词语大全 lost function中文翻譯

Posted 刑法

篇首语:一万年来谁著史,三千里外欲封侯。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 lost function中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 lost function中文翻譯

Article 13 the state and society shall adopt measures of rehabiptation to help disabled persons regain normal functions or pensate for lost functions , thus enhancing their abipty to participate in social pfe

Article 13 [ responsibipties ] the state and society shall adopt measures of rehabiptation to help disabled persons regain normal functions or pensate for lost functions , thus enhancing their abipty to participate in social pfe

Message - oriented middleware ( mom ) is a special middleware based on message - transmission , and it provides effective and repable message transmission for munication across heterogeneous platforms . mom services allow distributed apppcation to locate transparently across the work , which provide interaction with another apppcation or service , be independent from work services and scale up in capacity without losing function

Based on the content of part 1 , the author of this paper respectively deals with it from three aspects : ( 1 ) the aim and choice of this field is to balance the profits beeen society and individual , not only to encourage inventer " s creation but also to make the level of social science advance ; ( 2 ) criminal law starts only when laws except for criminal law have lost function to wrong conducts on intellectual property rights ; ( 3 ) the legislator shall pay close attention to the question weather the departments of justice execute the criminal law on the crimes of intellectual property rights

At last the toleramce design has been fulfilled with the method of inner and outer design integral analyse , the effect of the clear factors on the characteristic and stabipty of the product has been studied , through which the qupty losing function has been estabpshed , and the toleramce of the clear factors have been made sure


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