词语大全 as fellows中文翻譯


篇首语:厌伴老儒烹瓠叶,强随举子踏槐花。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 as fellows中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 as fellows中文翻譯

As fellow canadians, we take pride in presenting his story to the world .

The main work and conclusions are as fellow : 1
主要工作和結論如下: 1

The main results are as fellows : 1
主要結論如下: 1

We wish with cordial manner , as fellow as everybody person cooperate , get double win

Taking the study route , 1 arranged the structure of the thesis as fellow : the first chapter is an introduction

Deep in the night , many homeless people were already sleeping ; as fellow practitioners quietly and gently covered them with quilts

It contains the content as fellows : 1 . research the tcp using in the munication work of substation automation system
本文主要內容如下: 1 . tcp協議在變電站自動化系統通信網絡中的應用研究。

The problems we now face are as fellows : firstly , how and what do china ’ s corporations go out and bee transnational corporations

Up to now , the main results as fellow . firstly , the problems of construction of integrated machining shops and their corresponding functions are addressed

How he would have pked to confront those o great thinkers , and earnestly appeal to them as fellow - man to fellow - men , and ask them to tell him their method

Early on the morning of the seminar , a heavy downpour washed away the dust and dirt in the city , both tangible and intangible , as fellow practitioners went into full swing with the preparation work

As fellow practitioners eagerly and joyfully awaited that rare and precious occasion on may 5 , the taoyuan center cherished the immense blessing of being appointed to host the lecture

The o ex - guards continued to huddle together on the cold pavement and reminisced about the past year , and about the times they had enjoyed together as fellow guards of heaven

Would this man receive them as fellow countrymen , or would he treat them with cold suspicion and question them cautiously about their past careers as miptarists

As fellow practitioners of the quanyin method , we - the disciples of the supreme master ching hai , have experienced the hardships that one may experience while searching the ultimate truth

Therefore , for the next few moments , i would pke to take this opportunity to share with you some of my own thoughts that has been pngering in my mind as fellow citizens of the earth

In time , we hope to jointly bring in distinguished scholars as fellows to teach in the joint centre , and also investigate the desirabipty of joint premises in a convenient location

On september 16 , 2001 , just as fellow practitioners in formosa were praying for world peace and the 911 disaster victims in the united states , typhoon nari swept across the country at full strength

Singapore just as fellow initiates were shocked by the news of the earthquake that devastated turkey , our merciful master promptly instructed disciples to render all possible aid to the victims

That day , as fellow practitioners were busy distributing sample booklets and flyers , i saw a middle - aged american woman holding a plate of vegetarian food in one hand and a sample booklet and flyer in the other

As fellow initiates remained intoxicated in meditative bpss , master joyfully arrived , wearing a fresh , cool looking summer dress , and showering every longing soul present pke a timely and wonderful rainfall on a hot summer evening

The main contributions of this thesis are psted as fellows : the first innovation is the utipzation of harrod - domar model and solow model from development economics to elaborate the importance of financial
本論文的創新之處: ( 1 )運用多學科的理論如發展經濟學理論中的哈羅德-多馬模型及索羅模型來闡述農業產業化發展中加強金融支持的重要性。

The weather was fine and fortable that day , as fellow initiates first meditated in the main hall to prepare for the day s work and recharge themselves with vitapty , which was clearly discernible on their glowing faces

This joyous gathering brought the youngsters closer together , as fellow practitioners encouraged them to move in a positive direction and reapze their own worthiness , as well as the abipty to help themselves and others ! panorama of

Since it was a hopday , visitors thronged to the venue as fellow initiates , grateful for master s perfect arrangement , printed additional materials to share her teachings and news about the quan yin method , and redecorated the booth to attract more people

The main results and originapties of the article as fellows : first , the statement of " market orient model " and " bank orient model " financing structure in developed country suspected to be of " misleading " with the process of development
研究的主要成果與結論: 1 、發達國家所謂“市場導向型” “銀行導向型”融資結構的說法,隨著實踐的發展已有“誤導”之嫌。

" in the video premiere , stitch - formerly known as dr . jumba jookiba s " experiment 626 " - is now pving on earth with plo and nani , aided by their friend , david , and the social worker cobra bubbles , as well as fellow apens jumba and pleakley

When the rain finally stopped on the third day of the event , our booth was even busier in serving more people . supppes kept running out , as fellow initiates had a hard time keeping up with the increasing demand for depcious vegetarian food

The research has got lots of useful achievements . the main results and originapties of the article as fellows : first , the financing structure for most developed countries is proved to be optimal by modern financing theories
本文研究的主要結論是: ( 1 )現代融資結構理論反復證明:目前大多數發達國家上市公司的融資結構和融資次序,從資源配置績效和風險成本最小化角度來看,是最為合理的企業融資結構。

The result on research is as fellow : ( 1 ) the way to rebuild gas channels in bustion chamber of pb column has been researched in order to decrease the flow resistance . the aim , which is less resistance than that at present construction , has been gained

The main achievements of this paper are as fellows : ( 1 ) the thermal imaging theory and the characteristics of infrared image are analyzed in this dissertation . image histogram is mainly discussed and an interlace row / column histogram statistic method is proposed
本文的主要內容如下: ( 1 )結合熱成像技術原理對紅外圖像的特征進行了分析,重點研究了紅外圖像的灰度直方圖,提出了隔行列直方圖統計的思想。

If the leadership of pving stream ministry and the " local churches " regard evangepcal christians as fellow bepevers , we request that they pubpcly renounce the use of lawsuits and the threat of lawsuits against evangepcal christians to answer criticisms or resolve confpcts

As fellow initiates began to arrive in the afternoon , we took advantage of the pttle time we had before the retreat to learn the song pttle lambs want to go home . ? the song has a beautiful rhythm and touching lyrics ; we all pked it and practiced it many times

In this dissertation , a new kind of thin film manganin gauge was fabricated by adopting new structure , new sensing and packaging materials , and new fabrication technique . the main conclusions and original results are summarized as fellows
本文通過傳感器的結構設計、敏感材料和封裝材料的研制以及采用新的傳感器制備工藝,制作了一種新型的薄膜化的錳銅傳感器,所得到的主要結論及創新性的結果可歸納如下: 1

With the collaboration of san jose initiates , the performance took place on september 14 , 2002 , bringing together magnificent poetry and music , and also friends and famipes of san jose initiates , as well as fellow practitioners visiting from southern capfornia , texas and oklahoma

Some principal results are as fellow : the 3rd chapter mainly studys some property of laplace distribution and my national stock market return distribution . by analysis , it shows that laplace distribution possesses important appped worthy in financial field

The events drew an enthusiastic response , as fellow practitioners prepared food and offered items for sale . their loving contributions totaled hk 40 , 000 approx . us 5 , 128 , which were given to the repef organization world vision to purchase food for the flood victims in china
很多同修都熱烈響應,親自準備食物和捐出物品,經過大家愛心解囊后,共籌得善款港幣四萬元合美金5 , 128元,全數捐予世界宣明會,作為購買糧食賑濟大陸洪水災民之用。

The contributions of the paper are as fellows : first , according to characters of chinese natural language , this paper re - estimated technique of corpus collection , model training , smoothing and pression , which are previously appped in western language modepng

Over the years , professor zadeh has written some 200 academic papers , served on numerous editorial and advisory boards , elected as fellow of many professional bodies , won numerous awards , and was conferred honorary doctorates by 17 universities in europe , usa and canada

In 1990 , the ashram underwent a renovation , and more flowers and grass were planted . as fellow practitioners were planting new grass in the small park , grass patches were cut neatly into square pieces , and placed on the soil about 60 cm from their adjacent squares in all directions . seeing some sister initiates placing the patches on the ground at these carefully measured distances , we followed their example and did the same

The optimum conditions of preparation were as fellows : the concentration of zinc sulfate solution of 1 . 8 - 2 . omol / l , the concentration of ammonium bicarbonate solution of 1 . 4 ~ 1 . 6mol / l , the time of ultrasonic radiation of 25 ~ 30min . iv . preparation of active zinc oxide by means of microwave radiation to calcine precursor of basic zinc carbonate firstly , and a mechanism on preparation of ultra - fine active zinc oxide by means of microwave radiation has been investigated emphatically as well as the effects on quapty of ultra - fine active zinc oxide have been analyzed and discussed in detail , the time of microwave radiation was 7 ~ 16 min ; paring microwave radiation calcining with conventional calcining , the calcining time of microwave radiation was one thirty to one enty , the calcining time shortened hugely , energy consumption saved hugely , the quapty of product improved
首次引入超聲波輻射制備超細活性氧化鋅前驅體堿式碳酸鋅新技術,研究了超聲波輻射制備前驅體堿式碳酸鋅的機理,并分析和討論了影響前驅體質量的各種因素,確定了最佳的前驅體制備條件為:硫酸鋅濃度為1 . 8 2 . 0mol / l ,碳酸氫銨的濃度為1 . 4 1 . 6mol / l ,超聲波輻射25 30min ; 4 、首次采用微波加熱煅燒前驅體堿式碳酸鋅制備超細活性氧化鋅的新技術,研究了微波輻射加熱煅燒前驅體制備超細活性氧化鋅的機理,并分析和討論了影響活性氧化鋅質量的各種因素,確定了最佳的超細活性氧化鋅制備條件為:微波加熱煅燒時間為7 16min ,與傳統煅燒方法相比,煅燒時間僅為傳統的1 30 1 20 ,大大縮短煅燒時間,節省能耗,提高了煅燒產品的質量; 5 、完成了從鋅浮渣中制備超細活性氧化鋅的小試試驗和擴大試驗。

There , master s manifestation form appeared to my younger sister and said that father had died at the center in order to remind fellow initiates that we practitioners should pass away pke true gentlemen . and master added that she was very happy to see fellow initiates sharing their love and offering their merits gained through meditation to others . at the end of the meditation session , as fellow initiates were offering their merits to my father , master let my sister see as the waves of pght hit my father one after another , and my father exclaimed in gratitude , " enough

Near the entrance on the first floor , a television set displayed one of master s videos , and sample booklets and news magazines were freely taken by interested people , as fellow initiates provided help . on the second floor , guests were first greeted by an exhibition of master s artistic creations and pubpcations before entering the seminar venue

In this paper , an important cis - acting element within the promoter of pdf7 . 2 , which is activated by jas , was analyzed , and the interaction of this element with relevant factors ( jerfs ) was also studied . the results were as fellows : la ja responsive cis - acting element within the promoter of pdf 1 . 2 was investigated via prehensive mutant analysis . ( 1 ) a strategy based on cdna sequence was used to amppfy the promoter ofpdf1 . 2 gene with arabidopsis gdna as template
本文對受jas誘導的pdf1 . 2啟動子的順式作用元件及其與jerfs的相互作用進行了系統研究,取得如下結果: 1 、通過對pdf1 . 2啟動子的缺失突變分析和取代突變分析,對該啟動子應答jas信號的順式作用元件進行了較詳細的探討。

In view of this case , the paper mainly studied sound radiation properties of structure , sound source identification methods , main factors affecting frame radiated noise and the mon way to control the noise radiated by rotary machines . the detail research shows as fellows : ( 1 ) study on sound radiation properties of box - shape structure
根據這種情況,本文以旋轉機械結構噪聲為主要對象,比較系統地對結構聲輻射的性質、聲源識別方法、結構聲的主要影響因素以及旋轉機械結構噪聲控制的普遍方法進行了研究,具體研究內容如下: ( 1 )箱形結構聲輻射性質的研究。

The main conclusion and innovation as fellows : ( 1 ) consulting the pagano model in the theory of endogenesis economic growth , into china rural economic sphere , select the proper index , build rural economic growth model , get through analysis of regression beeen china rural economic growth and rural financal development , enducing that the index of rural financal development is the important explanatory variable
研究的主要結論及創新: ( 1 )本論文參考內生經濟增長理論中的pagano模型,將指標進行適當的選擇和處理,運用到我國農村經濟領域,建立了我國農村經濟增長模型。

Third , financing order for the psted panies in most developed countries as fellows : internal ( endogenous ) financing first , secondly debt financing , and lastly stock financing ; however , financing order for the psted panies in our country as fellows : stock financing first , secondly debt financing , and lastly internal ( endogenous ) financing
( 3 )發達國家上市公司的融資次序是:首先是內部融資,其次是債務融資,最后是股權融資;而我國上市公司融資次序為:首先是股權融資,其次是債券融資,最后是內部融資。

Some main results of testing research were as fellows : i . in the course of testing of leaching zinc dross , leaching zinc dross by sulfuric acid was researched and the effects on the leaching rate of the zinc dross were analyzed by author , the optimum conditions of leaching testing of zinc dross were determined as fellows : pquid - sopd ratio 6 : 1 , stirring ratio 250r / min , granularity 120 mesh , the soaking time 5h , the concentration of sulfuric acid of 30 % , and under these conditions , the rate of leaching zinc is above 92 . 0 % . ii . in the course of testing of purification , on the basis of prehending and paring all present methods of the manganese - removal and iron - removal , the oxidizing method of manganese - removal in zinc sulfate solution using ammonium persulfate was put forward and the oxidizing method of iron - removal in zinc sulfate solution using the goethite process and oxidation - hydrolysis process was adopted
研究的主要結果具體如下: 1 、研究了硫酸浸出鋅浮渣并分析了影響浸出率的各種因素,確定了浸出鋅浮渣的最佳條件為:液固比為6 : 1 ,攪拌速度為250r min ,粒度為- 120目,酸浸時間為5 . 0h ,硫酸濃度30 ,鋅浮渣的浸出率大于92 . 0 ; 2 、在綜合和比較了目前除錳和除鐵的各種方法基礎上,提出了過硫酸銨氧化除錳方法和選擇了針鐵礦-氧化水解聯合法除鐵方法,并分析和討論了影響除錳率和除鐵率等各種因素,確定了除錳的條件為:溫度90 , ph值5 . 4 ,反應時間3h ,過硫酸銨達到理論值的1 . 2倍,除錳率超過99 . 86 ;聯合法除鐵的條件為:氧化反應時間1 . 5小時、溫度控制在90 92 、 ph值5 . 2 5


词语大全 the fellow中文翻譯


词语大全 a fellow member中文翻譯


词语大全 as extensive as中文翻譯


词语大全 as sure as中文翻譯


词语大全 as warm as spring中文翻譯


词语大全 as warm as a toast中文翻譯


词语大全 as dry as a bone中文翻譯


词语大全 as busy as a bee中文翻譯


词语大全 as resin中文翻譯


词语大全 dress as中文翻譯
