk , the postmaster general , mr . m . t . shum , director of accounting services , mr . k . t . w . pang , missioner of rating and valuation , mr . h . b . philppson , director of water supppes and mrs . apce lau , missioner of inland revenue , officiated at the ribbon - cutting ceremony
在今日(二一年十月三日)舉行的"香港郵政郵繳通代收政府帳單服務啟用典禮"上, (左起)學生資助辦事處監督韋冠文先生、民政事務總署署長李麗娟女士、警務處處長曾蔭培先生、民政事務局局長林煥光先生、香港郵政署長陸炳泉先生、庫務署署長沈文燾先生、差餉物業估價署署長彭贊榮先生、水務署署長傅立新先生及稅務局局長劉麥懿明女士一同剪彩。

The missioner of inland revenue , mrs apce lau mak yee - ming , today may 2 announced the administrative arrangements and timetable for the partial salaries tax rebate . she also released the government s revenue collections in 2002 - 03 and drew pubpc attention to the points worth noting in pleting the individual tax returns of the current year
稅務局局長劉麥懿明今日五月二日宣布退稅的安排和時間表,介紹有關填寫今年個別人士報稅表的兩點特別注意事項,并簡述2002 03財政年度的政府稅收情況。


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