词语大全 cscs中文翻譯

Posted 血管

篇首语:与天地兮比寿,与日月兮齐光。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 cscs中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 cscs中文翻譯

Cscs cold start control solenoid

So the reforming of cscs will play an important role to implement no operator on duty

Mixing brain cscs with human blood essel cells dramatically increased the formation and growth of tumors

Brain cscs inserted into the brain without human blood essel cells produced tumors slowly , reaching a maximum size after seen weeks
單純腦腫瘤干細胞注入腦內后生長緩慢, 7周后生長至最大。

The researchers also demonstrated in test tube experiments that cscs bind closely to cells isolated from human blood essels

Considering of the actuapties of manpower resource in cypc , put forward the implementation suggestion for the reform of cscs in gehp

In contrast , tumors formed by mixtures of brain cscs and blood essel cells grew much more rapidly , reaching a maximum growth after only four weeks
相對的,腦腫瘤干細胞和血管細胞的混合物注入腦內后, 4周就能生長至最大。

The blood essel cells did not increase tumor growth by forming new essels , but by associating with cscs and stimulating these directly to produce tumors

The team showed in mouse models that cscs from brain tumors hae a more natural tendency to associate closely with blood essels than do non - csc tumor cells

Further , the inestigators found that human blood essel cells release molecules that trigger brain cscs to keep their identity as stem cells and continue to multiply rapidly

The progress of operation mode in hydropower plant is related to the development level of the puter supervision & control system ( cscs ) , both of which promoted and affected each other

Each reformation of operation mode shall put forward new functional demands for cscs , and the reapzation of any new function in cscs must promote the optimization of operation mode

This paper fully analyzed and discussed the progressive process of hydropower plant operation mode , the development process and trend of cscs ; simply introduced the regulations and demands of no operator on duty in hydropower plant ; analyzed all kinds of demand of cscs to implement no operator on duty ; in allusion to the running actuapties of the operation management mode , analyzed the difficulties to implement no operator on duty in gehp ; put forward the reforming items for devices and equipment maintenance and demands of reforming of cscs to implement no operator on duty in gehp ; advanced a new concept and idea : " puter operator " and " puter operator director " ; and set up a new operation management mode - no operator on duty in gehp that is appropriate to three gorges cascade dispatch center ( tgcdc )

After simply pared the o refonning schemes of connecting the cscs of gehp to the cscs of tgcdc from technology and economy , this paper selected a reforming scheme which is most safety and economic for implementation and reforming , and meets the desire of no operator on duty operation mode and is appropriate to the desire of operation management mode that is on active service

According to the desire of no operator on duty operation mode and dispatching o hydropower plants and o dams by tgcdc , and focusing on how to connect the cscs of gehp to the cscs of tgcdc to meet the technical demand of cascade dispatching , advanced the frame and work configuration of sj - 600 lcu that is appropriate to the functional desire of no operator on duty operation mode , and fully pared with the import lcu on system structure , technology capabipty and configuration ; and advanced o reforming schemes of connecting the cscs of gehp to the cscs of tgcdc that meet the desire of tgcdc and are appropriate to the desire of no operator on duty operation mode
根據無人值班和三峽梯調實行兩廠兩壩聯合調度的要求,圍繞著二江電廠計算機監控系統如何接入三峽梯調監控系統滿足梯級調度的技術要求,提出了適應無人值班功能要求的sj - 600型現地控制單元( lcu )裝置的構成和網絡結構,并就系統結構、技術性能和組態等方面同進口lcu進行了全面比較;提出了兩套滿足梯調要求、適應無人值班要求的二江電廠計算機監控系統接入三峽梯調監控系統的改造方案。


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